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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 affirmations of self love to welcome opportunities in your life

                 5 affirmations of self-love 

"Story time logo"

Hello my dear readers, welcome to a new eddition of " 5 affirmations of self-love".  No, I am not ghosting on you guys again hahaha. It's just that I had laptop problems, but the universe loves me and I am doing great. I'm still continuing this awesome episode, since I started this weekly exercise I immediately noticed the difference in my personal life. I have noticed the positive impacts it has had on developing and practicing my skills as an individual. As a leader, it has given me the same faith and confidence that my people have in me. But that's a different story and your sister right here is known for being humble.  I share this with you in the hope to inspire. Because the only way we can improve humanity is by beginning within ourselves. After all we the people shape society. But let's not get too deep into the political psychology of society.  I hope these 5 affirmations of self-love serve you as well as they have served me.Keep practicing these self love exercises, and keep tracking progress in your personal development diaries. After a year look back at the benefits and advantages that practicing self love brings with it. Feel free to share these with your loved ones and subscribe to Storytime if you want to keep updated on new posts.

                                      1. I will thrive 

"shachem Lieuw in the mall"

No matter what it Is you aim for in life it is important to believe in yourself and the abilities that you have. Remind yourself of all the reasons why you deserve to thrive. Remind yourself why it's worth it and why you are putting in all the hard work to realize your dreams. You know how much effort and energy you put into your daily life. If you want it, you will make it possible. After all the struggles that you have had to face in life should only push you to want better.Feed your inner being with the confidence it needs for you to thrive. Like I always say you need to have faith in yourself first. Strength is built from the inside. There is a difference between ego and confidence.  Confidence is what you need because confidence is the key to having enough faith in the warrior that lives inside of you. Ego is what the weak use to cover up their flaws. Ego feeds the hunger of those who wish to be better than others. Confidence feeds those that are hungry for self-improvement, happiness, and being content with who they are. What are you hungry for? Be careful which one you chose. Ego is easier to establish, but it also  shapes an inaccurate image of your reality. As a result the actions taken from Ego have no stable or lasting foundations. Confidence helps you recognize reality for what it is, seeing the challenges it will push you to see possibilities and to face these challenges with solutions based on your capabilities. Confidence builds actions based on ones desire for more and it helps exercise your skills. Confidence starts the journey for self improvement. Ego blocks you from taking that journey, it creates no room for improvement.

2. I welcome positive energy and positive experiences in my life

" Shachem Lieuw at Leonsberg"

Be open towards receiving and welcoming positive energy and experiences into your life. This should be a standard that you should uphold. You decide what kind of quality you welcome into your life. Don't be afraid to set the bar high. Because in the end, you play an important role in shaping the experiences in your life. You decide what does and does not drain your energy. Keep upholding a positive mindset, this will strengthen your ability to uphold boundaries. Boundaries are very important for your own mental and physical health. The more positive experiences and energy you welcome into your life, the more you feed your inner warrior with positivity. Positivity is a strength that few can master. I know it is easier said than done. But the challenges you will face on this road will help you realize how strong you can be when you really decide to chase happiness Whenever the journey gets tough, remind yourself why it's worth it and why you are definitely worth it. Other people may underestimate you, but you shouldn't underestimate yourself. When your open towards receiving positivity you automatically have a lower toleration for negative and toxic behavior. How you allow yourself to be treated tells people everything about how they should treat you. Keep that in mind when it comes to your interactions with others. 

                   3. I am capable of manifesting abundance

" Shachem Lieuw"

You are capable of manifesting abundance into your life. This can be an abundance of finances, love, and even positive relationships. If you aim for it, you can indeed achieve it. Decide what it is you desire out of this life and identify the necessary actions needed in order for you to succeed in your endeavors. At the base of every action lies a vision. Draw out your vision and shape it with the actions that are needed in order for you to manifest abundance into your life. Many men and women have dreamt, and those who formed their vision with their actions managed to realize that what humanity often thought to be impossible. Get rid of any box that limits the flow of your passion, talent, and creativity.  These are the tools that you will have to develop if you want to manifest abundance in your life. Stay focused on your vision even on the days when you lack motivation. Use discipline as an advantage when it comes to bringing your own desires to life. Remember not everyone will understand what you are aiming for. But none of us were meant to be the same. The world would be boring if we all were the same. Don't let their thoughts influence or drive your actions. It is your life to live, and live it in a way that will leave you without regrets. I have known to many people who had to face death with nothing but a list full of regrets.

                               4. I will live a balanced life

" Shachem Lieuw"

I do believe that it is important to live a balanced life. Being balanced on the inside brings more peace and stability into our daily lives. Be content with who you are, but at the same time be open for growth and improvement.  Have a stable mind and faith in your abilities yet remain humble so that you never miss a learning moment. I know it sounds contradicting but once you get the hang of it you have mastered yourself, your craft, and your own demons.  Find a healthy balance in all areas of your life. This will keep you energetic and motivated. But most of all be true to yourself and the values that you have selected to uphold. These are after all the things that will define your character.  Your character is what people will remember you by. It is the most important part of the legacy that we decide to leave behind. Your body might fade away as time goes by but legacies live on forever.  It is the mark that we leave in this world. It is the story by which your descendants will remember you. Therefore have a healthy balance, to leave behind a powerful legacy that speaks of internal peace. Staying in balance also means living for yourself while at the same time giving back to humanity. It isn't an easy state to achieve. But once you do achieve this state you will have a better understanding of life and show more respect towards the universe and all of her creations.Life is indeed short, I mean look how fast we have entered March. Before you know it we will be at the end of this month. And a couple of months after that the year will have passed. I know there is a lot going on in the world right now. But if that teaches me one thing, it is that life is short. Therefore we must treasure each and every moment. This is a lesson that I had to learn the hard way since I often get lost dreaming about the future. In doing that I sometimes lose sight of the moments that are in front of me.  We must live in the present as well, and have appreciation for these moments. Good or bad, because what are the chances that you get to witness another day in this beautiful world? What are the guarantees that tomorrow will be spent with loved ones again? We don't know when our time comes, but for now we must show appreciation for the times that we have. For that is a gift in itself.  Don't forget to add your personal notes of each item in your personal growth diary. Lets end this blog with nothing but love. I wish all  of you lots of love on your personal journey. Untill the next Story time,....


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