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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

A wedding to remember

                       A wedding to remember:

              Part one: Preparing for the big day!

" Couple getting married on the beach"

I stare at the watch on my hand to look at the time. I can't believe how fast the day went by. I am supposed to meet Michael for a food tasting with the caterers at 6 pm. Somehow or another I always seem to lose track of time. I remember the day Michael gave me this beautiful diamond studded watch.  At that time we had known each other for 12 long years. I am so happy that he is the man that I get to marry. But our love story is everything but ordinary. I never thought I would be the type of woman to get married. Not even on the day he gave me this watch. All of my life I always felt like I could so quickly lose track of time. Especially with the kind of lifestyle I had before I was even officially dating Michael. I was always on the go trying to do one thing or another. Sometimes I wouldn't even know what day it was. For me, it felt like I was living different lives at the same time! I have this one big secret that I haven't told Michael yet. My heart just flutters with anxiety when I think about it. It's not really something I want to be ashamed of since it plays a large part in who I am. I know I have to tell him before our wedding. That's in a month, I wanted to tell him sooner. But I never found the right opportunity. It all went so fast.  With all the wedding preparations that we had to do, and all our families traveling to attend this wedding we didn't have a lot of alone time together. Each time I wanted to tell him, someone either popped up or something came in between. I can't believe some people don't grasp the concept of privacy. And one of those people is his over-excited uncle Irvin who flew in all the way from France for this wedding. Uncle Irvin is really something! I know he means well but sometimes I get the feeling that he drains the energy right out of me. Let's say when it comes to energy, I know what I am talking about. But right now I am risking being late again. Somehow I seem to always be organized and disciplined at time management but I still run late for these things. The reason behind that is my secret. I walk out of the fashion boutique and say goodbye to my girlfriends. Today we spent all day shopping for the wedding. I went to pick out the bridesmaids' dresses with the girls. I wanted to have something that would fit the theme.  The theme: " A Queens fairytale" certainly fits me. We are planning to do our wedding at three separate events. If I am going down,... the isle I might as well go down in style.  That and adding the fact that I know so many people. If it was up to Michael we would have a small intimate wedding. Since his original list of guests consisted of only 100 people. A large part of the people on his list is his close friends and family. My list has 2000 guests, and that is after a lot of editing at Michael his request. In my case, everyone is my friend and family. I can't help it, I say I am an introvert but life just brought certain people into my life for a reason. The Ironic part is most of those people know my secret, but Michael still has no idea. It would not be fair to keep it hidden from him any longer. I will try to tell him during our dinner tasting. Right now I still look like a mess after my long day. I hop into the car with two of my good friends Trisha and Mariella. We head on over to the hotel that we are staying at. It's a deluxe resort. Michael says we are lucky to be able to get a booking at this hotel. Since they are mostly booked 2 years in advance. What he doesn't know is that I am a major business partner in the Deluxe resorts global real estate group. That, I don't count as a secret. We both agree that our businesses are our own. So we don't meddle in it, since he doesn't want money to become an issue for us. The funny thing is he thinks he has more money than me, but I am pretty confident about my own pockets. I practically broke my back and health building my empire. That's why when he recommended signing a prenup I didn't hesitate for a moment. At that moment, I knew he was indeed the man of my dreams, haha, Don't get me wrong, it's not my intention to fool anyone. I just happen to know him better than he knows me. I like to listen and this one toxic trait that I have ever since my pride got stabbed is when people assume, I allow them to assume. When people see you as wealthy and abundant, they don't always recognize the hard work, painful moments, blood, sweat, and struggles that went into that behind the scenes. They treat you differently for the wrong reasons. " Sarah, Sarah, where is your wireless charger? I need to charge my battery before Simon calls." " It's in my red bag in the back of the car."  I can't believe my friend Trisha is still dating Simon after all these years. She sure has a one-of-a-kind taste in men, but I try to make that none of my business. I like being in my own world, it's drama free that way. But apparently, life always seems to have other plans for me. I don't like sticking my nose in people their business. But people find a way to shove their business right under my nose. I should have known what they meant by two people, can't keep a secret. I am 35 now and I am happy that I get the chance to marry a wonderful man like Michael. I know I might be one of those people to walk down the wedding aisle a little bit later in life. But I have no regrets, everything had to happen the way it did or I would have never met Michael. I am just a bit nervous when I think about how my secret will affect our life after marriage. I also don't know how he will react to it. I could have buried it and hoped he would never find out. But my secret isn't really something I can hide or get rid of. I have tried for years, but all those efforts were in vain.  We arrive at the Deluxe resort hotel lobby and check into our suites.  I am planning to leave with the girls for my bachelorette party tomorrow. We are catching the early morning flight. Michael is lucky that he gets to sleep out. He is flying in a different direction with the boys and they get to leave on a late afternoon flight.  Then we will all meet again in Paris for our first wedding event with both of our families and friends.  Tonight I have to find the right moment to tell Michael the truth. I try to gather all of my courage together. During all of my wild adventures bravery was no issue.I have faced many demons but when it comes to Michael the energy grows cold and stale. Just the thought of exposing myself to him makes me want to freeze and disappear again.  But this time it's too late to back off. I either tell him tonight or I call off the wedding.  I can't let him stay around me without knowing the dangers of my life. I open the door to my Deluxe special private sweet. I love the interior so much because I designed these suites, specifically for me and my business partners. I chose the colors representing each one of our stories, energy, and the visions that we stand for. Each of these special suites holds a personal symbol for me and my people. On the other hand, I am so relieved that we have gotten this far. I remember starting from scratch, and now look at this beautiful empire I have built for myself. Yet under the surface, there is a hidden story. Unfortunately at the moment, I don't have time to dwell on that. So I step into this sexy red dress after a quick soak in the tub. We are already a half hour late. Michael is so used to me being late that he hasn't even called me yet.  He must already be at the Royal Garden Venue with uncle Irvin and the rest of our family and friends. I stare into the mirror in front of me that is cast in pure gold.  My reflection seems to be as beautiful as this vintage-designed golden mirror. Looking at my own reflection it's hard to believe that I have come this far despite facing many obstacles, insecurities, and traumas in my life. I am happy that I at least found the strength to let go of all of that unnecessary baggage. Now it's time to powder my face and fix my hair. I never really was someone who used to wear a lot of make-up. I do like to look pretty for myself but with my old lifestyle, there was barely no time for that. I say old lifestyle as if much has changed. I hope it becomes a part of my old lifestyle after my wedding to Michael. Our passion is as bright as the red lipstick paste that I adorn my lips. He makes me believe that it's possible for me to have a normal life and a normal family. Something that I gave up on many years ago. Just as I gave up hope that I would ever find someone who could love and understand me the way Michael does. After all, I have been through our relationship was like a breath of fresh air in my life. I was hesitant to marry him, but that had nothing to do with him. Ever since I was a kid I felt like I somehow didn't quite belong in this world. I was different, it just took me such a long time to realize and accept that being different doesn't have to be bad. I was scared that the fact that I was different would make me less loveable. Trisha knocks at the door and yells " Are you ready? Let's go? What are you doing in there" I yell back at her " Just come in already!"  I hear the door opening behind me and a few moments later I see Sarah her excited face in a beautiful long-sleeved yellow dress staring at my face in the mirror. " Let me help you fix your hair, I can do a quick and stylish braid. That way we can leave in no time. I hope you won't keep Michael waiting this long on the wedding day." " Oh I am sure he won't mind waiting for me, he has waited this long after all. Waiting a few moments longer won't hurt." " That is true, but I still want to get there before the boys finish all the good food".

                                      To be continued ...

Authors note: Thank you for reading my free story. I really appreciate the time that you take to read something that I get to create especially for my Story Time fans. Don't forget to jump onto the Story Time U.F.O. If you really enjoy reading, check out my Story Time Book Store to get a good deal on my kindle books.  I can't wait to see you again, right here on Story Time. 

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