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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 affirmations of self-love for building confidence

                               5 affirmations of self-love

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Hello Storytime readers from around the world, it feels good to be back with another post on self-love. I do believe that self-love can be a key ingredient for improving the quality of life. Self-love is not a lesson that can be taught in a few classes or stories. No, it is a journey that you will take, a journey that you will come to love once you start fully committing to it. It helps you understand who you are, and what you need in life. These affirmations of self-love are exercises that I present to you to carry along on this amazing journey of self-love. It won't always be easy, but it is certainly worth it. Here are 5 affirmations of self-love for you to practice, may they serve you as well as they have served me:

      1. I love who I am, and I enjoy being me

In life, it is important to love who you are, to be satisfied with the person that you are becoming, the actions that you take, and the purpose that helps define you. When you are content with who you are, you fully accept yourself. Self-acceptance helps let go of limiting beliefs. When you are free from your own limiting beliefs and insecurities, it helps you to use more of your potential so you can achieve the goals that you have set for yourself. In simple words: I love who I am and I enjoy being me. I love my bad and my good moments, for those are the experiences that have shaped me. I love each scar on my body for it tells stories of the countless adventures that I have been on. I love the life that I live, even though I have had struggles as well. Only I am capable of making the decisions that influence my path. I love the people I got to meet, those who have hurt me, and those who have loved me. The people who hurt me taught me lessons about myself. They helped me find out how strong I am. They served as a reminder that my inner strength can overcome anything. The people who love me and appreciate me, remind me why I am special to them. Why who I am as a person matters, and how what I do can improve the lives of those that make me feel good. They give me the confidence to believe in myself. In everything that you do, you have to look at the good and the bad. We already spoke about healthy balances in a previous self-love article. I don't get jealous, I am not bluffing. I haven't been jealous, not once in my life. How come you might wonder? Well, I wouldn't want to be anyone else and no one else can be me. When you can show yourself kindness and remain humble you know that you are grateful for the opportunity of experiencing life. I love who I am, and I enjoy being me. This wasn't always easy and some days might feel like a struggle. But regardless of that, keep enjoying your journey. Because when you reach the goal, the fun part is behind you. Enjoy being yourself, and love who you are. There is a difference between confidence and ego. Be true to yourself as you hold on to your humanity. Don't let the world define you, but be a part of what defines the world.

2. I am worthy of the opportunities that come towards me, I cherish my chances

In my life, I have gotten the chance to get to know countless people from different backgrounds all around the world. One thing that I do notice to be a pattern is that a lot of people are insecure. Some people feel insecure about the relations they are in, the way their bodies look, their financial affairs, career, or other topics that are personal to them. To you I say, relax for a minute. Take a deep breath, remember you are worthy of having positive experiences, of receiving opportunities. Look at your lifestyle and ask yourself what is worth holding onto and what isn't worth holding onto? When you down-talk yourself, you are mentally programming negativity into your life. I know keeping a positive attitude isn't always easy. I understand that very well. But beating yourself up, won't get you anywhere. How will you be able to benefit yourself when you unnecessarily beat yourself up? Instead of putting yourself down, realize that you are worthy of receiving empowering opportunities in life, and cherish the chances that come on your path. When you cherish these chances, you make the most out of each opportunity that comes your way.  Your fears won't be able to keep you behind.  You will become more confidant on your journey because you will realize that you are capable of turning every opportunity into a milestone that highlights the map that leads to your destination. Motivate yourself to do better, and the results will speak for themselves. But if you treat yourself as unworthy, you are practically self-sabotaging your own abilities.  

3. My body deserves to be loved and respected

The first person that should love and respect your body is you! I had to go through an entire journey that taught me to love myself as I am.  I respect my body, and the way it looks regardless of what other people think. Their opinions cannot lay foundations for my insecurities. Of course, if there is something that you want different, feel free to do that. The important thing is that you are healthy. When you love and respect your own body, it becomes easier to make investments in yourself. Those investments will be healthy investments for your future.  Invest in yourself, because you deserve a secure future. When you are more confident and secure with who you are and how you look,  people will pick up on that confidence. But don't love who you are for other people. No one but you can give yourself the tender attention you want and deserve.  This helps you stand strong in your identity, that way you don't get lost in the noise of the outside world. It is important to center yourself as well.  When you manage to find balance within, it becomes easier. Self-love is a journey that you have to go through for yourself. See it as an opportunity to get to know what's good for your body.  Being in an emotional, mental, and physically healthier place helps with reaching your goals. Neglect is a form of self-sabotage, everyone can become a victim of that. Maybe this is because sometimes we do not feel good enough, no matter how much we do. Or some people invest more into others than they do invest in themselves. I belonged to the latter group, but the good thing is on my journey I learned to find a healthy balance. That's because I finally gathered the courage to chose myself. To make decisions, that benefit me. I finally accepted, that doing that was alright and that it should not be something that makes me feel selfish. Because I realized, that when I am doing better I am more productive, and can offer a better quality of service to the people around me.  I can impact their lives in a better way, simply because mentally, emotionally, and physically I am in a better place. It took me time to make this decision, and it seemed to be a very difficult thing to do back then. I didn't get it right in one try. But the important thing is, that no matter what came on my way, I never gave up. The temptation was there, but my need to keep evolving was stronger. Just like nature keeps evolving, we to must evolve. Even technology does not standstill.

4. Whenever I feel frustration, disappointment, fear, anger, or doubt I can hit the reset button

We all have those moments where we feel like we hit a brick wall. Or where we feel frustrated by a situation or our circumstances. Sometimes even the actions of others towards us can anger and upset us. To feel emotion is to be human.  Sometimes even I experience these emotions, but whenever that happens and I find out that I lost time sulking over a situation I tell myself that I can hit the restart and restart button and start thinking with fresh and clear emotions. I accept the negative feelings I have, and I try to find out why I feel that way. What part within me has been triggered? What is my subconscious trying to tell me? I acknowledge my emotions and my sometimes emotional behavior. After that, I make peace with it, and once I hit that reset and refresh button, I feel like a flower that has reached a new stage in her bloom. I realize the world inside and outside of me has a lot to offer as well.  Take deep breaths whenever you tell yourself this. Accept your actions without beating yourself up. Every day is a new learning moment. That is how we know that we are alive. If you find joy on the inside, it will come to you on the outside. Acknowledge that these emotions, might feel negative but they aren't all that negative as well if you know how to deal with them. To feel pain is a part of life, we feel pain from the moment that we are born.  What if instead of torturing ourselves instead we use the pain to guide us away from the things that aren't healthy for us?  Pain is a warning, that something is not alright.  When you realize that the refresh and the reset button are in your hands, you take over control and power of your emotions.  You are basically telling yourself that it is okay to have bad days because there are good days as well.  And what I must do now, is reset my energy and state of mind so that I may work towards creating more good days.

5.  I am a capable individual, my potential is limitless

Never place boundaries on yourself! There were a lot of things that I said I would do as a 7-year-old girl. Back then everyone thought it was funny, or that I was dreaming away like an unrealistic little girl. The other children couldn't understand me either way. That's how I always knew I was different. Now I am 28, and I actually did some of the things that people thought would be impossible for me. I am so proud of myself, that despite everything I have been through I managed to keep pushing on.  And I wish to motivate other people who are reading my blog as well. No matter what you have to face, keep going! You are much stronger than you think. Sometimes life gives you challenges to keep reminding you of that strength that is hidden inside. And if you aren't aware of the power that is within, take more time to introspect. Some people are very talented and capable, but they do not know how far they go until they decide to go and discover themselves. As long as you are capable of learning, growing, and evolving why should there be limits? Feel free to grow, encourage, and express your identity. Because when you are living your life, I like to think that I want people to remember me for who I am, and what heights you can receive in life if you take the freedom to be yourself. When you are happy and content on the inside with who you are, you start taking control over your life. That's when you realize, that the one thing that you can shape that will largely influence the course of your life, is your character.  That makes you a very capable individual! These affirmations of self-love I based on lessons I learned in life, mistakes I have made, challenges I faced, and opportunities that I seized! From one warrior to another, I pass on to you these 5 affirmations of self-love. See you again, at Storytime.


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