Happy new year, Storytime in 2022
Hi guys, I want to wish all of you a happy new year. I am learning to stay positive no matter the circumstances. Throughout the years I have become a professional at it. The weird thing is, the better I get at it the better my skills become. I have to say I am proud of myself for getting through last year. There were some painful lessons, as usual. I have come to learn that they are a part of the journey that helps me build my successes. The more I embraced positivity the less my anxiety became. Anxiety can be a messed-up demon, but the warrior in me kind of grew tired of it and decided to stab it. That's the problem when you know how strong you are. The only thing is, I just wasn't in a hurry to grow up. Especially if you grew up in the public eye like I did. But I have no regrets. Because each step that I made in life also led me to beautiful people and beautiful experiences. The more content I feel with my life, the more my inner writer seems to shine and be excited. Sometimes I felt like I put her away too long. But my life is so diverse, that there are many different talents that I possess that have to be developed. Still, I don't mind because the stories I got to experience have fed me the fuel to light up the fire in my pen once again. We made it this far, wipes of the sweat. I remember writing as a little kid, I really started at a young age. I used to write fairy tales as a little girl. Writing fantasy even got me in trouble a couple of times. People use to try to repress what made me different, or what I was good at in my hometown. Weirdly enough I started this blog 11 years ago and got distracted a lot of times in those 11 years. But it did build my confidence to know that my readers on Blogger etcetera were amused by my content. So I want to thank my readers as well. You have inspired me to not let go of the pen. Oh man, and you guys haven't even seen my freestyle on a video yet. Unless you have watched my previous spoken word videos. I plan to entertain you guys a lot more. Hey, didn't I improve with the amount times I posted? At least I am giving you real, that way you know this isn't an AI post. I am sharing more highlights and I had a lot of them in 2021 as I welcome more in 2022. I also got invited to participate in the Google Black and Latinx Publisher's summit. During this summit, I learned so much from inspiring people. This motivated me to start sharing my stories more with the world. I never thought I would even get here with writing. As a kid, a lot of people and even teachers in my country always said that writing and being an artist or sports person doesn't get you far in your local country. I am glad to be a part of the generation of talented Surinamese people that get to break the stereotype. May we keep inspiring the next generations. I mean look how many of our guests on Storytime are doing so well at chasing and achieving their dreams. I want to congratulate all our guests on their latest achievements. After I participated in the Google summit, they send me some swag. It's kind of funny google because I love notebooks, and I told you guys during the summit that I was taking notes. Glad to know that I was taken seriously phew, mission achieved. So yes watch me show off my swag in the picture below this text.
Last year was fun in the experiences and knowledge that I gained. I got the opportunity to represent my country in YoungA and in the Ubuntu Leaders program. I also participated in the Nestle Caribbean Youth Summit where I got to pick up some handy tips and opportunities from Daymond John from Shark Tank. The list goes on and on but I don't want to seem like a bragging Betty. I am just a random Queen following her passion and purpose. I just want to share a message with anyone who needs to hear this at the moment. Sometimes people might not understand you, your passions, your dreams, and your beliefs but that doesn't mean that you should stop believing in yourself. That's the main reason why I share my self-love tactics on this blog. That's the reason why our friends have shared their stories with you. We are all rooting for you in this new year. Because if we all grow, we can make the world beautiful. When humanity improves, the state of the planet improves. Don't be afraid to dream big, but make sure that you are putting in the work! Life is about falling and getting up. The more times you fall, the faster and better you get at getting up. You have to be willing to learn, I learn from others and I am grateful for the knowledge that is exchanged. If you act as if you know it all, you won't receive the opportunity to learn. I got to make friends around the world and each of them had an interesting story. Jump onto the Storytime U.F.O. if you want to find out more about that.
I am excited to see where this year will take me. But I do know that there will be more amazing stories posted right here on Storytime. Let's welcome a year filled with hope, positivity, light, and hopefully healing for our world. Let's find the courage to empower each other and to reach our own destination. Whatever it is you do in life, or you decide to do make sure that you are happy doing it. I certainly have had a lot of amazing adventures in my life. Oh boy, you have no idea, so my adventures can only become more beautiful as I continue to grow on my life path. Take a moment at the beginning of this new year, to sit back and celebrate yourself. Even if it's a small win because in your life you are the main character. As we embrace who we are, and what we have become we open up a world of possibilities. If the pen was in your hands, what course would your story take? Remember that we are all beautiful and gifted in our own way. Make us of the days that are gifted to you. Each one is a new opportunity to bring your manifestations to life. I wish each one of you good luck this year and don't forget to be safe during the pandemic!

You are fantastic! I have actually never ever read posts on this subject issue that made so much feeling. Your points are right on and solid as a rock! Thanks.
ReplyDeletelove letters Melbourne
Thank you very much! I appreciate it.
DeleteDag tante sharoona nice website you have here keep up good work hope to see you soon kisses bye
ReplyDeleteThanks for the love 🥰🥰🥰