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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 Affirmations of self love to help you practice boundaries

                   5 Affirmations of self-love

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Welcome, if you are new, and if you aren't great to have you back, and welcome back to my positive vibes. Yes, it's a new episode of Affirmations of self-love. Just starting on this article has made me excited. These Affirmations of self-love have done me so much good on my journey, that I want to share them with the rest of the world. Be sure to read my previous articles on self-love if you haven't already.  Hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss any of my awesome stories. I only keep getting better and better through practice. Lately, I have been doing a lot of inner-work, and yes I know I always say that, but your girl is heavy on those self-growth vibes as usual. Trust me it is an addictive process that is worth every moment. Each day I grow more and more in love with the woman I am and the woman I am becoming. It helps me keep the cortisol away, and I know that if the cortisol stays away, many other diseases stay away. With this pandemic happening around us, that is definitely the priority. It takes a healthy mind to live a healthy life, and I had to learn that the hard way. So I am sharing these lessons with you guys so that you guys don't have to repeat my mistakes. Here are this week's affirmations of self-love:

   1. I accept the universe as it is,  so I can enjoy its beauty

"Shachem Lieuw" Sometimes we have to accept that not everything is within our control. The universe has its own way of working, and I have seen too much to not believe in that. When you get to admire the world and observe the people around you or when you're enjoying nature on your travels, you can really understand how amazing and breathtaking this world really is. And we haven't seen every part of it yet. I mean I haven't even seen every part of my beautiful country Suriname yet. There is still so much to know, and so much to explore. In the busy hassle of daily life we often forget that there is more to nature than we might realize. there is still too much to discover, explore and understand. But I do believe that everything happens for a reason. After all, there must be a reason why life brought you to my blog in the middle of all the daily busy noise of the internet what are the odds that you stumbled onto my storytime page? The more you accept that things happen for a reason whether that is suffering, pain or happiness the easier it becomes to live a fulfilled life. Because that way you are allowing the universe to fulfill your life. You cannot fight against mother nature, and why should you fight nature? When you can enjoy it, if only you trust the universe. Once you open up and trust the universe to guide and improve your energy you find balance within yourself. When you can be at peace with the outside world, you have better control over what is happening on the inside of you. I like to think that human souls are as complex as the universe itself. After all, we are made of particles found in the universe, so by that logic, we all have a piece of the universe within ourselves. Life can be simple, but sometimes humans make it complicated for themselves and others. I think that the cause of this most often is that some people cannot find peace within themselves. If you are at war with yourself, it simply means that you cannot trust yourself. When that happens, then I can indeed imagine that it must be hard to trust the world. I am not saying that you should trust everything and anyone around you blindly. All I am saying is trust the universe enough to know that it's made you out of some quality stuff. And just like in the web of life in the animal kingdom, every animal has its day.  Even that is a part of nature. We might think that we are complex or superior because we have the ability to create in such a diverse manner. This is only a skill that sets us apart, in the same way, that every animal has different skill sets that set them apart. But we are still a part of the food web that mother nature programmed.

      2. I manifest positivity and abundance into my life

This one has become one of my favorite affirmations of self-love for the year 2021. Can you believe that a half year has already passed by? It has been a hectic ride and as the world is racing to get vaccinated I do hope that this pandemic will go away. But either way, I manifest positivity and abundance into my life. Every time I practice this self-love exercise it has a positive impact on me. I manifest abundance in wealth, health, love, grace, kindness, and most of all an abundance of the right people around me. I must say that practicing this one has made me appreciate each day of life even more. Especially when you read about all the covid deaths. Even when it's not covid, it can be scary. Just recently a friend of mine died and he was fairly young. Some people don't even get to see me my age. For me, that is reason enough to practice gratitude. Nowadays I look at each day as a gift and I just assume that destiny knows where it's guiding me to. I show more appreciation for what I have each day while manifesting abundance into all the different aspects of my life. I know that we all have our bad days but just being alive and getting to witness another day makes me grateful for the opportunities life gifts me. There are so many people around the world who probably don't even have access to the proper resources necessary to sustain a healthy life. For them, the simple things that we have access to, like drinkable water are a luxury. For them, we are living a luxurious life. Now tell me, why shouldn't you be grateful for the luxuries that you get to enjoy? Our problems seem so small compared to others. Some people go through nightmares and still put on a smile. I have seen so many people turn their pain into strength. If there is a universal language that humanity speaks it is pain and love. No matter how hard you think you have it, try to be more appreciative of life. The power of positive thinking can work miracles. How you face your problems has everything to do with your mindset and the things that you attract in life. Start opening your doors for positivity, instead of inviting negativity to come in and flirt with your soul.

                   3. I do not allow others to dictate my energy

Do not underestimate this one kid. Your energy is your own, your energy is sacred, your energy deserves to be protected, especially from energy vampires. You know what I am talking about, the people that unnecessary drain your energy so that they can feed off sucking the life out of you for their own selfish gains. If you are an energy vampire seriously you need to work on recognizing other people their boundaries and probably also on yourself. Everyone should work on themselves, but if you aren't an energy vampire you can practice this as an affirmation or a boundary. It works excellent either way! I cannot stress out how important it is to not let others dictate your energy. When you are being true to yourself and to who you are it is so easy to stay in control of your energy. This can be the remedy to people-pleasing and yes I wish I knew this 10 years earlier, but hey I am accepting the universe as it is. See what I did there? I learned a lesson, became wiser from it, and now I have the opportunity to share that wisdom with you. That's the secret to how I keep my positive karma in balance. It is important to stay true to who you are, that way you are being true to your soul. I know how very idealistic of me. But I have a fun and unique way of looking at life that I enjoy writing about.  When you know who you are, you cannot be controlled by others. You do not let their opinions and views dictate your actions. You are taking care of your needs, by expressing your inner self. If that isn't practicing self-love then I do not know what is! I think that a lot of people often end up neglecting their own needs. This is the reason why they are suffering on the inside. Some people are not even aware of what their needs are because they have never gotten the opportunity to truly be themselves. Do not give others the power of your energy, your energy is your own it is sacred. Or if you want to put it in more business-like terms. Your energy is an investment, be careful in who and what you invest it into. It is your own currency, don't devalue yourself just for the approval of other people. Life is short after all. If you won't give yourself that respect and love, you certainly should not expect to receive that from other people soon. Unless they're secretly nice unicorn beings like me lol. Hey, I told you I learned this the hard way, didn't I!

          4. I will put energy and love into myself as well

I went through a bad health phase for a while. It was only when I went through this phase that I had realized that I did not put much energy, love, and care into myself. Or at least not as much as I did for others or other things. But I realize that I am not the only person who deals with this. Some women have kids and husbands that they put more energy into. Other people put more energy and time into their jobs. Whatever it is, it is important to find a healthy balance. What will the world, your loved ones, or your job gain from you being dead? Eventually, people will move on and the world will continue to go on after your passing. But have you done right by yourself? Do not neglect what you need. If that is rest, a healthy diet, a better lifestyle. I know you won't get there right away. But what is important is that you are strong enough to try and give yourself the best life that you deserve. Emotionally, mentally and physically you should invest energy into your own being. The better you take care of yourself, the better quality you can deliver into this world. Frequently check up on how you are feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically. Spoil your body with healthy nutrients from time to time. That way you will have more energy. Find a healthy outlet to blow of steam, do some fun activities for yourself as well. Take some time to do what you want to do. Do something that feeds your soul mind and body. Treat yourself and take good care of yourself. Don't put this off. Try my recipe and you'll experience fewer burnouts in life.

  5.        I am not afraid to practice my boundaries 

Boundaries can be seen as useful tools used to protect, safeguard and ensure your emotional, physical, and mental health. Boundaries are where you draw the line. Know what your boundaries are, explore them and write them down. When you are aware of your boundaries it becomes easier to enforce them. The moment you start enforcing your boundaries and have the courage to uphold them you are blocking out a lot of things that aren't good for you. Things that don't feel good to you emotionally, mentally, or physically. That helps keep the cortisol away and the less cortisol you have in your body the better it is for your own well-being. Placing boundaries is nothing to feel guilty about. It simply says that you care about your well-being and are therefore giving your own well-being a high priority as it should be. Because your health is your own responsibility. When you are placing boundaries towards others you don't have to be rude. You just have to know how to say it. Explain to the person why you are upholding this boundary and why not upholding this boundary can be unhealthy for you. In most cases, they will be understanding, if they aren't you probably do not need those types of vibes in your life. People who do not value your emotional, mental or physical health do not have your best interest at heart. Now that right there is a red flag of toxic behavior in your life.  Don't be afraid to practice boundaries. They will protect and nurture you! I hope you guys enjoy my wisdom and philosophy on life in these 5 affirmations of self-love. Try it for yourself and journal the effects of practicing these affirmations. May they serve you as well as they serve me.

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