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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 Powerful affirmations to boost your confidence!

 5  Powerful affirmations to boost your confidence!

" New women's collection Big steps heel shoe launched by Sharona Lieuw On (Shachem Lieuw)

Hello my dearest Story Time friends from around the world, how are you? I have been wanting to post this story since I launched my new shoe line " Big steps" 👠👟🩰 meanwhile a year has passed since I launched my first pair of heels. Time does go by fast, but it's never too late to share a story. Especially when we are talking about self-love. Of all the things I write on my blog I do enjoy writing these. When I first started my self-love series I didn't think that it would keep up with my other content. But I kept writing it anyway because I do enjoy sharing these stories. 💓🥰That's why it warms my heart to notice all the eyes reading my self-love articles. With each step we take, we keep learning. Even that is a part of the self-love journey. That's why I am proud to share with you 5 powerful affirmations to help boost your confidence! Like my shoes? Go check out the merchandise page on my blog. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog when you see that Story Time U.F.O. pop up on your page.👽👾 That way I get to keep sharing my stories with you, and you get to support my content creation journey. 😎 It will be like we are going on adventures together. 🌴🥥🏖🪐🛬🧳😋🥘🥫🍲🍹🧉 We will explore the world, as we discover who we are. If you are already a member of the Story Time tribe, thank you for being here. I appreciate your presence on my blog. 💋💅😘🙈 Here are 5 powerful affirmations to boost your confidence:  

1. I am authentic and therefore I stand in my power

" Shachem Lieuw in Suriname"

Being authentic is a power that is often underestimated. When you are authentic, it means that you are being loyal to who you are. You get to discover your mind, emotions, and even your soul. It becomes difficult for others to persuade you to act against your own highest good. Don't try to fit in because you need to please everyone else around you. Fit in for who you are! Your uniqueness can make all the difference. Remember that story about that Reindeer? Imagine if he didn't have a red nose or tried to hide it? A lot of kids around the world would have been disappointed. We were gifted the things that our unique to us for a reason. You can't let your talent shine if you aren't authentic to yourself.  The creations that you bring to life, are a reflection of how comfortable you are being authentic with yourself. If Da Vinci cared about what people thought about him, he wouldn't have invented half the things he did. When you allow your light to shine, you find out what colors you have hidden within. 🖌

2. I live for myself!

"Shachem Lieuw"

This one is a powerful but effective one, especially for my fellow people-pleasers. Although I like to consider myself a recovering one. I am so proud of how far I have come and the boundaries that I had to learn to enforce. Some of these lessons I had to learn the hard way. The idealistic mind sometimes tends to ignore the flaws in those we seek to help. But I think that is something that most of us can relate to. Have you ever given so much of yourself to the people around you, until it started to feel like you had nothing left to give? That is what happens when you give your love to the wrong people, who only want to drain you and deplete you. But even those people we leave to the universal laws of karma. We should not allow their actions to become foundations for our insecurities to rest on. Instead, I pray that the universe straightens them out with some tough healing. Because all these experiences only add to our personal learning moments. They help us realize that we should value our time, energy, and the love we so freely give away. If the people in your life get mad because of that or don't respect your boundaries, I would consider questioning the roles that they play in your life. When you are used to being a giver, some people think all they can do is keep taking while they spit on you each time. Not even a simple thank you 😓😪😪😤 or authentic appreciation can be gathered from them. All they think about is their own selfish needs and demands getting met. But you know what, maybe that's something we should learn from them. We must prioritize our own needs and satisfy them. Without all the corruption that tends to come along with these all-consuming souls of course. I live for myself, I take action for myself and I am smart enough to not risk myself has become one of my new affirmations in life. Thanks to recent experiences in the year 2023, I had to add this one to the list. Maybe that's why it's a good thing that I took my sweet time to finish this story. I have also come to realize that I am not the only one who could benefit from this simple affirmation. Just keep it away from the narcissists haha. I don't want to inflate their egos. This one will benefit the kind-hearted.💓There are so many people that I have met, that are afraid to live for themselves. And boy oh boy do I meet a lot of people! Even if I have to say so myself. 😏😎 Some don't even get to choose their own partners but have to settle for the person that their family chooses for them. Others can't even complete their education or pursue their passion, because what will people say? This is a strong mentality that is present in the South American/Caribbean community that I am a part of. 😓 The sad thing is if you have to marry someone others chose for you, who has to live with him if things go wrong? 😟 This is just one of the many examples I can name. People keep falling for this kind of pressure, but we forget life is short. Today we are here, tomorrow we might not. The least you can do when making important decisions that will impact you is to live for yourself! Not for the neighbors, not for society, or for your family. You can be kind and nice, but that shouldn't come at the cost of your life or your future. Often times this type of pressure lands people in abusive or toxic situations. You could help someone with your entire heart today, and tomorrow they could start planning how to extort you, so they are able to provide for their own necessities. The inflation and the after-effects of the pandemic have put the world in a stressful position. Corruption on top of that has set a bad example for our society. If you don't respect and value your own needs, other people who lack empathy will take advantage of that. Don't be afraid to set boundaries, and remember yourself! You can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders if you can't stand strong on your own feet!

           3. I am not afraid to speak my mind

" Sharona Lieuw On sitting at the table with Senator Orlando and other Youth Leaders from the Dominican Republic"

😂😂I am laughing at this one because it's on my list. Even though some people say I should be less blunt and others just encourage the habit. If I didn't have the courage to speak my mind, my life would have probably been very different. Growing up I used to be a shy girl in school. I didn't speak much, and to this day I claim to be an introvert, I just blab like an extrovert sometimes! 😅You could say I am right in the middle these days. Talks too much for my introverted friends and talk too less for my extroverted friends. It is what it is, and I am who I am. Most people call me a fluent speaker, umh I can see why they say that after having lived the story that I live. But honestly, I am not the kid who likes to talk all the time. Especially in my younger years. I am just brave enough to speak up my mind if something doesn't seem right to me.

"Sharona Lieuw On being interviewed"
I am the type of person who if I believe in something or stand for something I'll speak up when necessary. I am not afraid to use my voice, even if it comes to speaking for those who can't stand up for themselves. In the last couple of years my new motto has become power does not speak, it acts! Because I have learned that even in silence you can achieve and build great things. But that does not mean I am afraid to speak up. It doesn't matter who you are, what position you hold in society etcetera I will tell you how my mind sees it, and I will speak to you as if you are an equal. Another human being, another passing soul, and in some cases my curiosity might make me dive into the depths of your being. 👀😀😂😄 As someone who has been in a leadership role from a young age, I can say that it doesn't matter how much you talk. But when it's necessary to talk, be brave enough to speak what's on your mind. It makes it easier to bring your point across instead of a streak of stutters. If you are worried about offending people or hurting their feelings, now that calls for communication training. I have been thinking since I have so much experience with communication, and giving communication training sessions to young people I might write about it on my blog. Because I know that there are people out there who sometimes struggle with expressing themselves. If that's you, it's okay here at Story Time you are in a safe space. 💕

                   4. I am a beautiful person

"Shachem Lieuw at Bakaaboto resort in Sipaliwini Suriname"

This affirmation made it onto my list to help boost your confidence because I kind of was surprised by all the people who approach me and ask me how come I am so confident? Man, I changed sizes a lot, sometimes it's because of health issues when I overwork myself. Even that is all in the game of life, and that kids is how we keep learning! 😊But either way it doesn't matter if I am in my fat days or in my skinny days I am happy and I'll wear whatever looks good on me. Sometimes I slip into my Tomboy mood and I'll throw on everything that doesn't look good on me! All while having no effort to rock that without confidence. A couple of girls asked me how come I am not scared to wear a swimsuit? When they couldn't muster the courage and wear stretched pants. 😎😐😹Umh, each their own I guess! The simple answer in everything I do is, I remember that I am a beautiful being that's deserving of love no matter what. Nobody is perfect, so what if you see my stretchmarks or my scars? Some of those scars have interesting stories. 👀😂 You wouldn't believe me even if I told you! Being able to wear this crown that I do comes with a lot of invisible struggles. Or at least to the untrained eye, it will seem so.😜 My body and life are mine to love and enjoy. That's what I am learning to do, one step at a time. The only person who shouldn't be harsh on me is myself. After all, I am so much more than the flesh I live in. If you'd look closer, maybe they would realize that my beauty actually comes from inside. That's why I really don't care. Sorry girls there is no mysterious secret behind it, other than I don't care if you do or do not see my scars. I care if you see my spark, who I am on the inside. If you can see that, then we can get familiar beyond the standard small talk that normal people engage in. 👌😂😃 I am also a weirdo, so maybe that helps.🤔I feel beautiful and good about myself on the inside and outside. By showing my body love, I can help it heal. One step at a time😁, and for now I am having fun. All I am doing is Loving life while living in the stories. For now, this seems to work for me. Now you understand why I put that slogan on my Story Time merchandise shirt.

                              5. I am enough

"Shachem Lieuw at Marriott hotel in Paramaribo"

They say all good things must come to an end, and so must this list. But I genuinely from the bottom of my heart hope that these 5 powerful affirmations may serve you on your journey, and help you to boost your confidence. That's why I am ending this list with a good affirmation. It is simply that you are enough! You are enough for yourself, and for the world. Often times people spend time focusing on what they are lacking and their shortcomings. If you don't feel like you are enough for yourself, you will never be enough for anyone else. What you attract in your life starts with how you feel about yourself. The way you feel about yourself will reflect in the interactions you have with your surroundings. Yes, there is always room for improvement! But no matter what you do, there is always something that you can do to make it better. Don't get lost chasing something, without valuing who you are. Or else you will just get lost in the chase, never being satisfied with what life has to offer. To enjoy the fruits of your labor, you have to be confident in what you stand for. And to do that, you need to realize that you are enough and deserving! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this Story Time episode. I have many more fun stories to share with you, but those are for the future. For now, make the best of each day as I am sending you loving vibrations. 😍💓 I am hitting the post button, and until next time when I will be blogging to you again from warm sunny, and tropical Suriname.

"Story Time productions logo"


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