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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Five Reasons why you Should Fall In Love With Self Love.

 Five reasons why you should fall in love with self-love!

Hi guys, welcome back. I believe that if there is one thing that we must do in life it is to try to show up for ourselves every day. No matter how difficult it becomes, you aren't allowed to quit on yourself. You can take as many breaks as you want and reset as much as you need. But quitting on yourself is not an acceptable option. If you won't push through the blockages that keep you from being happy, no one else will. Or you could be lucky enough to have people showing up for you, but we don't know if that filters out the love bombing.  And if there's one thing I have learned living this adventurous and eventful life, it's that you don't want to base your self-worth on other people their validations.  When you can show up 100 percent for you, because of you that's when you know that you have hit the sweet spot.  No matter what the state is that you are in or the struggles that you are facing it takes a lot of strength to get up every day and to commit yourself towards improving your life. But guys it is worth it! I know through my own experiences that when I believe in myself I am willing to put in the work to make it happen. It's not always an easy road, but there is a reason why they say Rome wasn't built in one day.  I want to share with you guys why I have become so obsessed with self-love so that it might inspire you to be courageous enough to embrace who you are on the inside. Here are the five reasons why you should fall in love with Self-love:

1. Self-love helps you become a better manifester 

Practicing self-love helps you become a better manifester. The term manifesting has been mentioned by a lot of people who have become successful in life. I believe that the reason why self-love helps you become a better manifester is, that when you are more confident with who you are and what you want, you know exactly what you need to do to get where you want to be.  You aren't afraid to acknowledge what it is that you want to do in this world. You gather the courage to become familiar with the things that make you love and feel loved, glow, light up and take pleasure out of life.  Self-love feeds your drive to keep going no matter what. Sometimes even when I feel like the world around me is burning down, I still keep pushing through. I welcome the experiences and I realize that life puts me through things for a reason.  Having that kind of mindset has had a powerful effect on my life. That's why my personal slogan in life has become power does not speak, it acts. I align my thoughts and I take the time to think about what it is that I really want. When I know what I want, that's when the interesting adventures begin. I do admit sometimes it feels like I smack my head into a brick wall, but that just means that I was trying to go down a path that isn't meant for me.  I have learned to recognize what life is trying to tell me with the lessons that are handed down to me.  When it comes to those kinds of lessons, I try not to be stubborn. Technically I am a dying sack of meat floating on a planet that might or might not be destroyed by humanity during a pandemic. Gasp, I do admit that the circumstances have been far from pleasant.  But that doesn't mean that it's too late for us to change course.  The best thing we can do is start with ourselves. If all of us start practicing self-love, imagine what beautiful and amazing things we can do for the planet we live on. That way there would be no need to settle somewhere on Mars. I can't help it, I am way too much in love with planet Earth. And if we are really connected with anything in this universe, we can heal the things around us by healing the things within us first. Many great people have left a positive mark in the history of our world and they all did it by having believed in themselves. They had the drive to chase what they wanted, and therefore many great inventions and creations have been manifested into our reality. 

           2. Self-love helps you let go of perfection   

I have to admit that self-love helps you let go of perfection.  When you let go of perfection, your creativity knows no boundaries. That's when you know that you are free to express who you are. Because that's the true beauty, you get to enjoy the journey without stressing about the things that won't matter in a couple of years. You realize that you will keep evolving as long as you keep practicing. If you want to create room for growth,  it will come through countless failures. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. If everyone was perfect at everything we did in one try the world would be boring. I guess when you let go of perfection, it becomes easier for you to approach and attract opportunities on your path. When you are bold, you aren't afraid to be seen.  It's kind of relieving to let go of the burden that makes you think that you aren't allowed to fail because of the image that you want to uphold in society.  When you are free from the chains of perfection you realize that creativity is just a tool that helps you reflect different parts of yourself into art.  You can apply the same theory in your work, hobbies, relationships, and general life. Letting go of perfection is letting go of control. I believe that a part of being human is accepting that sooner or later events will come onto our path that we simply cannot control. We must accept the love that we have within, as a gift from the universe. Look at it this way, it's up to you if you do or do not want to receive that gift. But you have to be crazy to say no to good presents! When you are able to let go of perfection, it also helps you enjoy the moment more. It helps you appreciate the effort and thought you put into doing what you love to do in your daily life. 

      3. Self-love helps you build the life of your dreams

Self-love helps you to build the life of your dreams. When you practice self-love you choose to do more of the things that make you happy or benefit your overall wellbeing.  It becomes easier to pick up that hobby you always wanted to do, or to make time for the things that give you passion. For me, one of the things that fills me with passion is seeing different parts of the world. I love exploring new places and new cultures. Growing up in Suriname already exposed me to a lot of different cultures and their delicious food.  Sharing my stories with you guys is also another thing that fills me with passion. Everyone has their own list.  What is on your list? Knowing these things about yourself is also a part of self-discovery. I think it's good to refresh our souls from time to time. That way we keep the burnout away! When you start to build the life of your dreams, you will notice the slow progress that you are making at the end of the day. That's when you get to check the tasks that mattered from your list. Make sure that your list for each day at least includes some tasks that will make your future pleasant when you complete them. You have to admit, that a certain sense of security brings relief. What that security should be, is up to you to decide. The important thing is, that at the end of the day, you should feel content with the life you are living or at least the moves that you are making.
   4. Self-love helps you heal and let go of traumas
When you wander on the journey of self-love you will also come to identify the traumas that you carry with you.  This will remind you what triggered these traumas and in those memories, you might find answers. Use those answers to your advantage.   Use them to heal your traumas and to let go of the pain that those experiences have caused you. Ignore those who try to hurt you, instead acknowledge the people who love and appreciate you. If you can't find anyone like that around you, it's time to pick another crowd. But be bold enough to look in the mirror as well. Sometimes there is a reason why we have a bad taste in people. The decisions we make, and the self-sabotaging behaviors that we adopt also tell a story. The story tells you what's hurting on the inside and what needs to be fixed.  Self-love helps you pay attention to your mental health instead of ignoring it. Your mental health is very important, it influences everything in your life, including your physical health.  The more traumas you heal and let go of, the more liberated you will feel.  Self-love helps you enjoy life and accept the things that happen as you learn what forgiveness actually means. It's only through experiencing it, that you will be able to see its full beauty. Self-love helps liberate your heart and soul while clearing so many unnecessary things that fog your brain.

             5. Self-love helps you set healthy boundaries

Another reason why you should fall in love with practicing self-love is that it helps you set healthy boundaries. Boundaries are necessary because reality teaches us that not all people have good intentions. Some people do things that damage us mentally or emotionally without them even being aware of it. Boundaries help protect you against people who want to take advantage of you. It also clearly states what the behavior is that you do and do not tolerate in people. Practicing self-love gives you enough strength to enforce healthy boundaries. The reason why self-love helps with setting healthy boundaries is that self-love teaches you that it's okay to see yourself as a priority. You are the most important asset that you own.  Therefore you have the right to protect your emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing. The goal is to keep yourself in line with the triple Hs. Healthy, happy, and harvesting you. Healthy, because you can't really enjoy the opportunities provided to you in life if you are mentally or physically in bad shape. Happy, because whether it's in love, your career, a company, a relationship, or the connection that we share with the people and things around us what will truly matter is how happy we are doing these things. That is the true measure of the quality of our lives. And having boundaries makes it easier for you to take joy in life, it keeps you motivated. And when you are motivated, you start to attract and achieve more positive moments in life. Harvesting, because every action you take is indirectly an investment in yourself. Make sure that the profit is worth the journey. These are the 5 reasons why you should fall in love with self-love. I'll tell you a little secret, if you combine the 5 things on this list it will fuel the special magic living inside of you. Until next time on Storytime. Don't forget to hop in our U.F.O. That way you will be the first one to receive a transmission from the Storytime universe. 

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