Story Time:
Visiting Jaw Jaw A Tela, a gorgeous resort in the tropical rainforest of Sipaliwini

Hello my dearest Story Time friends from around the world, how are you? 🌷 I am doing fine, today I want to tell you about this jewel that I found in the middle of the village of Jaw Jaw.😍I've been meaning to share this story for a while. But I have so many adventures to share with you, that I just can't post all the stories in one hit. So make sure that you subscribe to my blog by entering your email address when that Story Time U.F.O. pops up on your screen. Jaw Jaw, is a village located in Sipaliwini. I have mentioned Sipaliwini before on my blog. It's a place I enjoy exploring and sharing stories about with you. Sipaliwini is the biggest district of Suriname. This South American country is known as the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The village of Jaw Jaw is a popular tourist destination. For most, it is an opportunity to experience the Amazon rainforest without having to go too far up the Suriname river. Jaw Jaw isn't far from Atjoni, and it's a trip that you could do in a day. The village of Jaw Jaw is famous for the beautiful river rocks in front of it. Most tourists enjoy relaxing in the Sula's as the river water gives their back a massage. All of this while enjoying the greenery of nature. Sometimes you can even see the birds join you, and a school of fishes passing you by while swimming. Sipaliwini is an experience for local and international travelers. I met some international travelers during this journey. Although it's far away from the luxuries of the city this is the place to visit if you desire to find peace while enjoying the authentic beauty of our tropical rainforest.🌳🌴🌲
While on our adventures exploring the village of Jaw Jaw, we accidentally stumbled upon this beautiful place called Jaw Jaw A Tela. It's a resort and the name A Tela means " In the village" in Saramacaans, the language that the Maroon people speak in the villages that are in this part of the country. The owner was friendly and gave us a warm welcome despite the fact that we were just strangers that had walked into his resort. The beautiful hedge made of flowers at the entrance attracted us to walk in and find out more about Jaw Jaw A Tela. They have a gorgeous Tucan bird living on the resort. I want to thank my YouTube viewer for pointing out to me that the Tucan's name is Africa. The owner allowed us to take a tour of his resort. I loved admiring the details in the woodwork of the beautiful houses that they have in the resort of Jaw Jaw A Tela.
They incorporate a lot of woodwork into this resort. Some of the houses had beautiful traditional woodcarving. There was even a sink made from wood. They have an open-air kitchen and offer different packages at their resort. Including a visit to the famous Tap A watra falls which I have written about a couple of times on my Story Time blog. You can click on the travel label on my site's menu to join me on my travel adventures to different places located in the Amazon rainforest of Suriname. Sometimes I even land in other places around the world. But that is for another Story Time episode.👾👽

This resort has plenty of shade from the trees that are there. 🌳If you want to relax on the benches under the tree or take a nap in a hangmok while the wind gives you a gentle push, the choice is up to you. The place gave off a relaxing vibe, you could also explore the village and hike around while you are staying at this Surinamese resort in the village of Jaw Jaw. 📹📸🎥I made a vlog of my travel adventure for you guys and I hope you enjoy it. In case you are interested in finding out more about the packages that they offer at Jaw Jaw A Tela resort in Suriname, I will add their business card with the phone number and other contact details in it to this post as a picture. I love traveling through warm tropical Suriname and sharing those adventures with you through my Story Time channels. Every view, share, comment, and like that you guys give me is greatly appreciated. Either way, I am building a portfolio of my adventures and I am loving the process. This way I can help other people from around the world discover the amazing hidden places that we have in the world. 💓
I hope you guys enjoyed this Story Time episode and the video that I made. That way you have a better idea of what life is like at this beautiful resort in the village of Jaw Jaw. This hidden jewel is certainly worth a visit during your travels to Suriname. Of course, I have many more adventures coming up. So stay tuned. You never know where our next adventure might take us. In this video, we have a treat for you guys. One of the owners gave us an awesome musical performance with his guitar. He is singing a famous Surinamese song, that became an international hit by the Singer Damaru. The song is called mi rowsu (My rose) in Sranang Tongo (local tongue), or Tuintje in mijn hart (Garden in my heart) in Dutch. He surprised me with his talent! Just to show that Surinamese people are indeed talented.🎸🎤 Planning to go on a vacation soon? 🛫🛬Visit my affiliate partner Expedia. They can help answer your travel needs, no matter where in the world you are.
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