5 Affirmations of self-love

I cannot believe that we are almost halfway through 2021. What a year, time went by faster than I could keep track of. It's been an adventurous 2021, the world is still dealing with a pandemic. But it's a good thing that I have come to find out that lockdowns can be used for some introspection exercises and personal development journeys as well. I have been doing new exercises to improve the quality of my life and to be more content with living my life despite the many challenges that each of us has to face in this world. That's my way of trying to look at the brighter side during this pandemic. Of course, I do worry about the situation. But right now I aim to keep my cortisol levels low. Mental health is as important as physical health. If there is one thing that I have learned during this pandemic, it's that we must appreciate what we have. If you knew that this pandemic was going to happen, what would you do? Would you enjoy more outings with friends and loved ones? It's funny that being close to each other has become such a dangerous thing in this modern world, yes there is a subtle hidden meaning somewhere in that sentence. On the other hand, I get the opportunity to be creative enough to turn my written words into more personal experiences. These personal experiences keep me busy in a healthy way during lockdowns. They also have a positive effect on my personal development and the results they have produced so far have been impressive. I can't wait to see what happens when I do this more often. What can I say I, like to keep my head in the future. It is one of the many parts of myself that I have come to accept. To love yourself is to love the gift of life. Especially when the pandemic only makes us realize that no moment is promised. I guess it is true, you don't know what you have until you lose it. Take a while to let that sink in and think back about all the things that you missed out on after covid. Unfortunately, the virus outbreak is beyond our control and who knows what intentions the universe has. But one thing I do know is that mankind never loses hope. It is our primitive survival instinct. It is the reason our ancestors crawled to land and decided to start walking. It is the reason they have survived the Ice ages, volcanoes, wars, hunger, and plagues. It is the reason why you and I strive to live, to improve, to achieve. It is the hope that our hunger will be satisfied, and until that satisfaction has not been reached we will keep striving forward. From the ponds and lakes that our ancestors crawled out of, we are now expanding our horizons into the universe. Whereas a couple of hundreds of years ago it was impossible for mankind to fly. It was nothing but a dream and an unachievable. In the same way that it was unimaginable that one day you guys would be reading this blog article on Storytime ( Hire me for marketing if you like the long intro, joke, or Nah) from all over the world on devices that run on power. If that tells me anything about how the world works, it is that it all starts with a dream. A dream can become a vision, and a vision, can become a mission, and a mission can be executed into reality. Be careful when threading this path, for it is only meant for the brave, the strong, the wise, the willing, and the ones willing to learn and understand. You have to know what you are capable of, and therefore to love yourself is to love the gift of life. Without it, many dreams would not have been manifested. Here are 5 more affirmations of self-love to help you manifest the person you strive to become:
1. I am grateful for being in my shoes right now
I know it might sound cliche, but I am starting affirmation number one with this one: " I am grateful for being in my shoes right now". The gift of life must be appreciated and valued. Especially with the pandemic going on, I know you can always have it better and no one's life is perfect. Mine isn't either and for now, I don't have it all figured out as well. But I accept that it's a learning process with continuous opportunity for growth. If I did have it all figured out, imagine how boring my life would be at 40? It's a journey, a beautiful one that I try to enjoy. The older I have become the more I have learned that the challenges I have faced and still face are only there to remind me what I am made of. As a woman, an individual, a spec of dust in this cluster I know who I am and I am not afraid to live my truth. That is a different kind of freedom, it is liberating for the soul, mind, and body. All in all, I am grateful for being alive and being able to experience the moments. I am grateful for the opportunities that have entered my life, for the lessons I have learned, and for where my journey has brought me so far. I am grateful for experiencing today, yesterday, and the gift of tomorrow that is never promised. By valuing what I have today, I am making room for more blessing tomorrow.
2. I am growing and will continue to do so
I realize that I am going through my own personal journey in life, like most of you are. I look at it as one big adventure. While I am at it, I am learning, enjoying, and growing. I love evolving as an individual, and being able to reflect on how far I have come is very satisfying. I am not completely where I want to be, but I also know that that is a good thing. Because I strive to achieve the goals that I have set for myself. Without these goals, my life would be boring, empty and I wouldn't feel as if I am living up to my purpose. Noticing progress keeps me motivated. Knowing that every step that I take helps me grow and learn makes me bold enough to take the steps that I need to take for me to make progress on my own life path. When we face the future, we must face it with strength and bravery. We must be willing to grow into the person that we want to become. When you go through life with this mentality you will realize that pain is only the price that you had to pay for the results. You take each step knowing that simply taking a step already is growth. For we are energy, and energy keeps evolving, in the same way, that humanity keeps evolving.
3. I am inspired and therefore I shall inspire
In anything that you undertake, it is important to keep yourself inspired. For inspiration is the source of motivation. By being inspired you will be better motivated to get through the day and do what you have to do. Work will not feel like work, and every day is a new chapter, a new adventure, and a new headline. When you are inspired creativity runs free. When you set your creativity free this improves problem-solving skills. Your motivation will push you forward and your discipline will keep you on track. By being inspired you push yourself to bring out the best of your own capabilities. You will keep challenging yourself because you know that you have the motivation and drive to do what needs to be done. In order for us to find out what we truly are capable of, we must be willing to push ourselves all the way. But most important of all by being inspired, we may one day be the source of another person their inspiration as well. Of course, do keep a healthy balance, and don't overdo it. Make a list of all the activities that keep you inspired and implement them into a weekly schedule.
4. I forgive myself for my human errors
As I grew up I found out that everyone I know occasionally thinks back about their mistakes and their errors. I am guilty of this as well, but I have come to do less of that. What I am doing now is being grateful for my mistakes. They have been learning opportunities that made me wiser, set me straight, and made me extra proud of the woman that I am becoming. I am content with my journey. Having said that, I barely think about others their mistakes. Unless its intent is to upset me for the moment. Pfft good luck with that, you have no idea how much of an inner hippie I am. Where do you think all this wisdom is coming from? I have made errors like everyone else and I am moving on. I'll just add it to my pile of interesting experiences. It makes my story seem all the more interesting, and trust me we are barely even getting started. But I'll let my creativity flow in other ways on this blog. Don't be harsh on yourself kids, that is one of today's many lessons.
5. I attract positive actions by undertaking positive actions
This one
I kind of call my secret recipe in life. But I am not a greedy person when it comes to knowledge and ideas that are formed in my head. But it's simple and it works perfectly for me. You will reap what you sow. That is why I undertake as many positive actions as I can to attract more positivity back into my life. I strongly believe that if you do some good in the world, good things happen back to you. Give it a try, do something kind without expecting anything back and you will see how the universe will reward you for positive actions. Of course, knowing the difference between good and bad is a thin line when it comes to different morals. But we'll assume that you have a proper functioning moral compass on this one. Let's send out more positive vibes into the world, especially during these troubling times. A little kindness could just make someone's day. It doesn't cost much, yet it is highly valued by those on the receiving end. Stay safe everyone and subscribe to stay updated on more stories.
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