5 affirmations of self-love
Hello, Storytime readers from all over the world, I wish you all a happy Chinese new year. I hope that the year of the Ox will bring you lots of prosperity and happiness. As promised I am back with a new part of our self-love series " Affirmations of self-love". If you missed part one click on this link to read the previous edition. Remember to frequently exercise self-love habits. How we feel and think about ourselves heavily impacts our lifestyle. A healthy mind enables a healthy lifestyle. I officially proclaim 2021 as the year of positive thinking on this blog. I hope these affirmations of self-love help you as much as they help me. Here are 5 affirmations of self-love:
1. I am capable
You are a capable individual and it's important to remind yourself of that as well. You can't keep your focus on only the negative aspects of your life. That would not be healthy and before you know it you might drown in self-hate. Self-hate is the opposite of what we want to achieve in this case. Self-hate comes with doubt, anxiety, fear, and depression. It's a good thing to be aware of the bad, but that doesn't mean that we should forget the good. We all have different skill sets that we excel at. We all have different talents and qualities. Be aware of your skills and talents as well. That way you can continue improving the assets that you possess. If you don't believe in yourself it only means that you're self-sabotaging your potential. A lot of people are unaware of the different ways that they self-sabotage. Having a positive attitude in life can make a difference. Self-love, on the other hand, comes with embracing who you are. It helps build confidence and belief and it keeps you motivated to strive for the goals that you have set for yourself. If you keep reminding yourself that you are a capable individual in your own domain it will help you to build the confidence that you need to achieve progress in your life. Confidence goes a long way. When you are confident with who you are and the abilities that you possess, you won't let doubt get in the way of you realizing your goals. What would the world look like right now if even Leonardo Da Vinci didn't have the confidence to pursue his work? A lot of modern-day inventions would still be unknown to humanity. The moment you have faith in yourself no-one can take that power away from you. It is very important to have faith in your own abilities, that way other people their insecurities cannot negatively influence your ambitions in life. Write down all the reasons why you should see yourself as a capable individual in your self-love journal. If you don't have one yet, I highly recommend getting one. Having a self-love journal is a good way to gain insight into yourself, your journey, your growth and it helps to keep a good balance for your mental health. I would recommend journalling these exercises in your journal as well.
2. I am determined
Being confident is necessary if you want to be determined in life. You can be determined to achieve your goals. You can be determined to be happy. What are you determined about? Journal this in your self-love diary. When you are set on achieving the things that you want you won't let anyone or anything stand in the way of you achieving your goals. That's why I think that it's important to write down the goals that you have set for yourself. That way you won't forget the things that you strive to achieve. Once you have set your mind towards achieving your goals you have basically programmed yourself to realize them. This programming will help you recognize the obstacles that are standing between you and your dreams. Identify these obstacles for what they are and be determined enough to get through them. I know it sounds easy but it isn't that easy. You have to have the motivation to keep pushing through. But if you know that you deserve better in life you won't back down from any excuses. Drowning in negative feelings isn't an option either. If you want to achieve something in your life be willing to fight for it. The good things are never easily achieved. It often requires faith, hard work, dedication, and discipline. This faith, hard work, dedication, and discipline can be easily achieved if you are determined to put in the effort that is required. Be committed to the person you want to become and the changes you wish to make in your life. You are the only person that is going to fight for your personal growth. And since that is the case you have to be determined enough to be willing to put in the work needed. Because if you don't no one else will and can do it for you.
3. I am not perfect and that's a human quality

You are not perfect, nobody is perfect. Even the idols you look up to are not perfect. Humans weren't made to be perfect. If we were perfect we would be Gods. But that is not the way the universe intended it to be. Sometimes we can be our own worst critics. To error is to be human, this is a fact that we must acknowledge. If you have made mistakes in the past, acknowledge them as well. Mistakes are made so that we can learn from them. It is only through practice that we can master a skill. Failure should not be our enemy. Everyone has failed at something in one part of their life. But do not let that stop you. Instead, see your failures as an opportunity to learn. Even teachers were once students that learned through error. Accept that you aren't perfect and that you probably never will be and that this is a quality that all humans possess. See yourself as an individual that is learning at every step of the road. Having failures in life is what will make you appreciate your successful moments even more. Because then you are aware of the struggles and hardships that you have had to face in order for you to achieve successful moments. It's like when you just start to learn how to ride a bicycle. The first couple of tries you might fall down, but that doesn't mean that you should give up. After a couple of unsuccessful tries, you start getting better at it. This is the art of practice and practice comes with being patient. Be patient with yourself as well as your own growth process. After all, Rome wasn't built in one day. Even the world's top athletes have had a lot of failures, practice, dedication, and hard work before they reached the top. We often only see the success that others have achieved but not the process that has shaped their success.
4. I will manifest my dreams into my reality

Having the will to manifest your dreams and turn them into your reality feeds your determination. Keep telling yourself that your dreams are worth manifesting. If you have dreams and goals that you want to achieve it means that you have a purpose. Feed that determination and it will give you the energy that you need to manifest your dreams. A hungry man or woman will look for ways to feed themselves. By telling yourself that your dreams are worth manifesting your instincts will kick in and feed your desires. Have a positive attitude towards yourself and the goals that you have set. Self-motivation is important as well. Because we cannot depend on others to feed our desires. Write down all the reasons why your dreams are worth manifesting. This will keep you motivated and a little bit of motivation goes a long way. With motivation, we can build discipline. Discipline helps you undertake the steps that are needed in order for you to manifest your dreams. Start small and build up from there. If you are not motivated you won't be able to lay a proper foundation to build your dreams into your reality. That is why it's important to keep yourself motivated. A lack of motivation means that you won't take pleasure out of the process of achieving the targets that you have set for yourself. If you can't enjoy this process what's the point? Life is short and we should try to make the best out of it. If you truly want to manifest your dreams then you should enjoy the process as well. When you know why your dreams are worth manifesting every milestone that you achieve will bring you joy. When you enjoy what you are doing it becomes very easy to stay motivated.
5. I choose to be happy in life

We spoke about how being determined is an important factor in life. If there is one thing I am determined about it is to be happy. Being happy is a choice that I made for myself, and I hope it is one you will make as well. When you make this decision you will deal with negative occurrences and events in a mature way. Because you don't allow a situation, event, or person to come in the way of your happiness. That power will remain in your hands. When you are aware of the fact that this power is inside of you you won't easily give it away. You become more aware of what deserves your energy and time. Energy is priceless and if you ask me even your time is priceless. If life is indeed short shouldn't we be able to decide how we spend our time and energy? I know you won't be able to control everything. But the influence that the circumstances have on us depends on our reaction toward it. If you are determined to be happy you won't let the small things stress you out. Too much stress isn't healthy for the human body. Sometimes stress can affect our ability to seek solutions for the problems that we have to face. The next time you find yourself stressing, take a deep breath. Ask yourself is worth losing your mental health over? Calm down and let go of the stress. Instead, have enough faith in yourself and your own abilities so that you may find solutions. The time and energy that you lose by stressing can be better spent on problem-solving. Practice your problem-solving skills because in life you will face many challenges. If you get sad that's okay as well because everyone has those moments. But don't let it consume you. Let it motivate you to want better. It's all about keeping a healthy balance. Write down all the reasons why you should choose to be happy. You can even add situations that you do not want to face again as examples in your self-love diary.
I hope these affirmations of self-love serve you as well as they have served me. Don't forget to keep rereading the notes that you have made for yourself. I would recommend doing this at least once every month. It will help you to stay focused on the vision that you have for yourself. Until next time Storytime readers. Stay safe and healthy!
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