Story Time: Shaqien food
Hi friends, I am back with another foodie adventure! 🍲😋🥘🥫This time we are exploring the heart of Commewijne. 🚘A popular place that's called Tamanredjo. When you visit Tamanredjo you will discover that it's a city of its own. Commewijne is a district in Suriname that's special to my heart. It's the place where my late grandparents were from. But to this day I have a lot of friends here who make me feel right at home any time I drive by. It's just sometimes I get distracted on side quests and go on adventures where I'll explore other places. If you are new to the Story Time tribe join my online community by subscribing when you see that U.F.O. pop up on your screen. 👾👽🛸Being born mixed in a multicultural country has made me experience Suriname in a unique way. If I have to talk about the positive experiences, I have to mention the food! Like most Caribbean countries we have great food! What does make our kitchen blend a bit unique and different from other Caribbean countries is that Suriname is the only one with Javanese people. All the other Javanese people you will find in the Caribbean are from Suriname or have Surinamese parents. It's a small community we live in, and I learned that after years of networking. 🏝 Tamanredjo is famous for all its warungs. It's almost like Blauwgrond. In this episode, we will be reviewing and visiting a famous Javanese Warung in Tamanredjo for you. Shaqien food is well known in Surinamese society for its berkat ( Javanese food in banana leaves, it has chicken, egg vegetables, and different kinds of rice in it. Sometimes it has candy in it, but in my experience, the ones you get from the mosque are better than the ones you can buy). But when I went I didn't order that. If you are curious to see a berkat or gendureng as Javanese people call it make sure that you are subscribed to the Story Time blog!

I have to admit that when it comes down to style and interior decoration Shaqien Food is absolutely zen!😍😍I love all the waterworks that they have and the place looks nice and clean. You can sit somewhere where you have a great view of the waterworks. We ordered the saoto soup. Listen as someone who is partially Javanese, I know how to judge my Javanese food! I have been sitting in too many kitchens as a non-muslim family member at the Javanese Muslim family events to not know my Javanese food! Culture and food are very important in Suriname. This is something that I got to experience from all ethnic sides of my family. As I mentioned before somewhere on my blog my family has been having kids outside of their ethnicity since the pre-colonial days of this country. My roots go back as far as its history. Maybe that's why I love sharing some history about my country. How did Javanese people end up in this South American/Caribbean people? Our ancestors came to Suriname as immigrants from Indonesia. When slavery was abolished the Netherlands needed to find new workers for their colony in Suriname. Rings a bell? Yes, my Indonesian content consumers, we have known the same colonizer! ( breaks a sweat don't take this personally Netherlands!)😓 Let me direct this conversation back to the food and leave the history classes to another Story Time episode.✍📧
I made a video about my visit to Shaqien food in Tamanredjo for you guys to enjoy. Personally, I thought the food was average. But if it comes down to interior decoration, zen vibes, and a nice setting they win that round hands down! The bami and the saoto soup weren't the best I had. But maybe it also depends on the day and who's the cook. At least this visit has inspired me to create some unique adventures for you. I hope you guys like this video and thank you for supporting my Story Time channel. I can't wait to see you next time. We're going to transform things on Story Time productions this year.😏😀💓 Until the next foodie adventure. If you don't mind the drive across the bridge go have a Javanese food adventure of your own when you're traveling through Suriname.
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