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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Chapter 29

                                          Chapter 29

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Hello, Storytime readers from around the world.  A few days ago it was my birthday. I just turned 29 years old on the 29th of October.  We millennials are getting older faster than I would like to admit. Lol I know I always make remarks like that every year I am getting older and people would always be like but you are so young! In my case, it always feels like my heart is young and my soul is old. Either way, I cannot say that I haven't come a long way. In the last 10 years that I had this blog, I never thought I would come this far. As a matter of fact, I never thought I would be in the position I am in now.  That goes for the good and the bad moments. I hope a lot of you can relate to that. Because I have also come to understand that this is a part of life.  We just have to learn to see the good in even the less pleasurable experiences. Growth means you have to be able to push yourself through the dirt.  That's how you make your life flourish despite the circumstances.  I know I have many more adventures waiting for me and many more places to explore. I look forward to starting new chapters in my life and I like to stay positive. Mostly it is because I have come to love the way I am evolving as an individual and I have come to enjoy the journey. Life is short, so I hope each of us makes use of the opportunity to make it worthwhile.

                    I had a fun and relaxing time on my girls day at Houttuyn Wellness resort

One thing that I can say for certain is that I am grateful for the chances and opportunities life has offered me. I also realize that I had to go through certain situations that forced me to grow. This growth was carefully crafted so that I could benefit the most from the opportunities that appeared on my life path. It's true what they say, kids. You have to keep moving out of your comfort zone, that is the only way you know that you are growing as an individual. So no matter what you are going through in life my dearest readers always remember that you are art in the making. Your life holds its own beauty,  even when there are some dark shades on your canvas. That is also why I personally think that it is important to try new things, explore more places and do things that feed your soul. Don't be afraid to explore the unknown, because I feel that at a certain point we all have to explore new possibilities. The more you do this, the more limitations you remove as you broaden your perspective. Learn to take pleasure in the small things and learn to take care of yourself as well. That is one of the most important lessons that I had learned in the last years. And to be honest, I am still learning, each day is a learning moment.

The more things you do to feed your soul and the more you explore the world around you, the more you will find out about yourself. Discovering the world around you will help you discover previously unknown parts of yourself as well. It is important to get to know the person you are doing it all for as well. Because then you are more aware of the proper treatment that you deserve to give yourself.  How you value yourself will greatly impact your way of living.  As a workaholic, I know how important it is to wind down from time to time and enjoy the wind. This benefits my mental, emotional and physical health. I know I am not all the way there yet, but I am pretty certain that I will get there as I learn to love myself more and more each day. The more I get to understand myself the easier it has become to shine my authentic light into the world. I have started showing up more and polishing up all the potential that is hidden in the depth of my eyes. 

At least I can drink with you my friends to new opportunities, experiences and of course more stories. I hope to get more in touch with my inner writer in the coming years. But no matter how my life turns out the most important thing is I cannot be dissatisfied.  And that is the same advice I would give all of you as well.  The better you feel on the inside, the better things become.  As for the struggles, all I can say is that they have turned me into the warrior Queen that I am. Don't crumble under pressure, instead of that rise. My ancestors have been through too much for me to enjoy the freedom of gaining opportunities. So the least we can do is fight for our happiness. In the meantime, I am riding a wave of storytime vibes.


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