Storytime in Sipaliwini
Hello Storytime readers from around the world, I just got back from another wild and fun adventure in Sipaliwini. Sipaliwini is one of the greenest districts in Suriname, when you are in Sipaliwini you are actually already in the Amazon rain forest. I was excited to go on this trip because nature does me well. I enjoy being able to relax far away from the city and enjoying some fresh air. Suriname has 10 districts, I won't say which one is my favorite because I don't want to get myself in trouble. I feel right at home in every corner of this country, but when I am in Sipaliwini my heart feels at the center of the rainforest. The kind of peace that, that can give you is incomparable. Especially if you are a nature lover, the country is home to a lot of endangered species as well. I couldn't wait to take you guys on this adventure with me. For now, traveling might be difficult, or you might have no idea where Suriname or Sipaliwini even is. Whatever your case may be, I can at least offer you a peek of the beautiful South American and Caribbean country that is called Suriname, the heart of the Amazone rainforest. Welcome to Storytime in Sipaliwini:
How do you get to Sipaliwini?
The popular way to get to Sipaliwini is by car. When you take the car from Paramaribo to Atjoni it is about a three-hour drive. Some of the states (districts) that you will pass on your way to Atjoni are Wanica, Para, and Brokopondo until you finally arrive at Atjoni in the district Sipaliwini. Upon arriving at Atjoni you will have to take the boat. There are different kinds of boats that you can take, some are more expensive than others. This time I took an N.V.B boat. N.V. B is the country's national transportation company. These boatmen and bus drivers that work for N.V. B. are employed by the government and therefore they can offer cheaper transportation prices on the market. If you don't have a car you can rent a car but N.V.B offers affordable bus transportation to Atjoni as well. Keep in mind that this form of government transportation is bound to a strict schedule. If you happen to miss your chance to board an N.V.B boat there are other privately owned boats that you can take to continue your journey onto the Suriname river into the Gran Rio area. Gran Rio means big river or great river. The Gran Rio river joins the Pikin Rio ( small river) to form the Suriname river. As the source of the Suriname River, the Gran Rio runs from the Eilerts de Haans mountains and is filled with stony bottoms and many rapids as well as waterfalls. At Atjoni there are supermarkets, service stations, and food stalls available. Even a public bathroom and parking lot can be found in this small town. This is the last stop that you will make on land during your journey. The prices in Atjoni will be higher than in the capital Paramaribo or other cities. This is mainly because of the transportation costs. Once you have located the boat that you will be leaving with you can start loading your baggage into the boat. Expect to pay for baggage as well so try to travel as light as you can if you want to travel somewhat cheaper. There is a good chance that you will have to wait for a while before the boat leaves. Because in my experiences the boats mostly don't leave on time. It is better to be early instead of late, especially if you have a long boat ride ahead of you. Make use of your waiting time to enjoy the busy scenery alongside the shore of the river like I mostly do. Take as many pictures as you want, but I can tell you one thing, the moment you arrive in Atjoni a whole new adventure starts. And good adventures are what we live for here at Storytime. On the river is where you get to admire a different part of this wonderful green rainforest. But as you are traveling by the road you will also notice a large part of this Amazonian rainforest is being cut down for wood and gold mining. That's a pity, I only hope that the next generations after me get to enjoy this part of the country as much as I did throughout the years. While writing this story, I also feel relieved. I realize that when I document and share this, I get to share with you guys the parts of the world that I find special. That is also why I think the beauty of our nature deserves to be protected. In my opinion, development can peacefully coexist with nature if we take a different approach. It is beautiful to see the jungle alongside the Afobaka road (the road that starts at Paranam and ends at the Blommenstein reservoir, the country's only hydroelectricity plant). I have to be honest the road has seen better days, let me be more specific. The scenery is breathtaking! If you ever get the opportunity to come to South America and or the Caribbean be sure to visit this multi-cultural country for yourself. When you are in Sipaliwini, you learn about a part of the country. You learn the story about its people, and the more you travel through Suriname, the more you find out how beautiful diversity can be. Even a lot of Surinamese people haven't seen all the parts of this country. I travel through every state, probably more than the average Surinamese person. And even I haven't seen all parts of this country.
Taking the boat at Atjoni |
A more expensive way to travel to Sipaliwini is by plane. But that is something for another Storytime edition. So don't forget to hit that subscribe button.
As you leave Atjoni, you will notice a lot of beautiful rocks sticking out of the river. Wear your swimming vest, because you will probably pass a few rapids on your journey. You can't go to Sipaliwini without at least visiting one of the Waterfalls. Here is some extra handy advice, bring sunblock, wear a hat and cover well. Because the boats do not have a roof and if you bring a small sitting pillow, you will thank me for it later. Despite the lack of modern-day luxuries as we know them in the city, the peace and calm on the river. The orchestra of animals in nature and the formation of these rapids bring your mind to peace. It helps disconnect from everyday life, only to remind us that we too are a part of this great big universe.
Tap a Watra falls in Sipaliwini
But I don't want to make this Story too long for you guys, since I have more stories and adventures to share with all of you. I can't wait to write to you again, and show you what other parts of Suriname I come across on my adventures.
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