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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Land Of Magic And Music

Land Of Magic And Music

Loretta the hippo fairy who lives in the land of magic and music"

Once upon a time, an angel lived in the land of Magic And Music. Her name was Rosemary and she has been living in the land of Magic And Music for the last century. No one knows how Rosemary arrived in this magical kingdom. She doesn't even remember how she got there. One day she just magically appeared on a cloud. That's when Lexy, first laid eyes upon her and they had an instant connection. Back then Rosy was just a baby with white angel wings. But the glowing light from her halo was a sign that she was a gift from the Gods.

"Rosy as a baby angel in the land of Magic and Music"

Lexy the musical hippo adopted Rosy as her own. Although the angel had her wings, Lexy still spread out her protective feathers over the child. The two of them went everywhere together. Rosy became Lexy's right hand and they became a great team. Because Rosy was a magical being, it didn't take long for her to grow up. In the first year that she lived in the land of Magic And Music, she had grown to the size of a 12-year-old human girl. The young girl continued to grow until she had the body of a 21-year-old woman. That's when Rosy stopped growing and aging. In the land of Magic And Music, strange occurrences like this are never questioned. Rosy had no problem fitting in from the beginning. She made friends with everyone, but Lexy became her best friend. The pink magical hippo was the muse of art and creativity. It was rumored by the rest of the inhabitants of the Land of Magic And Music, that Lexy was brought here by the Goddesses of Inspiration. They knew from the beginning that her light would shine the best in this world. The muses left her behind knowing that Lexy her colorful spirit would inspire some of the best artworks and songs made by humans and immortals alike. Now you must be wondering, what is the land of Magic And Music?

"Bobo, the monkey DJ from the land of Magic And Music""

Creativity has always been important for the humans and the Gods alike. It is through creativity that art, music, and the stories that make our heroes immortal are born. The Gods value it because of the hymns, poems, and creations that glorify their omnipresent powers. The humans treasure it to keep their memories, tragedies, victories, and tales of love as eternal as the Gods. It didn't matter in which realm you lived, but all agreed that art must be treasured and kept alive. It was the mystical beings who could cross multiple realms that knew best. They understood that art was magic, words had power and that visual creations captured a piece of time. After all the most powerful spells unleashed upon the nine worlds, were cast by creative magicians. On the other hand, in the world of the Gods, each tried to cast their spells among the humans. It became a competition, on who had the most sung hymns and heartfelt poems dedicated to them. The more spirit the person gave at the altar, the longer the deity's tentacles could stretch in this universe. It became a survival game of the fittest, or at least for the level 1 Gods. They were given the smaller responsibilities of the world. Like managing the weather seasons, or how many successful crops a village would have for the year. The Gods above them didn't want things to get out of hand with the level 1 Gods. If that would happen, the Gods could have lost focus on the things that mattered. Being among humans and observing them, has rubbed off on their immortal essence. One day the Supreme Gods sent down a messenger angel to let them know that they would create the land of Magic And Music. When the King of the Earth Gods had finished reading the letter in front of his court, a giant purple monkey with angel wings appeared.

" Level 1 Gods, meet Bongo. He'll be the new gatekeeper of the Land of Magic And Music." Ashman, the God of Time said. " What if we refuse to accept this new realm that the supremes want to thrust down our throats?". " Whoever is against this decree will have to face the Supreme Goddes."Ishq the God of Love said. The court broke out in a gossip. None of the Gods wanted to confront her. She was the mother of all Supreme Beings and the most feared deity in all the realms. Kemal the Goddes of rain and fertility asked the court to calm down. " I am sure that the Supremes know what they are doing. This might be new for us, but having a land of Magic And Music can actually bring good things to us. Let's give Bongo and this new realm a chance.". Once the Goddes had spoken her kind words, Bongo bowed in front of her to show his gratitude for her understanding. He spread out his wings and musical notes blasted in the court of the Gods. The music notes danced around him and lifted him into the air. From there he was transported to the entrance of the Land of Magic And Music. Bongo became the gatekeeper and musical essence of this new realm. Without his approval, no soul could pass the gates of color and passion. As the oldest being in the Land of Magic And Music, Bongo knew everyone, including Rosy and Lexy. They had become his good friends. Although the pair were mostly up to trouble, he still enjoyed their company. Each time that Lexy and Rosy had to enter the human world, they would have to go past Bongo. When they reach the gate of the land of Music And Magic, Bongo plays their assignment for them. Today is no different! The purple angel monkey takes a record with Lexy and Rosy their pictures engraved in gold on it from his magical box. A D.J. set appears out of thin air and Bongo puts the record in it. " Lexy and Rosy, this time I have quite the assingment for you guys! For this mission you'll have special permission to stay on earth as long as you need too! Down on earth there is a famous pop-star living in the 21st century. She has been gifted with the voice of Peresphone! The Gods, have sent her soul to earth to do great things for mankind. But lately, she seems to have lost track of life. The superstar is suffering from a  burn out and lacks inspiration to get anything done. We want you to go down to Earth and guide her. Make sure that she finds the inspiration to spread the message of the Gods. But most importantly, keep her protected! The record stopped playing and the D.J. set dissappeared. " Well girls, it looks like I won't be seeing you for a while.". " Shucks, we'll miss you too Bongo. Do you need us to bring you back anything from Earth?". " Oh, how about those chocolate bars you surprised me with on your last mission to earth?". " Sure, but can you keep an eye on Lexy her house while we're gone? I just got her some new cloud plants, that might rain from time to time. Just make sure they don't get to close together when that happens, or you'll create a rainstorm in the land of Magic And Music.". " Sounds like a wet and wild party to me Rosy!" Bongo joked. The gate of color and passion began glowing. It looked like a couple of colorful rainbows that were crossing each other. The girls took a few steps backward and nodded to their friend one last time. Once they began charging forward the portal to earth opened. They jumped in and were swirled into another world.

                                To be continued...


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