5 positive affirmations to start the day

Dear Storytime readers welcome back. This article is about 5 positive affirmations to fill your day with positivity. When I start my day I sometimes feel overwhelmed when things rapidly get out of control. And that's an awful feeling to have. I often found myself in positions where I got everything done for everyone, but myself. Or where my focus had gotten taken away from the things that had to get done for the day. Wasted days had sometimes put me in situations where I had gotten a good beating from life or they had put me down in a dump because at the end of the day I had gotten nothing done for myself. That is something that can be very demotivating, so I realized that I had to change something in my life. I had to take control over my life because if I want to be happy, I had to choose what's best for myself as well. Now, these my friends are some next-level self-care practicing habits. Once reality hits you, it becomes obvious that you cannot afford to withhold from practicing healthy boundaries. Practicing affirmations can help strengthen your boundaries, and the way you implement them. It's easy to lose control over life, it's something that can happen to the best of us. Knowing who you are and exploring yourselves makes it less of a struggle and in my experience, it even makes the journey more enjoyable. Because just like how I keep learning about the world around me, in that same way I get to learn about and explore the world inside of me. Here are 5 positive affirmations to start the day:
1. I am in control of my energy
I am in control of my own energy, it serves me and I decide where and in who I want to put my energy. Often time it's the simple things that make me lose track of my day. I have to keep reminding myself that I am in control of my energy and time. I have to ability to decide what I want to invest my time and energy into. I need to prioritize what matters to me as well. Because if I am not standing strong at the end of the day, how will I be able to help others? Now that goes deeper than you think. Because sometimes I get distracted by other people as well. No offense to the awesome people in my life. But if I want to become the best version of myself that everyone else around me can benefit from as well I must prioritize the things that matter for the day. There are only so many hours that a day has. When the day goes by I realize how fast it all happens. If there is one person that deserves to benefit from my skills and knowledge as well it should also be me. Now that is called having a hold over your power as an individual. Because I also noticed that I am not the only person who has been struggling with this. As I get to meet more people around the world and participate in a lot of other things I notice that a lot of people are struggling with boundaries and some of you might even have some other problems that weigh heavy on your mental health. I am always a busy bee. I cannot help it that I am so diverse, it is my nature. And as I teach here on Storytime, we must accept our nature. We must be aware of it, explore it and understand it. I believe that this is an important way to keep evolving our potential. But to make sure that happens, and that you are living for yourself in a way that makes your soul feel content you have to take control over your energy. No one can dictate who you should be nor stand in the way of your choices and preferences. Chose the things that have a healthy effect on your mental, physical and emotional well-being. Our life and time in this world is fleeting bye. Therefore if my time, energy, and effort are my currency I am allowed to decide where I want to invest it. So situations that drain my energy or unnecessarily waste my time without serving any value to the wellbeing of myself or my environment are a big red flag. I am still working on it, and I have come a long way compared to my younger years. But now that I am almost 30, yikes! I have decided to take a new direction with my life. In my journey, I mostly had to learn a lot of things on my own and some lessons took longer to learn than others. But the beautiful thing is that I never stop learning. Somewhere that keeps me satisfied because I am at peace with my journey and I also am aware that the things that I cannot control are simply meant to be on my path. Now if I look back on my life and all the adventures I have been through I do strongly believe that some things happen for a reason. But I also know that some lessons should not become continuous cycles that keep us trapped in a bubble of anxiety. Whenever that happens you will feel stuck. What helps is to remind yourself that it is your energy and that you can invest it in yourself as well. Don't use your energy to create a cage, instead use it to build bridges.
2. I am grateful for every new day that I get to invest in myself
Be honest with yourself, and therefore grateful for every day and chance that you get. Especially during this pandemic. Not everyone can say that they have the same luck. So make use of your luck and the countless new opportunities that await you during this new day. Invest in who you want to be and what you want to become. Build a vision and dream for yourself. But at the same time don't forget to live in the moment. Because these are the moments that your past self has invested in. Invest in your health, in your happiness, in your environment, and in your emotional and mental well-being. So that each day may bring a better quality of life. The last couple of years I really focused more on taking pleasure from the moments that go by. Right now my memories have become a beautiful diary that tells the story of who I am. When it seems like no one else can understand me, it is in those memories that I seek understanding for myself. Besides humans aren't made to understand everything or I believe we would do a lot more damage to the world. Sometimes I just like to take a breath and be thankful for all the things that I have survived. And when I look back I wouldn't have had it any other way. I had to go through all of those moments to discover who I am. When you know who you are, you know what feeds your soul. When we are hungry we feed our bodies. But why don't we feed our souls when we are burnt out? All I know is that I have the choice to love life or to hate it. And I chose for the first, how can you hate something that has been gifted to you? Or from another perspective, if you can't beat life just join it and cooperate. To me, it feels like I am on a wild roller coaster ride and I am enjoying every second of it. Even when I get to the scary parts! I have come to see myself as an earth wanderer. A silent observer that roams around and sees experiences through a colorful perspective. It's that, and the romantic side of my inner writer wants to come out and play. I am seeing a lot of progress and happiness on my path ever since this affirmation has found itself in my life after some deep philosophical thinking.
3. I welcome positivity and good people into my life
There is a difference between the people that drain you and the people who inspire you to keep giving. The people that come into your life for a reason. They turn you into the teacher and the student at the same time. They become valuable allies on your journey, and as you support each other you become family. Since I started practicing these affirmations before starting with my day I have also realized that good people give your soul pleasure. Then it's not about what they can or cannot do for you. But it's more about how we treat each other. As I said last year during an interview, I have always had the luck to meet a lot of great people in my life. They push me and motivate me to keep growing. Or sometimes I just end up learning from them as they open up my world to different perspectives. Of course, you might come across some rotten apples. But that doesn't mean that you should not welcome positivity and good people into your life. Open the doors for the ones that deserve you and you will be surprised what life has in store for you. And that is coming from me, someone who is mostly introverted. Believe that the universe sends some people into your world for a reason. They might come from different parts of the world, or you could meet them around the corner. The point is if they are written in your destiny, you will certainly come across these individuals. It gives you a warm feeling when you receive as much love in return as you invest in your relations and contacts. And each person you meet might bring in a new lesson that you need to learn on your path.
4. I will reward myself with relaxation, as I deserve a recharge
After having a couple of burnouts myself I have decided to frequently reward myself with relaxation and some downtime. I deserve some me time, and so do all of you. Before we get distracted by career, the economy, politics, drama, or personal problems take the time to reward your mind and body. Everyone has their own way of doing this. For some people, it's a good book and a cup of coffee. For others, it's a stroll in nature or being on a beach with your legs high up in the air. Whatever it is that brings peace to your mind, body and soul keep doing more of it. This will keep your engines charged as your mind is willing to explore so much more. It's important to keep yourself motivated. Besides thinking with a tired mind isn't as productive as thinking with a fresh well-rested and motivated brain. Productivity is necessary in order for me to reach my goals. But being productive does not have to be the same as overextending your physical capabilities. If I want to enjoy the fruits of my labor, I have to keep myself healthy as well. My soul has to be refreshed. I have to admit that the motivation behind this was the way I saw a lot of people that I cared about die because of bad health or depression. That is something I learned from. Some of them weren't capable of letting go of toxic habits like for example holding letting go of sugar from a diet. I am sure a lot of people can relate to what I am saying. I also know that a lot of people love and care for me, so I think it's my responsibility to make sure that they get to enjoy me as long as they can. That required making a lot of changes in my life. Those changes didn't feel difficult with the help of this affirmation. Besides, lounging in a pool from time to time staring at the clouds gives me a different perspective of the things that truly matter in this world. In other words, practicing self-care like this means you have to unplug from time to time.
5. Whatever I decide to do today, will make life easier tomorrow
Whatever I decide to do today, will make my life easier tomorrow. Saying this out loud makes it easier to pick out what deserves to be a priority on my to-do list for the day. I have encountered a lot of people that didn't value my time. Precious time that I can never get back. After countless experiences like that, I realized that I get to decide where I get to put my time into. I decide the value that my attention deserves. That is something I'll never feel guilty about again. Because when I fail to get my own things together, I'm the one that will be affected the most by the consequences of that. So I like to make sure that every day I at least do some things that future me will be thankful for. I make decisions based on what will serve my higher good in the future. This affirmation helps remind me that I have to take care of future me as well. It encourages me to take steps that will benefit me at an older age. It's like I am building up my value by investing in the things that will give me a high return of profit during my old age. I am investing my time, energy, mind, and knowledge into making tomorrow easier for myself and the people that I care about. Repeating this affirmation reminds me that my future well-being matters. That's why I should put an effort into building the life that I want to live. I hope this has been inspiring for you my readers and that the knowledge that I share with you serves you well. Be sure to subscribe to my blog so that you can stay updated on new stories.
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