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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Slaying 30 like a boss ass Queen!

 Blogger notes Slaying 30 like a boss-ass Queen!

" Sharona Lieuw On during the regional conference on politics, economics and technology held by the Center for Analysing Public Policy in the Dominican Republic"

Hello my dearest Story Time readers from around the world, wow has it been one long journey for us. Remember when I was just a naive young girl that started this blog many years ago? Gasp how time flies by and my older fans have watched me grow up in a totally different way than the people home did. As a writer, I have come to grow so much. It's thanks to your warm love and support that this blog of mine has made it so far.  You guys know that each year for my birthday I write a letter to myself in my blogger notes. This is where you'll get to know the Queen on a totally different level. I embrace having the talent of beautifully expressing myself and sharing it with you guys. Okay, now I do regret deleting the old posts.  That would have been an awesome comparison of how much I have grown. In the hopes to inspire my fellow King & Queens. Of course, if you are a part of the Story Time tribe, you have no choice but to become royalty. It doesn't matter how bad your story is, with self-love we heal, we grow, we explore, we learn and of course, we expand before this body of ours hits the soil. Ah well, it is what it is! I know one thing, that girl that was writing all those letters a couple of years ago you would be hell a proud of me. We wear and deserve that crown Queen. Dreams can come true, and although we might not be all the way there we are enjoying the journey. In these moments we get to discover who is real with us and who isn't. I love learning these life lessons, my bravery has made me view everything as an adventure.  This Queen loves upgrading, and self-love helps me achieve these upgrades that feel divine to my royal being. If I only knew that those thoughts that I had in my head as a kid would become a part of my reality. Shrugs it off, that and somewhere I do believe that the universe communicates with me. Either that or my good karma is starting to pay off and probably will pay off even more with all the good people keeping me in their prayers. I kind of made it into my art to turn pain and failure into this beautiful masterpiece that I call my story. All I have to say on that is I am loving life while I am living the story. I am learning balance, I am learning to choose for myself, I am learning to make more time for my creative endeavors, and to share myself with the world for the sake of the people that drive me out of my shell! Shout out to those wonderful beings that positively impact my life. My recent trip to the Dominican Republic was quite an adventure. It opened my eyes to how much of a spoiled Queen I am in Suriname and how much I downplay myself. Gasp I have become so comfortable among my people. Now imagine this a sister had to travel to Panama and got stranded there due to these Miami storms that messed up the schedule for an entire day in a country where they only speak Spanish. It's a good thing I took those Spanish classes at the Venezuelan institute for culture and cooperation in Suriname. Besides the fun fact, I was also a part of their choir.  Good memories of that, the festivals, the experiences, and the people I got to meet. I certainly recommend that Surinamese people look into that if they get the chance. Besides, we already get basic Spanish in school. An ex-president of a Latin country that I accidentally met in a hotel elevator told me that Spanish is the next global language. I bet he would be surprised at how bilingual Surinamese people are. We can deal with everything and everyone. It just takes us a while to juggle between all these languages that we know.  Besides, I haven't used Spanish in years. So being stranded in Panama was quite the practice. I survived it and it boosted my confidence with all the new friends that I made that helped me out and complimented me on the few words I remembered. Shh don't tell them that I probably understand it better than I can speak it. Imagine being there wandering around in a country where nobody knows you! That kind of stuff would never happen to me in Suriname. Everywhere I go I know people, that treat me as great as I treat them. Judging from the outside you might think that I am just one spoiled girl. That's the illusion from one side. My people love me, because they know I am down for them. They make my life easier because they know that whatever I do, I do it with us and our future in mind. That's what being a servant leader means to me. I get that royal love because I wear my heart on my sleeve. That's why I guess I might shock people when they first meet me. Because I am telling you some of these foreigners weren't ready to meet me. Back home everyone knows I am quite the experience, it's actually for my diverse perspective I get approached. Let's say it like this right or wrong I don't sugarcoat. People come to me for that quality, and me being so used to being around my team most of the time goes out and blab like I never left home in the first place. Ah well, that's called being authentic, yeah wouldn't be the first time my blunt mouth puts a big highlight on me even when I don't mean to. But no regrets, that's just the way my crown roles. The longer you roll with my positive intense vibes the better you get to understand how we can help each other elevate to higher levels. If I can't add value, the Queen is walking away. Of course, turning 30 is going to be an amazing experience. I have learned so much about myself throughout the years. Self-love helped me build a different kind of confidence. I got to understand the value and love I receive from my people even better. 

"Shachem Lieuw exploring Saramacca wearing Story Time Merch shirt"

But I did find it thrilling to explore the entire place in a country where no one knew me or how sharp I was. My entire trip was a field day, and I could tell that my friends back home knew that I was having fun. I should do that more often, just to get another perspective on life. I am definitely going to more places where people don't know me.  Although being home where everything is familiar is a blessing. So I'd never leave home permanently, someway or another even in my wandering I would come back to my people.  They have after all been there with me as long as you guys have been reading my stories or in some cases even longer.  It doesn't matter where my crown gravitates, all I know is that I never regret following my heart and taking a different direction in life. I know that the fruits of my labor are as magically delicious as I am. It's called having faith in yourself, although I sometimes think that other people have more faith in me than I do in myself. That's a good thing, that is how you know you are surrounded by the right people. Sometimes you also need to meet a lot of wrong people to help you realize your value so you can choose better for yourself. I know by now that my life has been filled with a lot of unexpected adventures. No matter how much I will try to explain it, you probably wouldn't know the depth of it. This is what we call the hero's gift and curse in the story. Either way, I embrace my adventure, and I am just enjoying living today while doing the best I can for myself and my people. Just being alive today is a gift, and I intend to use it! Every waking moment that passes I am being nothing but this wonderful energy that gets to live the main character vibes in my story. I think that's a side of life we should embrace more. So here is to 30 you beautiful, intelligent, gorgeous, amazing, talented, healing, abundant, magnificent Queen! I know we slay it like boss-ass Queens do.  May your heart remain pure, may your love keep spreading, may your light shine bright, may your crown be guided by justice and righteousness, and may I have the wisdom, strength, and courage to embrace the future. It's just another chapter in the story. 

" Sharona Lieuw On receiving her Public Policy certificate from IRI board member Tami Longaberger"

For now, it seems I am just winging it and seeing where my skills take me in life. All the things that I am learning in my journey I'll take along with me to apply that knowledge in ways that become the very strength I know my people have within them. I always like to say that I wear many hats in society, being a Youth Ambassador for peace I also participate in many things as a global citizen. That's some of the skills they teach you when you become a Youth Ambassador for peace.  A couple of those things, I don't feel like mentioning. But ironically I immediately got to use the knowledge I gained from the public policy course while working on some other mental health global public policy. It's no secret, this Queen most of the time values privacy. My story speaks for itself in the love that I receive from those around me. Each one carries a different part of me, and all of those parts are parts I am proud of. Turning 30, I am so happy that I never stopped being myself. Even though I had problems coming out of my shell.  Especially if you become famous at a young age in your country. It happens, but I had to go through that and meet the right people in life to pull me out of my shell. I had to learn lessons, go on adventures and find out what kind of power I had hidden within. That's how I found this Queen that does, will, and shall keep doing great things, while she is enjoying life and totally being herself no matter where she is. I just enjoy the learning process with all the imperfections included. I am a phoenix, at every death, my rebirth glows brighter. The most important thing that self-love made me realize this year is that being proud of myself first is what matters in my self-development. The more I grow, the stronger I become for those I love.

" Sharona Lieuw On at Centro Leo in the Dominican Republic"

Happy birthday to me and this amazing woman that I am becoming.

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