6 Reasons Why You Should Love Yourself:
Always be body-positive |
Let's face it no one is perfect, we all have those moments of insecurity. Everyone has something they don't like about themselves. It could be a personality trait or something that has to do with your appearance.
That doesn't mean that you can't love yourself for who you are. Here are 6 reasons why you should love yourself for who you are on the inside.
1 Acceptance
Ask anyone you know to name one thing they dislike about themselves. Even when they don't want to admit it we all have that one thing we wish we could change. That is OK, if you don't like something about yourself you could put some effort into changing it. If that is not an option for you let's start with some wisdom. Life is short, do you really want to spend the rest of your life obsessing over imperfection? I know it is easier said than done, but the secret to self-love is acceptance. Accept who you are, the good and the bad. This will give you confidence. God made us all in different shapes and colors. So why should you be ashamed of who you are? Not accepting who you are, creates doubts and insecurity. Have you ever been afraid to go to the beach and have a fun time because you were scared of what other people would think? Relax and enjoy the small things, and make memories you will treasure till the end of time. So get that dress out of the closet you always wanted to wear and go to the gym without worrying how others might view you. Their opinions do not form you or define who you are. People will always have something to say about you either way. But you do not live for them, you are alive to fulfill your own purpose.
The sexy golden dress I got out of the closet for my Birthday. |
2. Confidence
The only way to be confident with who you are is by daring to express yourself. Don't be afraid to try new things. Get that hairstyle you always wanted, and try that new hobby you wanted to pick up. The world is full of options. It would be a pity if you couldn't explore them all. Smile and love life, because being here is a gift. Even when the going gets tough don't be afraid to show the world who you are and what you stand for. After all, you are one of a kind and that is something you surely should appreciate. But don't forget the difference between confidence and ego. It really is a thin line between the two.
Not afraid to rock a fresh barber cut |
3. Talent
I used to be a very shy girl, if I never had the guts to stand up for myself or to try new things I would never discover some of my hidden talents. We all have that one thing we are good at. Make sure you find yours and put it to good use. If you already have a talent, don't be scared to share it with friends, family, and loved ones. For all we know you could be the next Picasso or Pavarotti but unless you don't step over your own boundaries that raw talent will go to waste. Talent takes work, and effort to improve. I do believe talent can be developed with hard work and persistence. Sign up for a class and express your hidden emotions in a creative way. That is one of the ways you can bring a hobby to life.
Performing for Schrijversgroep ( Writers group) 77 |
4. You have your own values
We all have our own values, something we strongly believe in and hold on to. That deserves some self-respect. Could you imagine what life would be like if we didn't have any values? What you stand for is a part of your identity. Something no government, institution, or person can take away from you. It is a piece of freedom that you hold on to and should value. Don't be afraid to speak your mind as long as you do it in a respectful manner. At the end of the day that "what if" question shouldn't be wrecking your train of thought. Stand up for what you believe in and follow your heart.
Doing my first speech in front of a crowd of thousands fighting for human rights. |
5. You were born for a reason
Believe it or not, we were all born for a reason. The fact that you are reading this, shows that destiny wanted you to see this message. Sometimes it takes a while to find your path. But that is a healthy adventure. If we could control everything life would be boring. Take a second to answer this question. If you weren't here would this blog have any meaning at all? That is just a small example. Somewhere in time, you were helpful, serving, and kind to someone else who appreciated it and needed you. You might not even know it, but that person was grateful to you at that moment. A small act of kindness can spark an entire chain of positive events.
Peer counseling with kids from the orphanage in Ellen |
6. You are special to someone around you
We all have someone in our lives who can not imagine what not knowing us would be like. If it is a friend, a family member, a neighbor, or someone you care about. They love you for who you are because you add value to their lives in one way or another. So why should you not love yourself for the person that you are? Enjoy the time, love, and attention those who care about you give to you. Return kindness and kindness shall keep coming to you. This is after all a part of the law of karma.
Siblings |
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