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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Story time with Tattiana Rosric

                              Story time with Tattiana Rosric

" Tattiana Rosric Pyro dancing"
Tattiana Rosric pyro performance

I know guys you keep getting hungry for more Story Time,  but as promised in 2019 Storytime will bring you some more exciting blogs.  Today Storytime is telling Tattiana Rosric her story. Tattiana is a very expressive person. She isn't afraid to be herself even if that means being a bit different. So that is why I decided to contact her so that I can share her Story with the readers of Storytime. Thankfully she agreed to do the interview. But before we get there shout out to the audience reading Storytime, I think it's really awesome that people from all over the world are reading my blog.  Give yourself a virtual cookie. You deserved it, now back to Tattiana Rosric.

" Tattiana Rosric modeling in a black dress"
Tattiana Rosric 

                                            Who Is Tattiana Rosric?

As I said Tattiana agreed to do the interview so we at Storytime get to share that with you, most of you might already know who she is. Some of you might already be fans.  Tattiana Rosric was born on the 25th of June 1991 in Suriname Paramaribo to a Surinamese mother and a Croatian father. ( Yes my Croatian readers there are people from everywhere in the world in Suriname as well) . I asked Tattiana Rosric to tell me a little more about herself first. " My hobbies involve reading, cooking, meditation, and rock climbing. I do piercings as well I have been doing that for 2 years now. Back when I was living in Suriname I always wanted to get into doing piercings because it seemed super interesting.  I asked a few piercing artists to give me a course on how to do it, but those who I asked rejected me.  After I moved to Aruba, I started working in a bar and the owner his cousin was working in a tattoo shop. He was a regular at the bar of course and I told him I was interested in learning how to pierce. He told me he worked in a tattoo shop and they'd be needing a new piercer soon. I instantly jumped up out of excitement saying I was interested and if I could pass by. He told me he'd talk to the shop owners and let me know. A few months passed by before I received a message to come over for an interview. I was super excited when I got hired and apprenticed in the first year. Meaning no payment.". But there is more to Tattiana Rosric than piercings. For those of you that don't know, Tattiana Rosric is also a model. I asked her how she started out her modeling career? Tattiana replied "  I started modeling through an aunt of mine. She had told me that a friend of hers is looking for new models and there will be casting. So I went with a friend,  it started from there. I constantly make new memories when it comes to modeling. But my favorite one I think was when I was 16 years old doing a show in gala dresses. I fell from the steps because my heel got stuck in one of the dresses".   I asked Tattiana Rosric if she does any sports and she told me "  When I was a teenager I sported way more than I do now.  Now I go to the gym 5 times a week. If I have free time I either go rock climbing and snorkeling.

" Tattiana Rosric applying a piercing for a client"
Tattiana Rosric applying a piercing for  a client

" Tattiana Rosric sexy kitchen pose"
Sexy pose from Tattiana Rosric

                       Where does Tattiana Rosric see herself in 10 years?

"10 years from now is a really long time.  But yes my goal is to travel and perform at conventions where I can get recognized.  Not just on conventions alone but anywhere where I can get recognized.  I definitely plan on opening my own tattoo shop in the future. The biggest lesson life has taught me is to not have any expectations. The more one expects the more disappointed and hurt one can become.  I try to be my biggest motivation and keep pushing myself forward because at the end of the day you're the only person who knows you and has your back. Tattiana Rosric also has some dreams she would like to realize. " Yes, I do! One of them is being able to help those who can't help themselves. We all need a little inspiration and motivational push in life. If you have the possibility to help someone with that, knowing how much it would mean to them makes me more than happy. Another dream of mine is to become an international alternative and inked model. I would love to be on Inked Magazines cover in the future. " Tattiana Rosric has over more than 40 tattoos herself. Some of them have personal meaning and some don't. Tattiana advises those who want to get a tattoo that " A tattoo is definitely permanent. So think about what you want. Once it's on your skin it is not washing off. Get creative about what you want. Do your research, go for a consultation. Don't just go to the first tattoo shop you step in, go to many! See who you feel comfortable with, ask to see their portfolios. And definitely make sure they use sterile products." I asked Tattiana Rosric what keeps her so motivated to keep following her dreams?  " Honestly I'm very driven I do what I want and I go for what I want. I don't let negativity get in the way of stopping me from what I want. I use the negativity I get and feed off of it. It makes me stronger, it makes me want to do what I want even more. Proving people wrong showing them that I can and will do it. With or without their support."

"Tattiana Rosric modeling on a couch"
Modeling work Tattiana Rosric has done with Ken Grille

" Tattiana Rosric modeling with a bat"
Tattiana Rosric has experience modeling.

                                     Tattiana Rosric and her career.

I decided to ask Tattiana a little bit more about her career.  You are always confident in your pictures. What would you advise women about being confident in their own skin? " It all starts with self-love! I have always loved modeling and being in front of the camera. But I wasn't always confident. For a long time, I was insecure about my weight. I was super skinny and I hated it. I started loving myself and giving myself the attention I needed. I started taking better care of myself. The more I did this the more confidence I build up. It's simple just love yourself and do what you really love. Don't let the negativity break you down. It's really simple like that". Strong and heartfelt advice indeed. I admired the way Tattiana was confidently expressing herself. I asked Rosric what her weirdest memory with a client getting a piercing was? "  I have many people freaking out, people fainting, people vomiting. But the weirdest one would be after I pierced someone's genitals and then having the person recognize me in a club and she yelled really loud that I pierced her genitals. Everyone stared at me so strangely". You must be wondering what the highlights in Tattiana Rosric her career are? " Well, I keep meeting new people and improving in what I do. The most recent highlight is that I participated in the Inked Magazines next cover model search. There were about 20 groups, each with a lot of women.  I made it to the top 5 in my group placing 4th.  This year I plan on participating again. Also, I started doing Pyro performances which are getting more and more recognition. This year I plan on giving modeling workshops for women in all shapes and sizes.  That will definitely be the next highlight in my career together with tattooing.   How did your interest in Pyro dancing ( Fire performance) start and when did you learn to do so? " My interest started after I've seen a lot of my idols do so as well.  Women like Cervena Fox, Dani Divine, Shelly Inferno, etc. There's a group they formed called Pyrohex and they perform at festivals, concerts, shows, etc. I started doing research because I've never met anyone who does it.  After doing research for the longest time ever I was ready to get started. One of my dearest friends made my first set of fans for me. I have performed with them many times and they're still going strong. I am self-taught and keep trying to figure out new tricks and dance moves to perform with. Soon I'll be making a promotion video on my pyro dancing. I started learning about it a year ago".

" Tattiana Rosric doing her pyro performance on a chair"
Tattiana Rosric doing her Pyro Performance

" Tattiana Rosric swallowing fire"
Tattiana Rosric wants to do pyro performances around the world.

Do you want to find out more about Tattiana Rosric? Let us know more about it in the comments below or you could also follow her on Instagram: Asmodi2. Be sure to keep an eye out for our new posts in the following weeks. Because Storytime will keep on telling stories.

"Tattiana Rosric swallowing fire"
Tattiana Rosric is self taught when it comes to fire performances.


  1. I enjoyed this one and definitely taking away some cool advise.

    "to not have any expectations. The more one expects the more disappointed and hurt one can become"

    1. Wise words from Tattiana indeed. Thank you for enjoying and reading the article on Tattiana Rosric


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