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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

How to deal with rejection?

                How to deal with rejection?

Hello my dearest Story Time readers, how are you? As usual, I have been busy. These days it has been pouring rain in Suriname. I am even feeling a cold coming up. It's a good thing this South American/ Caribbean country is rich in fruit.  So I am stacking up these vitamins, especially since it still feels like I am living in a pandemic.  Despite my busy schedule I still try to find the time to create content for you guys. So don't forget to show a little bit of appreciation by simply hopping onto that Story Time U.F.O.  That way I get to share all of my fun adventures with you guys. I have to be honest, I love the way my blog is turning out to be. It's not only a reflection of my creative endeavors, an opportunity to highlight inspiring people and their stories but also a way for me to share free wisdom with the rest of the world.   That's why I love writing these self-love articles so much. If someone had thought me all of this for free, my life would have been a lot easier.  I am not one to be greedy with knowledge, I am pretty sure a lot of people would be willing to vouch for that if I just asked. I like to live a humble life, so I don't mind. In today's Self-love articles I will be talking about 5 ways to deal with rejection. I got inspired to write this story when I found out a lot of people fear rejection. For some reason or another people fear not being good enough, as if mankind was made to be perfect. According to our entire history, it's our own imperfections that also helped us get this far in life.  Here are 5 ways to deal with rejection:

1. Embrace the unknown!

To embrace the unknown is to be able to engage with life in a way that you welcome the journeys on your path.  We must not let fear hold us back, instead, use fear to push us ahead. At the end of each adventure, a great treasure might await you. You never know until you try it out.  All I know is that for me standing still is not an option. I chose to grow, so the people around me can grow with me too. My people are my rock and that is because in my tribe we do things differently. Just like each Story Time is a bit different. If I had never taken the steps to experiment with my blog or to try new things and expand into unknown territory I would have never gotten to this point.  I have failed so many times and have been rejected a couple of more, but looking back on my life I wouldn't change a thing.  The sooner each rejection and failure came, the faster I could learn and move on to the next opportunity. Life has often surprised me like that. I guess that is why I am not afraid of taking risks. Not in my life, not in my business, not in anything. I am fearless. I am fearless because I know what I stand for, and I know that what is meant for me will be for me. I am brave, because I know that life is short, and I do not want to spend it living in fear. I face rejection with a smile, I face failure with love and thank them for teaching me valuable lessons and for helping to shape me. Because sometimes even failure and rejection can be a hidden blessing that directs you to a better path.  I do not fear the unknown, I do not fear tomorrow, I welcome it as my inner warrior queen gets ready to face another day. The people that you surround yourself with help make your journey easier. If they grow, you grow and if you want to lead with pride it is very important to embrace the unknown and to have faith in the direction that life takes you. Keep a sane mind and remember that you weren't meant to control everything. You can only give it your best, enjoy the day, and hope it's enough. If it isn't you don't beat yourself up over that, I like to see each failure as getting a step closer to success. As a matter of fact in my entire career and journey that I have had up until now ( I am 29 now guys, gasp) failure and rejection have been a huge part of it. They have been the strong stepping stones for the growth of my career. 

                             2. Be confident in yourself!

You have to be confident in yourself and in your skills. Not because someone else doesn't see your potential, or the potential in your dreams and ideas does it mean that you should give up. There are many examples of cases like this in the world.  You have to accept and realize that not everyone was made to think the same way. That doesn't have to be something bad, because those are the things that help set us apart. Being different doesn't mean that you shouldn't be accepted. What it does mean is that you have to be bold enough to be yourself. And the bold do not tend to settle for less than they deserve.  We all strive for quality of life. How your life turns out is for a large part also dependent on who you are as an individual and the skills that you possess. We all possess different qualities and skills. To find out what your skills are is a part of your journey.  I always say that you have to be the first person to believe in yourself! If you don't push through with your goals and dreams no one else will step up to the table to do it for you. When you are confident in who you are no amount of rejections or failures impact your value. Instead at each failure and rejection, you will look for another opportunity that serves you better.  As you start to shine on your path others who value the same goals will join you with pleasure. Don't sell yourself short, you weren't meant to be placed in a box. Selling yourself short, would mean placing limitations on who you are and the things that you are capable of. Treat yourself with love and kindness and see it as an investment for your future!

3. Rejection and failure don't mean it's the end of the road

When you get rejected in life or feel as if you failed it is not the end of the road. Our journey in life has many milestones. Some are successful and some aren't. What can be said with certainty is that each milestone adds to our experience.  That experience becomes a part of our story.  Failure and rejection help test our strength and our perseverance. I like to see it as an opportunity to test my strength and to find out what I am made of. After each practice I grow, I learn and I become better. When I do my projects, for example, these days I have become an expert at filling events of organizations and private activities with people. But there was a time when I wasn't able to do that. When I first started doing projects as a young girl, I had a couple of events of mine that weren't that successful.  As I gained more experience and started connecting with people on a larger scale I developed those skills to the level that I am at now and I will keep developing my skills. I have had countless people tell me to just give up on my vision and my goals. But I didn't, I kept pushing through and at the end of the day, I have an amazing team that motivates me behind the scenes and that helps make my project possible. It doesn't matter what direction I take, they trust me to do the right thing. That's why I think being a good leader means holding responsibility toward the people that believe in and invest in your vision.  From my experience every time I grow or step up in life, it only adds another goal to be achieved on my list. That's why my failures and the rejections that I experienced in life cannot hold me back from getting up and trying again and again until I have mastered the obstacle.  The road only ends when you are dead, so adding all that pressure onto yourself does no one well.  Flow with love, faith, and good intentions through your life and you will meet the right people on your path that will help you achieve your goals.

                       4. Remember the people that love you!

When you find yourself facing tough times remember the people that love you. They give you support, courage and strength. Sometimes they are our family members and sometimes they can be strangers that become our family members. Gravitate toward the right people and you will never feel alone when you have to face obstacles. It is so important to surround yourself with the right people. They will help you to grow in ways you could never imagine. Love is a powerful motivation. After all, we do need each other in life. And when you care about the people that matter you will want the best for them. When there is room for jealousy, hate, and misunderstanding that is when you know that you have found your tribe. They will make the journey more loving and enjoyable. 

5. Trust the process 

Sometimes you just have to have some faith in yourself and trust the process. Sometimes life has better things for us in store. There are a whole lot of things in my life that I thought I would never do. And after I passed those stages, I realized that sometimes things don't go our way for a reason. We often want to control everything around us and that is just not possible. Because we can't control the universe around us, we can influence it. But we can never master and control it.  Life is a gift and I am one of those people that chose to believe that we have been given this gift for a reason.  That is why I chose to treasure my gift of life. I enjoy the journey that I am on and I trust that life will take me on the right path. Just like how it has brought so many amazing people on my journey and just how one way or another you managed to find my blog. I hope this self-love article has been helpful for you. I know that these 5 tips on how to deal with rejection have served me well.  I am passing them on to you in the hopes that they make your life easier. Don't forget to jump onto the Story Time U.F.O to join me on my future adventures. If you are interested in my books visit my Book store and take a peep at my Merchandise store for some fun items. Until next time right here on Story Time!

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