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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 powerful affirmations for writers

            5 powerful affirmations for writers 

Hello, my dearest Story Time readers from around the world. How have you been? I am doing great, I wish the world was doing as great as I am or even better. But in life, you can't have everything.  Today is world book day and as an author, I had to write this story. Don't forget to check out my book page on my blog home page if you want to see the books that I have written ( At least under this name whhahaha joke). I have been writing ever since I was a kid and living in a country where people think you can't do much with writing is a journey on its own. I can't believe that I actually get to share my work with you guys. Some of you might be talented too. So in honor of world book day, I am sharing these 5 powerful affirmations for writers.  And if there is a little girl or boy out there that dreams to become a writer one day, don't give up on your dreams. I know I am making use of the life that I am living, I am following my passion and I am enjoying the process of learning and growing. Either way, I just think it is amazing that my words can share these powerful stories with you guys. So without further hesitation here are 5 sacred and powerful affirmations for writers:

1. When I write my story I focus on the storyline and not on perfection.  That's why I don't have any problems finishing and starting my stories!

I think a lot of writers can relate to this very powerful affirmation.  When I first started writing I found myself being too focused on achieving perfection. This impacted the amount of content and books that I could produce.  That's why I decided to practice this affirmation, if writing is my passion I will certainly pursue it.  When you write focus on the story that you want to share and not on how perfect you vision it to be. You have to get started somewhere and you have to let go of the pen at a certain moment. Or else you will never be able to start a new story.  I know what it's like to keep a draft around for an entire year. For writers that have suffered because of perfection and procrastination repeat after me " When I write my story I focus on the storyline and not on perfection. That's why I don't have any problems finishing and starting my stories."

2. I enjoy the process of creating, I am free in expressing my creativity when I am writing!

This should be a very important affirmation for every writer. Because if you don't enjoy the process of creating then what is the point? You should feel free in expressing your creativity whenever you are writing. I know I do, I might not be the best but I just love the way I can put words together to shape a story. A story that hopefully touches hearts with the same emotions that came out of me when I was busy creating it.  Don't restrict your creativity, feel free to let your talent flow out. That is the only way you can find out how good you are and how much you have hidden in you. I believe that by practicing the things that we are good at we can develop our potential. By not limiting our gifts we become free to explore them. I like to believe that when this freedom has been achieved an artist can explore the depth of her or his gifts as an ultimate expression of who they are. And do I love expressing myself through my talents? More than anything that you can imagine.  By recognizing my gifts and embracing them to create I write with passion, and that is the most important thing when it comes to writing stories. We must not forget the reason why we desire to share these stories or why we feel the need to express these parts of our creativity. I know a lot of people know what I am talking about when I say that developing and using your talents can be therapeutic. Do it because you love to do it, and you will find yourself growing to new levels each time. 

3. I experiment with different styles, to fit the story. Because a part of my gift is to be able to tell a story in a million different ways.

When you are a writer I think its fun to experiment with different writing styles. We have to keep it diverse and when you experiment with different styles you tend to reach different kinds of audiences. A good writer knows how to keep all kinds of audiences entertained.  A part of exploring your gift will be telling one story in so many different ways. That is when you explore the depths of your talent.  Don't be afraid to try new things, open yourself up to new experiences, and of course have an open ear for good feedback. We can only learn and grow as we keep practicing our craft. And the more you keep practicing the easier it becomes to figure out what writing styles suit which kind of story. You could say that by writing with different styles we get to express our inner creative voice in different ways. 

     4. I am not afraid to put out my work for others to read 

If you want to be a well-known writer you have to build the confidence to put out your work for others to read.  This affirmation helps you to build that confidence. I know a lot of artists who have created masterpieces only to hide them for themselves.  How will you know how good you really are if you don't share your work with others? We must believe that we are gifted for a reason and that the pieces that we create deserve to claim their own spot in this world.  I know how vulnerable it can feel to share something that you have created with someone else, but why isn't the world allowed to admire the beauty of your creations? 

     5. I am always inspired to feed and express my creativity 

We have reached the last affirmation in this storytime article " 5 powerful affirmations for writers." If you don't want to miss any of my other stories don't forget to jump onto the Story Time  U.F.O.  Every writer should always feel inspired to feed and express their creativity. A writer without inspiration is the same as a page without words. A blank canvas that waits for its purpose to be fulfilled.  That is why I love this affirmation. I am always inspired to feed and express my creativity, as long I keep doing this I can keep sharing great stories with you guys.  Happy World Book day and don't forget to check out my books.  Happy reading and until next time right here on Story Time!

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