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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 ways to overcome distractions

                 5 ways to overcome distractions

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Distractions, distractions, distractions are everywhere.  Even I fall victim to distractions. There is a reason why they say you have to face the monster to be able to slay it. Or in my case, I just made friends with it for a while. We chilled and a lot of procrastination happened. Do I regret it? Yes! Can I take it back and change it? No, not with today's technology at least. But what we can do is learn from it. Here at Storytime, I like to think that learning is an important essence of life. Because if you think about it our entire life is a journey of learning. You learn from the moment you are born, till the moment you die, and who knows maybe even beyond that. To learn is to make an attempt at understanding the marvelous universe around us. Look at how big the world is, and for an introverted creature, I certainly seem to be curious. It keeps my thinking engine running, choo, choo!  Yes, we are heading into another Storytime self-love article. Speaking of distractions here are 5 ways you can overcome distractions written by someone who had to overcome a lot of distractions:

                 1. Set your priorities for the day

Let's get down to the basics. This helps me a lot, and it keeps me from procrastinating way too much. Even on the days where it is difficult to find motivation. You know what I am talking about, we have all had those days. Those "why am I doing this" or the"why do I need to do this" moments. Well, maybe those are the questions that we need to answer. Maybe those answers will help push us that extra mile. That extra mile can make all the difference. It makes the distance between where you are now, and where you want to be in life smaller. So each mile certainly counts. But that doesn't mean that each mile will be as easy. Each mile will have its own difficulties and obstacles that you must encounter and face head-on. The first thing that must be done is, you have to start somewhere. Knowing what needs to be done to ensure a better future for your life definitely makes it easier to split the load. Always set your priorities for the day, that way you make sure that the important things get done first. When you set your priorities for the day, it becomes easier for you to achieve the important goals that you have set for yourself. Make a list where you set targets for the next day at the end of the day. This will help you save time in the long run and help keep you focused on the things that matter. Knowing why you are doing something and what the sacrifices are for helps keep you driven and self-motivated to get through the day. It paints a picture that constantly reminds you why the discipline that is needed will benefit you in the long run. Keep your dreams alive, and follow them. Plan out the life you want to live and focus on making it become a part of your daily reality. Journal the thoughts you want to remember and plan your life accordingly. Setting goals and or priorities for the day helps you paint that bigger picture into reality one day at a time. The benefit is that you can always look back into time whenever you re-read your journal or schedule. Make a realistic list of the top 5 important tasks that absolutely have to get done by the end of the day. 

       2.  Take regular breaks for your body and mind

I know this one might seem to contradict especially since there are only 24 hours in a day. But listening to your body and giving it regular breaks will improve your focus. When you're tired, you won't be as productive as you think you can be. Your thinking capacity gets affected and it has an influence on your overall performance. Besides, when you get sick or something happens to you, it won't benefit you or the goals that you wish to achieve.  If you truly want to achieve your dreams and be able to enjoy them you have to accept that rest is a necessity. Your engine needs a time out from time to time. When your mind and body feel well-rested this will increase your productivity and focus. You will have fresh energy that gives you the drive to finish the targets that you have set for yourself.  Sometimes a nap can do miracles for the mind and body. Peace and relaxation keep you healthy, it helps you face stress better. Another benefit of taking regular tasks is that it makes it easier to finish the workload. When I don't take regular breaks, I quickly get a burnt-out feeling. But getting more rest and taking more breaks in between has made my days more productive. Instead of having long days where achieved little for me I now have shorter days where I at least get the important things done. The important things that bring big results that you will slowly see over time. No matter how you decide to face your life and its challenges, make sure you are at least enjoying the process of living. When you see places and go on adventurous vacations, you motivate your soul to stay disciplined. When you're motivated to get up every day, things will start happening for you. You have to put some joy into the things you do if you want to benefit from the fruits.

     3. Remember why discipline is important

You have to remind yourself why having discipline is important. When I know why I am doing something, it makes it easier for me to follow through. Because I want to achieve the things that I strive for. This keeps me motivated to maintain my discipline. They say discipline is more important than motivation. But for me, without motivation, it becomes harder to hold on to that discipline. I have to remind myself each time what I am doing it all for. When I think of all the things that I want to achieve in my life it becomes easier to put in the effort to chase after my dreams. I then get annoyed by distractions, but I know sometimes we can't control all the distractions around us. But that doesn't mean that we should stop trying.  Accept the moments that you have lost, and start all over again. Each time you start over, you know you have gotten more experienced.  Success is made possible through experience. To thrive, we have to survive. Each day must be seized if you wish to reach your goals earlier. If you know that the dreams that you are chasing are important and worth it, you will value the time, work, energy, and effort you put into making your dreams come true. For me, living with purpose means living each day working towards building and creating the life you want and the impact you wish to leave behind. Who do you want to be remembered as?  They say life isn't eternal, yet all around the world, our ancestors have left their stories and mark onto this world with the creations that they have brought to life. Your passion whatever that might be is the tool you chose to create your craft. Do it with dedication, do it with love, and do it while being authentic to yourself. Follow this simple formula and you will be fulfilled in the path that you chose.

     4. Practice healthy boundaries every day

Sometimes other people can be a distraction. Not that they are aware of it, but time is precious. And if you have goals to achieve, you need to know how to practice healthy boundaries every day while still remaining humane.  Sometimes saying no is difficult, but not being able to say no can cause personal suffering at times. Choosing for yourself doesn't always have to be selfish. After all, who will benefit from your downfall? If you aren't doing well for yourself, you can't be of use to anyone else as well. I like to see myself as a leader because I possess those qualities. When you guide and lead people around you, it means they have trust and faith in you. But as a leader, if you aren't emotionally or mentally stable, you are useless to the people around you. If people believe and put the effort into your vision, you have to take responsibility for yourself first. Because when you are responsible for your own actions, the direction that you take in life, and your own happiness you will be in a better position to guide others. In other words, if you can't keep your head above water, how do you expect to teach other people how to swim? Practicing healthy boundaries are necessary for your emotional and physical health. When your energy is in a better space, it has a positive impact on everyone around you as well. It is your duty to make sure that your energy remains in a positive place, that is something we do for ourselves as well. If you can't practice self-love, an emotionally healthy lifestyle will feel out of reach.

  5. Start your day with positive meditation

We underestimate how important it is to start the day with a positive footnote. The mood that you start your day with can impact how much you get done for the day and what the outcome for the day is. If you are feeling stressed, frustrated, and not motivated, then your days will feel empty. When you start to feel empty the chances of procrastination increase. Try something new, start your day with positive meditation or positive self-talk. This can help enhance your mood, and improve your confidence. It all starts with you, you can tell the outside world everything that you think is wrong with your life but the real change will only happen when you decide to change how you think within. When you lack faith in your own abilities, your self sabotaging your own potential. But when you have faith in yourself, and in the things that you can accomplish you never stop trying. The reason why you can continue on with this dedication is that when you have faith in yourself, you never stop thinking about solutions. Your mind will always come up with better alternatives. When you're stressed, angry, or sad, it can become difficult to think of solutions that can deliver the results that you desire.  Start the day with positive self-talk, you should be your biggest fan. Now practice being your own cheerleader. Being in a better mood stimulates your productivity, it makes being focused easier. Something that is difficult to attain while being frustrated, sad, and or angry. If you do experience any of these emotions, know that it is human. Acknowledge and accept it, until you are ready to release. When you start each day motivating yourself, you become even more determined to set the distractions aside and focus on the priorities that you have set for the day.


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