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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 powerful affirmations for successful women

  5 Powerful affirmations for successful women

Hello, my dearest Story Time readers from around the world. How have you guys been? Tomorrow is the 8th of March, also known as international women's day. I hope all of you gorgeous Queens get spoiled rotten.  To be a successful Queen practicing self-love and self-care is very important, even when we have to learn it the hard way.  In honor of  International women's day, I decided to share with you these 5 powerful affirmations for successful women. I am rooting for all of you, in the past I organized some women's day events with different organizations but since there is a pandemic going on and a sister has a lot more to do now I just decided to share these powerful affirmations for successful women with my audience. These affirmations certainly help me polish my crown and I hope they can help make your crown shine too.  I know that being an Empress is not the easiest thing to do, but for all you ambitious women out there that want to make a difference in the world, I want to remind you that it's alright. None of us are perfect, we just learn as we go. Here are 5 powerful affirmations for successful women:

                                1. I honor my crown!

You see those pimples on my face? And still, I look flawless because successful women accept the fact that we are human. Everyone has their glamorous and less glamorous days and that is alright. What matters is that I honor my crown at all times. Successful women know how to lead and when you lead it is important to remain true to the value of your crown.  You embrace the journey that you are going on, but you also know that this crown that you wear stands for everything you are. Being authentic is very important when you are on the path to success. Be content with your crown, embrace it, love it, respect it and value it! The crown is a symbol of your power, and when you wear your crown you claim your power, gifts, talents, and strength. By honoring your crown, you polish it to stay glowing and to shine brighter as the years go by.

                       2. Queens empower each other!

Real Queens empower each other, that is certainly a given rule in my life and on my blog. So if you want to stay updated on more empowering tips make sure that you hit that subscribe button and join the Story Time U.F.O.  Successful women recognize the power within each other and don't put other women down. They only defend themselves if necessary. But that's just called practicing boundaries.  A Queen can never be intimidated because she acknowledges her power and the fact that no crown can be the same. By opening ourselves up to empower and uplift other women we are also opening up our minds to receive help, love, support, kindness, and wisdom from other successful women. Together we can build empires, but alone we remain divided! Practicing this affirmation helps build confidence in yourself and your skills. I believe that this affirmation should be a basic skill for most people. Successful women don't compete with other women. We only compete with ourselves and see it as a challenge to build other women. Because we know that if someone would have done the same for us, we would have valued it. It is because successful women easily adopt this mindset, that we also earn the respect from those we lead, guide, meet, and help succeed. That is why successful women, know how to build teams instead of tearing them apart.  Let me say it this way when two kinds of royalty meet we can decide to trade or to go to war. Successful women will end up discussing the trade, instead of choosing to fight a war.  There is a deep metaphor hidden in the previous sentence.

         3.  I can be empathic and successful at the same time!

I don't know why some people have the image that a successful woman should be cold and heartless. Talk about portraying all different kinds of stereotypes to women. But hey, that isn't uncommon in this modern world.  You can be empathic, understanding, loving, knowing, and kind as a successful woman. Successful women know that we shouldn't give our power away like that. We shouldn't change who we are and the values that we uphold just to please others. Now that I call it an unhealthy form of people-pleasing. Don't do it, Queen, trust me on this one. We don't let corporate decide who we should be, no successful women, decide what becomes of corporate. We lead to build and create a world that is aligned with our values.  That is why it is important for you, a Queen to be aware that you can be empathic and successful at the same time.  Dare to be different and you just might surprise yourself! When we lead with kindness, we encourage others to claim their power too and that leads to productivity that adds value to our lives. A successful woman knows how to inspire!

4.  I am grateful for the good people and opportunities in my life!

Why focus on the bad when you can focus on the good? When you become an attention magnet like me ( Ugh, an introvert's nightmare. It is not all glamour) people might end up talking about you. Some good and some bad, a question that I often get asked is why I don't get mad when people talk or think bad of me? Because I am not focused on the haters, although you'll end up adoring me once you end up studying me haha. I am so grateful for the good people in my life, who love and adore me and make me feel like a Queen. We should appreciate and value those who show us love and contribute to our positive experiences.  This is so important because you don't want to become one of those people that didn't appreciate what they had until it was gone. Don't make your life extra difficult! Some people go into these self-sabotaging patterns without realizing it.  Be grateful for the opportunities as well. Practicing gratitude will make it easier to recognize when life is handing you an offer that you shouldn't refuse! Your experiences are unique in their own way, learn to build the beautiful life you dream of. The first thing you should do if you want it to become a reality is to be grateful for who you are and the life you live. If you do not value your existence, you will live your life depending on other people their validations. That is not an emotional or mentally healthy place to be in.

5. I am open to receiving wisdom

A successful woman is wise because she remains open to receiving wisdom. She knows that the universe is filled with an unattainable amount of knowledge and data so she views each day as a new learning opportunity.  She believes in the processing ability of the Queen living inside of her so she opens her mind to receive the right kind of information. She remains humble by learning from others so that she can become a better teacher. A successful woman is as much of a student as she is a teacher. She is continuously focused on improving herself and her life because she knows that the wisdom she gathers and the lessons that she learns are nothing but tools that can help her build the life that she knows she deserves. A successful woman doesn't give up, she keeps pushing through. Because she knows that history has favored those that chased what was once impossible. In the same way that it was impossible for the earth to be round or oval.  In the same way that it was impossible for man to fly and for electricity to exist. There are so many examples from which successful women can learn how to bring their impossible dream to life. It all starts with you. Happy international women's day to all of you gorgeous Queens out there!  This year's theme is Gender equality for a sustainable tomorrow! A powerful theme, that speaks for itself.  When we as Queens embrace our power, we can indeed build a sustainable tomorrow and that is definitely something the world needs right now. 

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