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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Can you feel the self-love tonight?

 Story Time: Can you feel self-love tonight?

How have you guys been? Welcome back to a new Story Time self-love article. Can someone unleash the drum rolls, please?  Today I am radiating self-love toward all of you. I mean can we afford to not do that with all the crazy things that are happening in the world? Plus life is short and look at how fast I turned 29!  So having said that I am choosing to live my life and the first place to start is by taking care of ourselves and our own needs. Yaay for how self-love gives us the ability to choose for ourselves. Something that seems to be difficult for a lot of people. I used to be one of those people and I have to be honest sometimes I still struggle with it. But I am acting from a better place, the more I learn the more I grow.  You can't keep pouring from an empty cup, what good would that do for other people or yourself?  Sometimes we just need to learn to stand strong on our own, not to isolate ourselves from the world. But instead to find out what we are made of.  If there is one thing that self-love has made me more aware of it is that there is nothing wrong with vulnerability. Throughout my experience with people, I have come to realize, that we are all vulnerable. We just don't always feel safe and comfortable showing it. That's why I think that the most important safe space that you should have, is the one that you create within yourself.  Why should you become your own worst enemy? Sometimes bad thoughts can mess with our self-esteem and the way that we view ourselves. It can leave you feeling unmotivated, depleted, drained and even depressed or unsatisfied, and even stuck with life. We might not feel good enough for ourselves and others. That is a very unhealthy place to be in. Don't base your self-worth because of the way others perceive you. If the most successful people I know would do that then they would have never made it this far. Even history shows many examples of successful and innovative people who kept chasing their dreams no matter how impossible society perceived them to be.  Your power is within, so you have to claim it! You are the one who owns who you are! So you might as well treat yourself like the main star. If you feel like the world is already weighing against you, why should you add to your own burdens? Self-sabotaging behavior can take on many forms and might creep up on you without you even noticing it. It happens when you feed your mind with anxiety, fear or when you have problems letting go of the past. For the most part, it all starts with how you treat yourself on the inside. The mind is a powerful machine! The mind can create, build and innovate.  When it functions in its prime glory, it stores our happy and sad memories. Without it, our human existence would simply not be the same. Especially when it comes to the way we perceive the world around us. But be careful with how you treat it! If you fill up a car engine with the wrong kind of oil, you are basically destroying the machine. That is why it matters what you feed your mind. Let's make a deal starting today, we are feeding our minds with self-love! Make a note of the day that you start this journey with me on my blog and let's see what the results will be after a year. Feel free to provide me with feedback in the comment section. If you won't believe in yourself and love yourself the way you deserved to be loved who else will?  That's why I designed this wonderful exercise for you, my dearest readers. If you want to stay updated each time I post a new article don't forget to jump onto my Story Time U.F.O that way we can go on many adventures together.  Starting off with this Can you feel the self-love tonight game? It has a list of my favorite self-love affirmations to practice for the end of the day.  Repeat after me in this order or you can just write it down or practice this game when you are looking in a mirror:

I can feel self-love tonight because I am happy!
I can feel self-love tonight because I decide to be happy!
I can feel self-love tonight because I manifest my happiness!
I can feel self-love tonight because I am content with my day!
I can feel self-love tonight because I did more than enough for the day! I can feel self-love because I know I am worthy! I can feel love for myself so I decide to take care of myself! Self-love lets me do what is best for me. Self-love makes me abundant and healthy. I can feel self-love because I am the most authentic version of myself!

Can you feel self-love tonight?
It fuels me so I can share my light.
It feeds me to become a better version of myself every night.
It helps me not lose sight of what is wrong and right.
I can feel self-love because every day I find tools to build the life I want. I can feel self-love because I know that I alone can decide the outcome of how much effort and time I invest in myself! I can feel self-love because I know that I am worth every ounce of love that I show myself. I can feel self-love because my being can simply not be withheld.  I can feel self-love even as I rest. My body needs the proper tender love and care! So that when I need it, it can always be there. Each labor and act of service that I put out towards myself will make tomorrow easier.  It's because I feel self-love tonight that I will live each day happier. No matter what burdens, traumas, or pain I have experienced. I will not let things that I cannot control influence how I feel about myself. It is because of my experiences that I know that I deserve a better life for myself.  That is why I claim the power of self-love for myself!

I can feel love for myself when I pursue my passion!
I can feel love  for myself when I allow myself to dream
I can feel love for myself when I make myself feel heard and seen!
I can feel love for myself when I make my home feel like a mansion! I can feel love for myself when I realize that I have the power to decide what I do and do not value! I can feel love for myself when I do the things that I love to do. I can feel love for myself when I take care of my mind.  Self-love helps me be kind. To myself and those around me. Self-love helps me practice boundaries and select who does and does not deserve my time and energy. Self-love helps me identify relations that no longer serve me. And most important of all self-love helps me identify my needs!  I need to know what I want for myself, to keep my mind, body, and soul content. Self-love makes sure that I am my own best friend. Self-love feeds me with courage and confidence. I can feel self-love because my glow is radiant! I can feel self-love because anxiety, depression, fear, and my limitations have become irrelevant. They do not control me when I am feeding myself with self-love.  I can feel self-love because I effortlessly can practice self-love! I can feel self-love because I have found my own stable rock. It keeps me grounded and connected with my environment. 

What do you guys think of my little self-love game? Now I hope you get down and dirty to play this game with yourself every night! If you want you can take notes in your own personal self-love diary and make notes of the progress that you have made. It won't be long before you notice why it is important to feed your mind with self-love! When you give your engine the right kind of full nothing can hold your horses back.  You have the ability to build the life that you desire, but it all starts with how you treat yourself! I have some more fun self-love games for you, that I will be sharing in the future. Don't forget to check out my Story Time Productions Book store page or my merchandise store where I have a couple of cool designs.  Feel free to explore my website, you will find my socials in the menu options and you can also listen to my podcast from the menu.  I can't wait to share more fun stories with you guys in the future.  Until next time right here on Story Time!

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