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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Blogger notes: Welcome 2021!

                         Welcome 2021!

" Shachem Lieuw standing in front of a Christmas tree"
Happy 2021!

Happy new year everyone! I hope 2020 ended well for most of you despite the pandemic that's going on around the world at the moment. Let's stay positive during these times. And to those that have been a victim of the Covid19 virus you are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope this year things will be better. But I also hope that after this pandemic the world will become a better place than it previously was. Typical for my inner idealist, it is after all in times like this that history has taught us to keep faith and to hold on to hope. There are many heroes in this world that are fighting this pandemic in their own way. I wish those heroes all the strength and love. They need our emotional support as well since they are the ones that are sticking out their necks and risking their lives to save, help and support everyone else's. It is as if the world had to turn crazy in 2020. The signs were there from the beginning. As the old saying goes after the rain there comes sunshine, in that same manner I do believe that after the tragedy that hit humanity some sunshine will come our way. Especially if we all do our part in this world. Every one of us can make a difference, even if it's in a small way.  So I wish to spread out some positive vibes into the world this year. Call it my way of coping with all the scary things that are happening around us. Maybe, just maybe if we all put out some positive vibes in the same way that our heroes on the front lines refuse to give up we will win this battle faster. If I have learned one thing from this pandemic it's that the things that divided us as humanity no longer count. The world had no other choice but to come together and join forces in order to face this Pandemic. It's only a pity that it took a pandemic for us to reach this point. Yet seeing how different people from different continents and different backgrounds come together just to face this disaster that's plaguing our world gives me hope for our future. It shows that we can choose to get along with each other to protect this world. That means that it shouldn't be too hard to join forces and create a better world right? 

" Visiting Coronie zeedijk"
Visiting Coronie zeedijk last year

Moving on from my typical ramblings. I cannot say that 2020 wasn't an adventurous year for me. It was hectic but at the same time, it's like your survival instincts start kicking in. Did anyone else experience that? You can let me know in the comments how your 2020 was. I did still go exploring around in the backyard of my own country. I also decided to do some projects for my community as usual. I got rid of the community label and decided to just add personal projects under the Blogger notes header. I know you guys like these 😋 ! My confidence certainly grew last year, it was either that or I got some more alone time due to the pandemic. Whatever it is, I've stepped into 2021 as a stronger and better person. Because as you can tell from my previous blogger notes your girl is all about those self-improvement vibes. And a part of that is self-love. Self-love comes in different forms. Sometimes a form of self-love is reflecting on our achievements. This is something I as a perfectionist had to learn the hard way. I mostly just analyze my mistakes and immediately head towards the next thing that needs to get done. I would not recommend this, because it's a quick recipe for burnout. Since last year I started this crazy self-love journey and I am still learning each step of the way. I probably didn't do too great of a job but the important thing is that I started it. Once I did start this journey, I immediately noticed the results. That's why this year I am taking my self-love game onto a whole new level. It helped me get better quality out of myself. Once I started putting out that quality it also had a positive and more pleasant effect on the people around me. We're talking about a different ball game here! But more on that in the future. I received so much love from the people around me as my energy started growing. I put out more into the world and started to slowly come out of my shell. As a result, the universe took me on a wild adventurous path. I know, I know I always say my life is a wild adventure. But the vibrations I'm on this time means that we're playing the same game, only we upgraded to a different level.  In other words as a young weird but unique woman, I am shaping and building my character through the experiences I encounter on my journey.

" Shachem Lieuw sitting on a rock in Sipaliwini"
One of my adventures in Sipaliwini

Don't you love watching me grow up and evolve? Well, I can certainly say that I'm proud of the person that I've become.  To be honest the Pandemic helped me realize that life is short. You never know what next disaster can end our world. So why not bring out the best of our characters while we're floating on top of a giant orb that could collapse with any gas giant in this unpredictable universe. It sounds pessimistic but it's the only real advice that I could give to myself in situations like this. After all, a mind like mine must have a purpose to aim for. Or else my energy would feel like a waste in this fascinating universe. And as part of nature's food chain, we know that all life in nature serves a purpose. Even the dead serve a purpose!  I'm not perfect, but I am trying and I am happy while I'm doing it. So I figured as long as I am happy and taking along the positive experiences while learning from the bad my life is a joyful experience. I don't want to let stress or negative emotions get in the way of whatever definition of time I have left on this globe.  I want to create, whether that's through my writing or other talents that you will find out about this year, it doesn't matter. Even when it comes to the projects that I am doing, I am having fun. Because I am creating something that will have an effect and impact in this world through my projects. I just mostly don't talk much about it. Because of introvert problems. Yet the more comfortable I become with myself and accepting myself for the outcast that I am the more I seem to come out of my shell, it is as if suddenly I do no longer mind if the world sees me or not because they will judge either way. Yes, my friends, that is the magic of self-love! Take notes and feel free to try it out. 

" Shachem Lieuw at Tio Boto Eco Lodge"
Waking up at Tio Boto Eco Lodge

Every year I visit different parts of my country and get to know new amazing people. Yet I have barely touched the tip.  You guys have barely seen all the adventures I've been on. But I'm taking it on as a challenge to document more of my adventures. That way I can share it with the world, you never know who you can inspire in what way. Right now I do feel extremely inspired. And since my heart is big and warm I want to share that feeling with whoever is interested to follow my adventures on Story time.  One of the projects I did last year that I'm proud of is that we organized this training in the interior of Suriname for the locals. We taught them how to set a table for tourists and resort guests but also how to prepare cocktails. A skill that will come in handy after this pandemic. Since I do believe that tourism in Suriname has the potential to grow. We are after all the heart of the Amazon.  All we need is a little push and I brought together some of the components that were needed to get the engine started. The training was made possible thanks to Lieuw's Catering Service N.V.  a company owned by my father. He is an example when it comes to business and has over more than 30 years of experience in the Horeca sector. He has also trained many people from other countries as well.  His company reputation in Suriname speaks for itself. 

" Table set up done by Lieuw's Catering Service N.V."
Table set up done by Lieuw's Catering Service N.V.

Something my readers don't know yet is that in my home country Suriname I am also a member of a political party called De Nationale Partij Suriname. In English, the name would be The National Party Suriname. I am just a regular young member who tries to do something here and there every now and then. But I am not always active, what can I say! I live by Mary Poppin's philosophy. If you wish to know more about them or what they stand for you can visit their Facebook page. Anyway since I am a member I decided to invite the Chairman of the National Party Suriname to hand out out the certificates of the motivated people who participated in the training.  He agreed and visited Tio Boto Eco lodge the location where the training was held along with a small delegation of the National Party Suriname. On his visit to Sipaliwini Dr. Gregory Rusland also visited other villages alongside the river beds. The people were excited to receive him and they could air out their problems. It was something I was glad to arrange, because Sipaliwini has a lot of potential. But due to corruption and whatever other reasons I don't want to get into right now the people living in the interior do not get the necessary support or tools to work on their own personal developments and that of their communities. My political party has a small position in the government but I hope they can make a difference. I don't mind pointing these things out to them because we are a democratic party and I voted for them! That means my blunt mouth can point out the change that I want to improve this country and to make it a better place for future generations. I do have faith that they will do their best. After all, the reason I joined is that we have a mutual interest. That interest is improving our country in order to provide quality of life to our citizens. It was a choice I made because this is a political party that has made history and had a strong impact on the history of my country. Our greatest historical political leaders come from this political party. If you want to positively impact the future of this nation then the best choice for me was to join a party that has a track record of doing so when I look at its history. I am not really interested in positions in my political party at the moment because I believe that there are other ways to make a positive impact in our communities               ( Philantrophy, I fell in love with you!). Yet it doesn't mean that politics doesn't have an impact on our way of living as a society. Chose the wrong leaders and the people will suffer the most. As an idealist, I have a vision and they give me the opportunity to carry out fun projects that align with the vision that I have. But on this forum, I don't want to talk to much about that. Because it has been my motto and still is my motto that power does not speak, it acts! 

" Shachem Lieuw in conversation with Dr. Gregory Rusland"
In conversation with the Chairman of the Nationale Partij Suriname Dr. G. Rusland

Overall the training was a positive experience for the participants. I even got requests to do more of these projects in different ways. I did say that I wanted to do more projects like this. So I did a lot of prep work for a lot of other fun projects that are coming this year. Overall I am just happy to do something for my country. I know the skills that the people learned will come in handy. After this pandemic is over I might do some bigger projects. Because right now we can only work in small groups keeping the COVID 19 protocols in mind. I was happy to receive so much positive feedback on this one from people in all parts of my country and at the same time, I was also kind of surprised at how much attention it received. Because for me it was just something that I did alongside some awesome people who share the same goals. You don't realize the impact it has until your phone starts ringing and everyone else brings it up. Or when you go outside and random people mention it. I hope that projects like these will motivate others to take the same initiatives. Because there is only one of me and this Queen is not a hater. As long as we can make a positive impact in whatever way we can, why shouldn't we? I was also happy to see how the people who participated valued the information they received. It's the small stuff that motivates me to keep doing things like this.  

" Some participants of the training receiving their certificates"
Some of the participants holding their Horeca certificates

So I'm stepping into 2021 with more motivation and positive vibrations. I am grateful for all the love and support I received last year and hope to continue the trend as I keep evolving and walking down this self-growth path. I wish all of you a happy new year and may we pray that we can get through this pandemic together as soon as possible.  Stay safe everyone and until next time in Story time!


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