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Showing posts from March, 2021

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Shadows Of Love

5 affirmations of self love to welcome opportunities in your life

                 5 affirmations of self-love   Hello my dear readers, welcome to a new eddition of " 5 affirmations of self-love".  No, I am not ghosting on you guys again hahaha. It's just that I had laptop problems, but the universe loves me and I am doing great. I'm still continuing this awesome episode, since I started this weekly exercise I immediately noticed the difference in my personal life. I have noticed the positive impacts it has had on developing and practicing my skills as an individual. As a leader, it has given me the same faith and confidence that my people have in me. But that's a different story and your sister right here is known for being humble.  I share this with you in the hope to inspire. Because the only way we can improve humanity is by beginning within ourselves. After all we the people shape society. But let's not get too deep into the political psychology of society.  I hope these 5 affirmations of self-love serve you as well as