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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

My valentine

                                 My valentine

"Cpuple Kissing With Valentine Decoration In The Background"

Hello Story Time readers, it's Valentine's soon. In the spirit of valentine's day, I have decided to write this poem. May you enjoy it as much as I enjoy practicing my poetry skills. Hope you guys have a wonderful Valentine's day with your loved ones. For those that are single, it's alright. You will have your time, at least you can treat and spoil yourself. Since I do believe that it's important for you to love yourself first. You can't receive and give love to others if you don't know how to love yourself first. Here is my poem that I call " My Valentine". Feel free to share it with that special someone in your life. Don't forget to subscribe if you want to receive updates on new posts.

  My Valentine

My Valentine doesn't even know he is mine.
My valentine doesn't know he is the reason I shine.
When I am around him I become shy.
My mind often asks why?
But my heart keeps skipping a beat.
When he smiles at me, I feel the heat.
When he stares at me I melt.
I wonder if my glares of admiration are felt?
My eyes devour his essence.
Even though I am the one who feels captured in his presence.
My cheeks color when his scent lingers in the air I breathe.
My feet slightly shiver, as if there was nothing to support them underneath.
How could I have fallen so madly for him you might ask?
I blame it all on cupid, for it was his task.

The ache I feel for him in my heart is the fresh wound of cupid's arrow.
On the days that I cannot be around him, I deeply feel sorrow.
I remember the first time I realized he stole my heart.
It was the day that the endless fantasies in my head between us would start.
I'd imagine what it would be like if we were never apart.
Somedays I would think of writing him a card.
On other days I enjoyed admiring him from afar even more.
My valentine has no idea that he is the one I endlessly adore.
I long for his warmth.
I long for a place in his heart.
I want to be the reason for his smile.
I wish to be in his thoughts, even if we haven't spoken for a while.
I want to make him happy and content.
In my imagination, we would always be there for each other no matter how the day went.

Some days I ask God if he was heaven-sent.
Some days I ask my heart if it's just a foolish desire?
On those days his loving words set my heart on fire.
Burning away all the doubts in my mind and leaving room for passion.
I want to love and appreciate him in the old fashion.
I want to tell him all the reasons why he makes me feel special.
I want to tell him all the reasons why I wish him well.

I fell in love with his mind.
I fell in love with the way he was one of a kind.
I fell in love with the way he was always kind.
I fell in love with the way he could understand my mind.
When I am with him I don't feel like a delicate flower.
When I am with him I don't feel like a princess that needs to be saved from her tower.
When I am with him I feel empowered.
When I am with him, with love and care I am constantly showered.
His magnetic attraction keeps pulling me closer.
My valentine doesn't even know I'm his lover.

He doesn't know that he awakens the butterflies in my stomach.
When he is gone I count down the minutes until he is back.
It might seem like a crazy obsession.
But can you blame me for adoring him even more after every session?
He opens windows to my soul without even trying.
I never expressed so much to anyone without crying.
Without feeling shame.
Without having myself to blame.
If this was a game he would be the main prize. 
His reassurance makes me believe that I can rise.
In my mind, he is always number one.
When I ask him for advice he always knows what needs to be done.
He makes me believe that I do deserve the attention and care he so tenderly gives to me.
When he touches me, of my burdens I feel free.
When he speaks to me it sounds like a sweet melody.
He is always patient and kind toward me.
He sees the beauty hidden inside of me.
He also sees the ugly inside, yet he still accepts me.

My valentine doesn't even know he is mine.
I long for the days that he will be mine.
I know I shouldn't be selfish to keep such a gem to myself.
I know that he isn't a price to be kept on a shelf.
But my heart wants to treasure him.
I'd give away diamonds and gold on a whim for his love.
For a soul that is that beautiful could only be found in him.
What makes him so special?
It's not only the way he makes me feel.
It's the way his light shines in this world.
A lover's cries cannot remain unheard.
So I tell stories of the flames that rise at our every encounter.
I tell stories of how he is a wonder.
He might grow sick of my admiration.
At least then he can understand my heart's starvation.
I put my heart and soul on the line.
If it only means that one day my beloved valentine could be mine.
If he isn't meant for me, then I set him free.
As long as he can always remain happy.
For that is what is truly important to me.
My Valentine doesn't know he is mine.
If he's never mine that's fine.
But if he does belong to me, our love will only grow stronger.
His arms will become my shelter, and his kisses will silence my hunger.
Maybe, just maybe my Valentine can indeed be mine.
If that does happen, together we will shine.
I'll never let go of his hand.
When he needs me, by his side I will stand.
When he loves me, I will give him more love back.
Together we will keep each other on track.
He will be my King, and I will be his Queen.
If my Valentine becomes mine, no one shall come in between.

Thank you for reading my poem guys, make sure to jump onto that Story Time U.F.O. If you want to support me and my work, check out my Merchandise store or visit my bookstore. If you are an Amazon Kindle user, you can get a good deal on my books. Can't wait to see you again, next time right here on Story Time!

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