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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Daniel Lemmer

                    Story time with Daniel Lemmer

" Painting by Daniel Lemmer"
painting by  artist  Daniel Lemmer

I hope you are in a comfortable chair at the moment. Because today we are in the artistic vibe. Just when you thought you could predict Storytime? I know life is full of surprises, keeping that in mind I would like to introduce in this edition of Storytime our guest Daniel Lemmer. I first heard about Daniel Lemmer when he was trending on social media for walking over a bridge in Suriname known as " The Wijdenbosch brug".  It wasn't the walking part that caught people's attention. But rather the red colored band-aids he was wearing and the bottle of poison he was holding in his hand. Wijdenbosch brug is commonly known as one of the places people have often committed suicide.  Daniel didn't intend to commit suicide, but he did give a shivering message. People's opinions were diverse on the matter.  His act also struck me since I myself have known someone who has also committed suicide on the same bridge.  I decided to dig a bit deeper to understand this artist his perspective on the matter. So I contacted him and we met up for a chat. 

                                           Who is Daniel Lemmer?

"Artist Daniel Lemmer"
Artist Daniel Lemmer
Danielo Lemmer or as he likes to introduce himself Daniel says he is a simple guy who doesn't like making things too complicated.  " Sometimes I might come over as arrogant, but that is certainly not what I am. I see myself as a diverse person. I like thinking broad and not being limited. There are limitations, but I have not discovered them yet." Daniel Lemmer  is an actionist when it comes to art.  This artist also likes to see himself as a surrealist. For those of you who aren't familiar with Surrealism, it is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920's.  Many surrealist artists and writers refer to their art as an expression of the philosophical movement. Daniel Lemmer is indeed as diverse as he claims. Because he doesn't only do canvas paintings but he also practices the art of poetry and dance.  " I mostly like focusing on actionism."My first and last actionist expression was anti-suicide. It is of course the first actionist expression to be made in Suriname. Before that, I made paintings that were surreal and abstract. I often like to work with fantasy, but when I start working I often do it subconsciously.  I don't like sketching on a canvas or to start working with a certain thought or direction in advance.  My actionist expressions are created in the same manner. I create it on the spot, it is raw and intense." Daniel Lemmer has always had an interest in art. His parents are both artists, Daniel claims that when it comes to his art he inherited that from his mother. " I don't see myself as an autodidact (self-education), I am a true artist. My mom used to make paintings and wall paintings at home and I would always watch what she was doing.  She didn't sit at a table to explain to me how it worked or what the different colors were for. I just watched what she did and it attracted my interest. It was a trigger for me to develop the skills within myself.  That is how I started with art. In 2010 I sold my first artwork, but art was in me all along.  In 2010 I created my first painting on canvas and from there on I started building up.

                                          Daniel Lemmer and actionism

" Daniel Lemmer painting"
Daniel Lemmer working on his own art.
I wanted to know how Daniel Lemmer his interest in actionism started. " I have always observed what is happening in the world. I was always interested in the reasons why people take certain actions, why the system is put together in a certain way, the economy, science, the medical world, psychology, and sociology. All those things have always attracted my attention. Even religion and politics, when I was a child I used to always think and talk about all those things. But mostly with my sister, because we share a certain connection. We still do share that connection, I often felt like I couldn't talk about it with anyone but my sister. At a certain point, I thought maybe we were crazy, but no after doing research we found out that we were right".  Daniel Lemmer also gave me a deeper explaining of actionism. " Actionism is a type of art where your body is the canvas, it started in Vienna. They were the first actionist.  I did research about actionism after I did it first.  I don't like doing copy paste. I act first and after that, I will read about it and do research on the matter.  I will then look up if it really is as I envisioned it and if other artists do it as well.  Or if it has any similarities and indeed it turned out to be actionism. " Daniel Lemmer says his art is different, what he doesn't call art is artists who cover themselves in feces and masturbate or mutilate themselves in front of an audience. " I call my art actionism because it is intense, it portrays something that is happening in our society. Then it doesn't have to be specifically the Surinamese society, because every society is confronted with issues. "

" art by Daniel Lemmer" 
Painting By Daniel Lemmer 

I came to understand the way Daniel Lemmer envisions his own art. As if it were fate the day before I met up with Daniel Lemmer I read an article about a man who wanted to jump from the Wijdenbosch brug. A lot of people stopped to help him and prevented him from jumping.  I wanted to know Daniel Lemmer his reaction to the matter. " Not to brag but I do think that my interviews and actions in the media have made an impact. Because I made a certain comment. I tried to jump over the bridge and nobody helped me. That is when I made the comment that subconsciously people want to actually see how people jump from the bridge. But because I have a certain knowledge the comments that I make have a different twist to it." Daniel Lemmer certainly triggered people to think about what seemed to be a taboo subject in Suriname. " I like working in the same way with my art, when I make a painting I want the spectator to watch my painting. Of course, I have my own interpretation of the painting and perspective of the painting and I can explain that to you. But a lot of artists are in a cage. What they say it is, is what it should be!  If the prospector sees something different then it isn't correct. I don't work that way, the moment you start working this way you put yourself in a box. That is something that you have to apply in every form of art. Music, poetry, literature a lot of Surinamese people put themselves in a cage. The moment they do that they are restricting their creativity and that is wrong. You will then end up copying others. That is why art in Suriname isn't moving anywhere beyond its current reach. People who don't understand it, I am not interested in them.  I am interested in those who understand it.  Those are the people I want to talk to.  If I meet them or not, that is a second question. I don't care for the most part, because I will continue with my art. Abroad people are on a whole different level.  I'm not saying that we have to be like foreigners, but we can learn a lot from them. There are no restrictions and for us as a small society, it is sad. Because you are easy to find, all you have to do is ask around and people will already tell you who lives where. We are focusing too much on who does what.  That is unimportant, you have to look at what you do and what keeps you busy. 

                What does Daniel Lemmer have in store for the future?

" Art gallery Surku Oso 29th and 30th of march"
Art from Daniel Lemmer during his Gala on the 29th and the 30th of March in Sukru Oso
"My vision for the future right now is to start an art academy in Suriname on a very high level. People from abroad will also be able to participate or sign up for my art academy.  Then I am thinking of the different forms of art for example architecture, literature, poetry, painting, acting, and music.  Because I also know how to fix instruments I want to pass on that knowledge as well.  It's not going to be my full-time job but I do want to pass on that knowledge to the people who are interested in learning. It's going to take a lot of time to do that, I will need a good base and financial investment. But right now that is my main goal.  People of all ages will be able to enroll in my art academy. It doesn't matter who wants to join, can join. But you have to be serious. Of course the moment you join you will find yourself on a journey to find what speaks to you. It can be the piano or you could have an interest in singing.  Do you wish to draw? Or do you want to stick to drawings and sketches?  There is going to be a beautiful category for everyone who enrolls. " Daniel Lemmer certainly is ambitious and has a clear vision of what he wants. I wanted to know how Daniel Lemmer sees the future of Surinamese art. " Right now it is still weak, but that is also the reason why I support the young artists to break barriers. They shouldn't feel put down, because a lot of artists from the older generation don't interact well with the younger artist.  They want to, but the interaction is wrong. You have to research what it is that young artists are passionate towards.  And that is what is going wrong. I'll say it again we live in a small population. There aren't a lot of artists, there is only a small selected group that shows interest in art. That small group is a bit divided. You have the younger generation and you have the older generation.  The younger generation isn't really interested in the older generation.  The older generation isn't bad, but they got stuck in the colonialist mentality. That doesn't make them approachable. And the problem with the younger generation is that they are more occupied by social media.  This is also what restricts their creativity.  I would really love to work with young artists so that I can provide them with a platform and encourage them to be more daring. The older ones are welcome, but I don't really see myself fitting among them. That is something I understand as well." Daniel Lemmer has also been in contact with other young artists in Suriname. "  They admit that they wouldn't be able to do the same. The first thing they tell me is that I am brave. But it doesn't need a lot. 

                             Anti suicide performance on the Wijdenbosch brug

"Painting By Daniel Lemmer"
 I did the anti-suicide act on a Saturday. The Friday night before that I spoke to a good friend of mine about it.  I wanted to do it on a Sunday but I made the conscious decision to do it on a Saturday night.  Because it is very busy on the Wijdenbosch bridge on Saturday as well.  So it doesn't take a lot of time.  You have to know in advance what you are going to do and how you are going to present it, it has to be raw! " It actually took Daniel Lemmer a year to figure out the layout of his presentation. I was surprised to find out that Daniel Lemmer had this all planned out a year in advance. " No-one knew about it, I was busy with it and made comments here and there. But people didn't figure it out." It was only when most people heard the news and saw his viral post on Social Media that most people figured out that Daniel Lemmer had mentioned doing something like this before. " At first I had another image of doing it with paint. But I thought that bandages would have a better effect. Because it is also used when people sustain injuries. For me, that would have a more intense effect. But it took me a year, my friend Glenn Moeljodiredjo helped me dress up.  He isn't an artist but he is very brave. He didn't even have to think about it. I just had to tell him, Glenn, we are going to do this tomorrow and he didn't have a problem with it.  The only thing I had to do was protect him because he was with me that day.  The cops inquired who he was and what his role in it was. But on top of that, he was very cool about it. I received negative and positive reactions from our society. If I have to start with the positive reactions a lot of people decided to commit suicide on that day.  After hearing what happened they contacted me and thanked me because if it weren't for my performance they would have drunk poison. Some even wanted to jump from the same bridge on the same day. They immediately asked me for help. I informed them that I am not a psychiatrist, there are institutions and organizations people who suffer from suicidal tendencies can approach.  Those are the people who are trained and specialized in dealing with people who suffer from depression and suicidal thoughts. We can talk with each other, but we don't know each other, so it won't be effective if I would be the one to provide guidance. You have to either talk to someone who is specialized or someone who is close to you. We exchanged messages for a while and after that, they were cool with the idea of seeking help from a professional.  Even people from Curacao and India contacted me.  I received a message from India and it made me realize that my anti-suicide performance has had an impact around the world.  A lot of people have depressive thoughts and they just need someone to talk to. I opened myself up for that. The negative reactions I had, you will always have people that don't think out of the box. Some people even made the remark that my act might give people ideas to jump from the Wijdenbosch brug.  I think that it is utter nonsense. Because if you want to kill yourself, you are going to kill yourself. It doesn't matter how you have different ways to do it. I think this problem is caused because of a lack of interest from people as individuals. What are you interested in as an individual at this moment? We are too occupied with ourselves. Don't mistake yourself, the cellphone! Do you know how many people are constantly busy with their cellphones for a few likes? That is something psychological, you watch the like and it makes you feel a certain way. But what about talking? That is also why I chose to do this interview personally. You put limitations on yourself as a social being. That isn't the wise thing to do. The fun side to a small population is that it is easier to come in contact with people. Of course, you have to know your borders.  Meaning that when you come into contact with other people talk about interesting and fun or important stuff. But do not talk about nonsense. Don't spend an hour talking about football when you don't take anything meaningful out of the interaction. It's a way of shrinking your brains.  But we don't do that, when we get together it's only to complain or nag. That doesn't have any value. As an artist, I also try to open up people their eyes. A lot of programs in the media don't represent much. What is it that they feed you? How is it presented?  What are the topics? Does it attract people? What does it leave behind for the young people? It's a bit confusing, we have to be more focused. That is also the reason people walk around with certain thoughts. There is no understanding, people do look for understanding. Those signs are everywhere, but because you are dead on the inside with your own nonsense you can't notice it. "

                                              Daniel Lemmer and his art

"art by Daniel Lemmer."
When it comes to painting Daniel Lemmer says: " I'm no van Gogh, that isn't in my intention. In the end, I want to sell my paintings. It isn't my goal to keep worrying. My art also has a certain price range. It depends on which country we are in. Now we are in Suriname and there is a certain economical crisis.  So I take that into account as well when it comes to my prices.  Anyone should be able to buy my art. From the housekeeping lady to the teachers or a minister. Anyone is capable of buying my art. When it comes to my actionist expressions I strive for awareness. My poetry is intense as well, acting and dancing is more for entertainment. But also to make people aware of their talents. Because everyone has a talent. But not everyone is aware of what their talent is."  We certainly learned a lot from Daniel Lemmer, I also attended his first and last Gallery expo in Suriname that was held on the 29th and 30th of March in Sukru Osso. Daniel gave me a new insight into art, the thing that I think makes him different is that he gives the prospector of his art the freedom to find their own meaning in his art. After all, isn't that the reason why most people collect masterpieces? It's not only because of the value it has for the artist, but also about the value that the admirer finds in their creative expressions.


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