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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Becoming the chairwoman of Innovative Diversity

 Blogger notes: How Innovative Diversity began

" Sharona Lieuw-On signing the papers at the notary office that officially make her the chair woman of the N.G.O Innovative Diversity

Hello my dearest Story Time friends from around the world, how are you? I have some exciting news about my personal life to share with you in this blogger note. This involves my life here in Suriname. Among my local friends, I am known as Sharona Lieuw-On. That girl, man what I can tell you about her? She lives a diverse life and roams around the country exploring and observing. A lot of people know me from different things.😁👀But to me, that doesn't matter. What I value the most is my good heart. Because you can't put a price on that. Why else do you think I get spoiled rotten in this South American/Caribbean country? Believe me, I have often wished that I could be like a normal person and just relax without caring about other people's problems or the world around me. But as fate has it, God turned me into one of those introverts that don't like hanging with people but somehow no matter how cranky Sharona gets on certain days she still manages to muster the last bits of her energy to set at least one good deed free in the world. Sometimes those good deeds help me meet amazing people that become a part of the journey that is Sharona Lieuw-On. And even the people who do me wrong or hurt me 💔are lessons that the universe brings into my life. So far my life has been one big adventure and each time I enter a new chapter. Sometimes I experience good things and sometimes I have my bad moments. I am aware that all of this is a part of the journey of life. I've always had that awareness, as I have written about before on my blog✍ when I was in an NGO as a teenager. Sorry old subscribers and fans, but those posts had to go! You're speaking to a new person! Ever since I started my self-love journey I created a fresh start in my life. The one thing that didn't change is my love for social work. I know I like to say that I get spoiled by people but they can't lie and say that in moments when they're looking for a bit of understanding I spoil them back! Wearing that crown 👑also means that I learn how to balance doing a lot of things each day. But what I am truly grateful for is the fans that have joined me on my journey and never doubted me.🙇 I didn't even see what they saw in me for a long time. All I did was follow that voice inside my heart.💓Looking back that voice brought me on one heck of a ride! The flashbacks remind me that struggles taught me what I am truly made of. Without them, I'd never discover my true power. When I talk about my fans, I mean the people that support Sharona Lieuw On and her vision back in Suriname. Confusing huh, let's say when I started my writing career in the international field I was already well-known in my country and I didn't want to have extra attention on me for a long time! The way I accidentally blew up in my country was a nightmare for a young girl who hadn't figured out that she is an introvert yet. I love being humble and don't easily bring up my stories among friends. If you meet me in person I'll speak to you as a human being. To this day I don't bring it up and I fool myself to think that I am an unknown figure dancing around exploring the country. Until people go like wait aren't you the BS'er? The first time someone told me that I thought it meant the r-rated word in English. But nope it's short for "Bekende Surinamer". That means a famous Surinamese person. I don't like being called that, but it is what it is. Don't let those labels fool you. I live each day just being myself and nothing more. When I was 15 years old I was elected chairwoman of an organization called Nationale Jeugd Promotes. In Dutch, that means national youth promoters. People who were older than me trusted me in the leadership position and voted for me to be their chairwoman until I decided it was time to step up. That NGO had become the first youth NGO to be founded during a national youth congress. I went to do the paperwork, but the people sent me away because legally I didn't have the age to sign the documents. That didn't stop me from doing awesome projects! We made it in the media and when we gained publicity through popular Surinamese radio and television shows young people joined our meetings. I remember hosting those in my dad his garage. We set up a table and held our actual professional meetings in that garage. At the beginning of each meeting, we sang the national anthem of the Republic of Suriname. With those young people, I got to build amazing memories while gaining experience doing the many projects that we did. I had a great team, the vice chairwoman was a young lady full of wisdom that could easily connect with young people. Our secretary was amazing and made sure that we finished everything on time. It was an all-women super team. Don't worry we also had a lot of boys. Our NGO grew to 100 active young people living in different districts. Some of them still call me chairwoman when they see me walking down the streets. All of them enjoyed participating in our meetings and activities. Because the policy our board practiced was to encourage our young individuals into developing their talents. Those talents came in very handy while executing our projects. So you can imagine how excited I am to start this new adventure! The second N.G.O. I was chairwoman off happened by accident. I remember all the good kids supporting our cause. Back then we were so young but formed an impactful group called Jongeren Tegen Amnestie.We were all about Human rights and justice for all. That's why we were against the Amnesty law introduced into the Surinamese parliament in 2012.Even that story is an adventure on its own. But I don't want to talk about that right now. I started Innovative diversity with a capable team. Our vision is to help realize Sustainable Development goals in an innovative and creative way. On 23-3-2023, we signed the paperwork at the notary's office to make it official.

"Sharona Lieuw On officially becoming the chairwoman of the NGO Innovative Diversity International at the notary office in Paramaribo"

The beautiful day was a coincidence, but it will certainly help make this day unforgettable. I can't wait to do awesome projects with my team. We have so many amazing ideas and I have full confidence that with proper leadership we can bring those projects to life! I told you guys that I'd start a new chapter at 30. Wish my team and me lots of luck as we try to tackle some big problems in the world, one step at a time!😎😍😋😊 I wanted to finish writing this story earlier. But my focus these days has been on the Unesco grant proposal writing course for creatives in the Caribbean. It's a part of their Transcultura program. As a content creator, I am excited about finishing this course! Throughout the years I slowly figured out which direction I want to go in with my blog Story Time Productions. I always like to say power doesn't act, it speaks. So where I'll eventually end up with my creative projects time will tell. Thank you for reading my blog and until next time right here on Story Time. If you want to keep supporting me on my journey you can subscribe by hopping onto that Story Time U.F.O. when it pops onto your screen.🛸👾👽I can't wait to take you along on many more adventures.

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