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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Story Time: Why you should take risks in life!

 Story Time: Why you should take risks in life!

Hello, my dearest Story Time readers from around the world, with another self-love-related article. Today I want to talk to you about why you should take risks in life.  I enjoy sharing my self-love advice with you guys. It's like I am writing letters to a good friend, and we are taking this intense healing journey together that gives us the strength and wisdom to fulfill our purpose.  Life is short, and we aren't going to waste it being anything but authentic! That is rule number one when you join the Story Time tribe. We can only discover who we are by being our authentic selves. Since there is only one of me and I can't explain this to everyone one by one! ( Man imagine how tiring it would be if you had to give everyone a private session? ) Nah, we aren't doing the impossible. That is why I am glad to have my blog as an outlet to help me reach out to other people who could use this free advice. I stored a lot of knowledge and philosophy in my brain, and even though I live my life leading with humbleness I don't want all of that knowledge to go to waste. So I hope that when the hands of time have passed longer than an eternity, my blog should live on. I know dramatic writing style, right? haha You never know, what I do know is that we are all trying to live our lives as best as we can. We try to grow, develop and give ourselves and the ones that we care about the things we deserve. It doesn't matter how many struggles we face, and how many obstacles we confront. We need to be driven by hope, to keep trying again tomorrow.  Having hope is good, but it shouldn't be built on shaky foundations. I got the idea to write this article when I had a conversation with a young friend of mine. I wanted to teach him, why it is important to take risks in life. Of course, I mean calculated risks. Sometimes we can save our energy and time from being wasted on the wrong things by simply taking risks and confronting our fears.  Here are three reasons why you should take risks in life:

                      1. Taking risks helps you build courage!

Every time you take a risk, you face your fears. Every time you face your fears, you build a little bit of courage.  Each time you gain more courage, you get closer to becoming fearless. Fearlessness is a warrior's medal, we wear it proudly. If you think that becoming fearless is an effortless process, you are wrong.  The brave have become fearless by choosing not to hide behind cowardness and fear. They do not allow insecurity to dictate what they can and cannot survive. Simply because they have survived and therefore they know what they are made of.  If they didn't take risks in life when they had moments of fear, they would never find out what the meaning of their strength is. When you take risks, you not only find out what you are capable of but you also gain the opportunity to see how far courage can take you. You might be surprised, at all the great adventures that await you once you finally decide to claim your power as the hero of your own life! If you are the main character, don't be afraid to take calculated risks! Sometimes you just need to listen to your instinct and follow your gut. I have taken a lot of risks in my life that I don't regret. If I had not taken a chance on myself, who else would?

                       2. Some risks can give us direction!

As I said before, some risks in life can save us time, energy, and even heartbreak. That's because by taking certain kinds of risks we can gain clarity. This kind of clarity can give us a sense of direction.  Let me give you an example so that you have a better indication of what I mean. Now imagine you have a crush, but you are scared of confessing your love for them. The possibility of losing them as a friend seems to be too big of a risk. So instead you just keep hoping that they magically make the first move, as you dream your days away.  Now imagine that one day you finally decide to take the risk. To get it over with, and to build solid foundations for the hope that you have built in your mind and heart.  What's the worst thing that can happen? If he or she says no, you might be disappointed at the moment. But at least you won't waste any more time obsessively dreaming over something that could never be.  Instead, you now know, that you need to take another direction in your life for you to be able to find the happiness that you seek.  This is why having clarity is so important, or you might just find out that it all worked out for the best and the person likes you back.  If you never take a risk, you won't find out! I think you guys get my point, if we don't take risks we limit our options. Sometimes it is necessary to take the action that we fear.  What risks do you fear taking in life? If you want to keep updated each time I post a new article don't forget to jump onto the Story Time U.F.O.  Share my blog with the people you care about to show me some love and don't forget to check out my Merchandise and Book store if you want to show me some extra love.  The good news is that if you have Amazon Prime, you can borrow my book for free. 

                3. When you take risks, you break barriers!

Keep in mind that when I am talking about risks in this self-love article, I am not talking about unnecessary stupid things that you can try out to get yourself in trouble.  I am talking about the necessary steps that you need to take to develop yourself or to bring yourself ahead in life but fear prevents you from making a move.  Anxiety tries to take you over and whispers in your ear that you are not capable, worthy, or valuable! Don't listen to those voices, a huge step when it comes to taking these kinds of risks is to break the barriers.  Break all limitations that your insecurities have kept you trapped in and don't let others' insecurities become your own! Be a risk-taker when it comes to these kinds of risks and define your own destiny. I will write an article in the future on how you can tell the difference between the different kinds of risks. The good ones, that I highlight in this article and the ones that you don't want to get involved with. Let's call the good ones healthy risks for future references. Thank you so much for supporting my blog and lots of love guys. I can't wait to see you soon, right here on Story Time!

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