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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Blogger notes : Keep moving, no matter how slow you think you are going.

                                           Blogger notes

        Keep moving, no matter how slow you think you are going

"Storytime logo"
Hello Storytime readers, I felt the need to write another blogger note. As you know this is the section of my blog where I share a little bit more about myself and the things that are happening in my life. I share the lessons that flow from my self-reflection with you in the hope that they might inspire. A friend of mine recently died, may his soul rest in peace. I remember him telling me one thing. He told me everyone who even knows you a little bit, knows that you are growing fast. It stuck to me because in my mind and from my experience it didn't feel that way. It put me into a different perspective. Sometimes we might feel like we are in a low place, and sometimes we might just get so busy with facing one challenge after the other that we forget that the universe never challenged us in the first place. The universe and nature only develop us. Sometimes we might feel as if life is against us, but this life is nothing but a gift for us. I think it's important to disconnect from time to time, so that we may be reminded what the true beauty of living is. For me, this part gains more value when I am in nature. Just being able to look at the stars from the Surinamese jungles in the middle of the Amazon rainforest, gives me a sense of peace. It is in those moments that I realize, that the only certainty I have is life at this moment. The rest is just a sequence of probabilities. I find this to be the one constant truth of the universe, I think we have to learn to treasure the moments that we are granted so that we may show more kindness, gratitude, and love to the person that we are. When you start taking this approach, you will effortlessly practice your own self-development as an individual. What does this mean? It means that you chose to take responsibility for your own happiness. You don't let other people decide, who you are or who you get to be. You remain true to who you are, this way it becomes easier to discover different parts of you. Your own masks, that you put up to please others won't stand in the way of your true identity. When you are authentic, the right people will fall into your life. Remember that you have the power to create memorable moments, no matter how bad today is.  What you decide to do with that power is in your hands. A lot of people think they have it bad, but some people have no food, no clothes, or can't even access basic medical care.  If you can't show gratitude for what you have,  you'll never be able to value the positive moments and opportunities that come onto your path.  And my journey is certainly turning out into a beautiful one. I am grateful for the opportunities life has granted me and will grant me as I move along on my path. A recent highlight in my life is that I got selected as a 2021 YOUNGA Youth delegate. Yaay, I have been making some big moves when it comes to my own personal development. Even when I haven't shared all of them yet. I am proud of myself and my achievements so far in 2021. I hope to keep carrying on this positive light and vibe no matter what dark circumstances might surround me at the moment. Because if there is one thing that I have known since a young age, it is that the darkness is there so that my light may shine as bright as I can. As for my Storytime blog, as you can notice we have launched some new products in our Merchandise store. During the Caribbean Youth Parliament on Climate Justice, we will also attend as an exhibitor. You can find us in booth number 15,  because of all the progress I have made in my personal life and the recent lessons that I have had to face we are giving away coupons. When you use code STIME597 at your checkout in our merchandise store, you get 15 percent of your purchase as a discount. This code is valid until the 29th of October 2021

But getting back to the story, because that's really what it is all about right here at Storytime! As long as you are moving, evolving, and growing, you don't have to fear getting stuck into the unknown.  I recently had a conversation with a girlfriend of mine. I told her that her problem was that she doesn't have faith or confidence in her own abilities. That's why she is anxious about things that haven't even happened yet. She thinks that she doesn't have what it takes to make it through whatever is coming onto her path. This makes her anxiety stronger every day. I am not saying that I am perfect, as a matter of fact, I am far from perfect. But I accept my imperfections as much as I accept the things that make me beautiful.  For me, it is important to keep things balanced at a young age. I want to enjoy the life I am living knowing that I am making an impact. And If I want to achieve my dreams, I cannot afford to put myself down like that. I have learned the hard way that pointlessly putting yourself through mental and emotional torture, doesn't benefit you in any way. A lot of knows this to be true, but why do we put ourselves through this anyway? How will self-sabotaging myself and my abilities serve my higher purpose as an individual? It doesn't, that's why we should try to be strong enough to make the choice to heal whatever it is that is blocking our growth. We must not run away from it, we must embrace it! Accept it and give it the love and understanding that we yearn for.  Heal whatever is troubling, hurting, and or blocking you in life. Allow happiness and opportunities into your life, in other words, don't close the door.  Whatever it is that you want to do in life, whatever you want to achieve for yourself keep moving no matter how slow you think you are going. Be content with yourself. I understand that not everyone can be the same, but sometimes we notice that people chose not to fix the problems in their life, while others would be grateful to have the opportunity to fix the quality of their life. If you can't be honest to yourself in your self-reflections, how do you expect to achieve improvement? I tend to think a lot as well, and sometimes I wonder why are some people afraid to confront who they are? Is it because they are aware of the reflections that they create? But then again, I am one of those people that beliefs everything happens for a reason.  It doesn't matter what storm you are facing in life, you never know where you can be in 10 years? It's a gamble of opportunities, until then I will be enjoying Storytime in the Caribbean. Now that is something we can drink to, 

"Storytime in the caribbean glass"


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