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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

The Rising Moon

The Rising Moon

" The Queen Of Enchina"

           Chapter 1; Part 1: Glory of Machaina

Once upon a time, there was a golden sun that swallowed the sky at the end of every night. Only to shower his pride over the people living on a planet called Jhamaigas. The sun thought he blessed the people with his rays of confidence. As time passed and the sun that the people called Jeezich swallowed more nights his arrogance grew. Making his rays even more powerful but also poisonous to the people. The heavens were his sole Kingdom, and the people living on Jhamaigas were one of its many subjects. Every time Jeezich would shower Jhamaigas with his rays the people would grow sick with jealousy, envy, and greed. This caused them to start wars among themselves. Blood fell in many meaningless battles, not even women nor children were spared.  It was as if he doomed them with each moment of his existence, barely keeping them alive in order to corrupt their souls even further.

In a Kingdom called Echeina there was a beautiful, strong, warrior queen who lived for her people. Her face was as radiant as her heart was strong. Her smile captured as many hearts as her battle skills could defeat. She kept her people and kingdom safe from Jeezich his poison with her wit, strength, and ability to touch the people their hearts. But this did not spare her Kingdom from attacks. Battle after battle her spirit became weaker. She knew that the only true way to save her people was by defeating Jeezich.  But her energy kept draining from the many wars she and her armies had to face. She knew she needed a strong and powerful ally. So she traveled seven days up the mountain to meet the lava king. He ruled the lava kingdom with an iron fist and was known for the way he could make the earth collapse under the feet of his enemies. Once she arrived there she asked the lava king Achina to help her defeat Jeezich.  She approached his throne and after being introduced by the royal master as the Queen of the people of Echeina, she proposed an alliance for combat to the lava king. The lava king replied "My queen your Kingdom has no king. What should happen to your people if you fall into this battle? Let us join kingdoms and unite our people's strength. You are after all a fair maiden." The queen answered "Without a king by my side, I have fed, clothed, and kept my people safe from the attacks of all the four fronts and the wicked magic of Jeezich. My people do not need a king they need a queen who is focused, loyal, and committed to them. They need a queen with a heart. And the only man I shall marry shall be the man that defeats me in battle." The lava king laughed so hard that sparks flew from his beard all the way across the mountains. "You are stubborn my queen but I shall accept this challenge and make you mine. A one-on-one battle will give me victory and the power to rule over your people." The queen swiftly replied " I came here seeking an ally. How foolish of me to not know that your throne is closer to Jeezich his poisonous rays. Very well, but if I win I do not want your Kingdom. I want your magical powers." The lava king in his arrogance said "So be it, my queen." He drew his sword and aimed for the queen her mark. The tattoo of a crown, a symbol of her people, her heart, and the foundation of her ancestors. If that Mark is even tarnished by a scar, her Kingdom falls. As his sword came close to the mark placed on her thigh she dodged. This made the lava king fall to the ground. Since the lava king was a giant born from the mountain stones, the shock of his fall was felt throughout the entire planet. The queen took this moment and drew her sword to stab him in his navel. The lava kings only weak spot. The explosion his demise caused blew her up to the sky. The king his magic transformed to the queen her body turning her into a giant round rock. This enabled her to stay in heaven without being destroyed by the stars and their shooting arrows. Jachan, the star warriors were impressed by her beauty and strength and began worshipping her. The queen decided to stay in heaven and together with Jachan, battle the sun at the end of his every day. This kept Jeezich from using his powers on the people. As order and peace slowly restored on Jhamaighas the people once again rejoiced and sang the praise of the self-sacrificing queen, calling her Maichana which means moon goddess who leads the Star warriors. Some even called her Amachaku, which means Daughter of the Mountain.

 But unfortunately, the story does not end there for our brave queen. The stars in her destiny had other unforeseen plans for this mighty Queen. This would only be the start of her legacy. A 1000 years later she would return to earth. As there would once again approach a time when humanity needed her. It was the will of the Gods that her journey would be continued. Legends throughout the centuries foretold tales of her return. Different tribes around the planet knew what would happen long after the end of the golden age. The stars that thought them wisdom foretold them a future where a great power would once again lay its feet on the dusty planet called Earth. When humanity would need her the most she would return to this cosmic world through the magical powers she conquered from Jeezich.

                             To be continued .........



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