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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Indo Food In Suriname At Warung Felicia In Blauwgrond

 Javanese Food From Warung Felicia In Blauwgrond Paramaribo

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Hello my Story Time friends, How have you been? Just take a deep breath with me before we dive into this next foodie adventure! Shake off all the burdens for a moment, and allow your body to relax! Without pouring into our bodies, we can't be as productive as we need to be! When you're facing struggles in life, you must not forget to take care of yourself. That's a lesson that I had to learn the hard way myself. 😞I just want you to know that no matter what you go through you're not alone! If you want to win the race, you have to feed the engine. Now that we've shaken all the stressful energy for the day from our bodies let me take you along on a short foodie trip in Paramaribo. This time we're trying Javanese food from Warung Blauwgrond. As a mixed-race person, I love being able to say our ancestors each time I write about a different ethnic group and their culture on this blog. Suriname was the only Caribbean country that had immigrants from Indonesia. When slavery was abolished in Suriname by our Dutch colonizers they looked for other workers for their plantations. Suriname was a country that was blooming and through the plantations in our country, the Netherlands made a large amount of money. No wonder wars were constantly fought among the Dutch, English, Spanish, and Portuguese over this terrain. All of these European countries had their eyes on Suriname. At that time in the 18th century, Indonesia was also a colony of the Netherlands. The Dutch decided to recruit Indonesian immigrants to work on the plantations. They filled their heads with tales of riches and false promises. And that's how our ancestors arrived here on boats from the Island of Java. Most of them practiced Islam and others were into what we call Javanisme. Javanisme is a Javanese religion with strong Islamic, Bhudistic, and Hindu influences. Along with their religion and culture, they brought their food. Nowadays Suriname is a mix of different ethnic groups that learned to live with each other. Food plays an important role in our society as it tells the story of our origin, backgrounds, history, and the love that brings us together.😋If you've ever been to a Surinamese party you'll know that we don't play around with our food! Javanese food has become an important part of the Surinamese kitchen. It's a favorite among many ethnic groups living in the country. How do I know that? Mhm let's see, I've been at a Maroon village party in the deep Southern parts of the country where they served me bami. The popular Javanese dish made its way to the depths of the Amazon rainforest. That's how unique the diversity of Suriname is! Javanese restaurants are also popular among locals. You'll find as many Javanese restaurants as Chinese restaurants in this South American country. There is even an area in Paramaribo Noord that's popular among the locals for the Javanese restaurants located there. In Blauwgrond (The name of this foodie area) you'll find a street filled with Warungs. These warungs are our version of street food. When you're in this area, you'll find Javanese restaurants on the left and right sides of the street. The fact that Javanese food is not as expensive as other kinds of food in Suriname, makes these warungs extra popular among locals and tourists. For this foodie adventure, we're trying out food from Warung Felicia. I did mention that this was going to be a short Story Time adventure. I made this video a long time ago, but because of my busy schedule, I didn't get the time to finish and share all of my content with you guys. That's why I'd appreciate it if you'd subscribe to my blog! That way you'll be the first person to receive my adventures in your inbox. 😀 I ordered the Tahoe Longtong, it's one of my favorite Javanese dishes. I have fond memories of my late grandmother making this dish for me. That woman had an invisible measuring stick in her pot! She'd wake me up at 4 a.m. before doing her Salaat to send me to eat. If I'd sleep out and lie to her that I already ate, she always knew!👀😂 Tahoe Longtong is made with mung bean sprouts locally known as Tjapar. It has bits of shredded chicken in it, Tahoe, and rice cakes. The dish is drizzled in Ketjap sauce ( Spicey black soy sambal sauce that's popular among Surinamese people). I also ordered the popular Bami, it's a type of noodle dish cooked to be eaten with chicken and vegetables on the side. In most cases the Ketjap or other kinds of sambal or added. Surinamese people love their spicy food! If you're traveling to this country along the coast of South America, and you can't handle pepper please alert the locals. 😀Especially if they are sharing food with you! Surinamese people aren't greedy people. On the way back I got some kipworst! These are sausages filled with bread and chicken bits. It's also a spicy snack! This snack is so popular in Suriname, that you'll see worst stands on each street corner. I made a vlog for you guys about my experience at Warung Felicia in Blauwgrond. If you're traveling to Suriname soon, make sure to visit this popular Warung area and try the local Javanese food. Are you planning to book your vacation soon? Check out my Affiliate Partner Expedia! As an affiliate partner, I earn a commission when you book through the site. 😉Book through Expedia to make traveling easier.
😀  Thank you guys for reading about my Story Time food adventures in warm tropical Suriname, and until next time! I've grown so fond of writing to you guys.😍

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