What are the 10 things that matter in life?
Hello, Storytime readers from all over the world. I am back with a new article on self-love. I wasn't planning on writing this story. It came to me in a fit of inspiration. The reason why I am writing about the 10 things that matter in life is that I often feel that we forget about the valuable gifts life has to offer on our journey. It is important to remember these 10 things because they can help us live a more fulfilling life. For me that gives comfort, because when you are content and happy with the life that you are living, building, fighting, and struggling for you know that the time that you have here is not wasted. Growing up, I have watched many of my loved ones pass away before me. This is a part of the circle of life, for me, it is important that I fulfill my soul as well. This gives peace, balance, stability, motivation, and inspiration for the countless uncertain tomorrows that we face. That is why I share with you the 10 things that matter in life:
1. Your health
I used to struggle with some unexpected health issues in the past. And somewhere I admit that it was my own fault. Because I lacked love for myself. That's why I am sharing this knowledge with you because I know what the experience is like. I am feeding you with wisdom that I learned from my own experiences and from those of others around me. It's a good thing that I am a fast learner. Pheww, appreciative of the blessings that the universe gives me. I never saw my health issues coming, one moment I was young fit, and could do a million things at the same time. But underneath the hood, there was a slow time bomb ticking away. I got so lost in trying to do so much, with everything and everyone around me that I forgot the person who should have mattered the most, and that was me. Here's the funny thing, this doesn't only happen to me, it happens to a lot of people. Look around how many people are suffering from underlying health issues. If we have to be honest, the way that we take care of ourselves influences our health for a large part. That could be our mental health, our physical and emotional health. It all starts with how you take care of yourself. Because if you don't do that, you can't count on anyone else to do it for you. It was an experience I learned from. Because I cannot be Queen, inspire, or do any good at all if I am not healthy. You cannot enjoy the things you work for if you aren't healthy. You can't spend time doing fun things with those who matter to you if you are not healthy. It is very difficult to work on having a loving and lasting relationship if you are emotionally or mentally not in a healthy place. If you want to benefit from the good things in life, work on being in a healthier place. Be grateful for your health. Because some people don't even get a choice in the matter, and we call it the will of nature. It is a responsibility that you should have towards yourself. Enjoy the quality of life, from a healthy state of mind. This will bring more peace and positivity into your life as well. Because every action you will take towards yourself will be made to achieve a higher state of well-being for you.
2. Your time

Time is very valuable, it may seem like we have a lot of it. But time also goes by so fast, that is why we must make use of the opportunities that we come across and bring out their true value across time. We must make use of the time that we have in life to bring us joy. If that is with the people we love, or by doing the things that we are passionate about depends on you. Advocate for that thing you are passionate about, use your time to change the future. So that the mark that you leave on the world can be valued by the next generations. Or use your time to discover yourself, who you are, and to unlock the potential that you hold within. I have been on a long and interesting journey. And it only gets more interesting with time. Sometimes it might seem like I do not have enough of it, and other days I might have a bit too much to spare. Either way, I strongly believe that what we do with our time heavily impacts what becomes of our life and what the legacy is that we leave behind. If time is your currency use it wisely and be sure to spend it on the things that matter to you. If you would not want to waste money, why would you want to waste your time?
3. Your gifts

When you are talented or good at something you usually don't appreciate it or notice it as much as others do. This is self-love no, no! Most people who lack confidence tend to undersell themselves. Do you want to become more confident in life? Start appreciating who you are and what it is that sets you apart. Start loving the things that you are good at, and it will pay off. These modern times have proven that passion can get you far in life. Kick the bucket to old-school thinking and make your dreams become a reality. Realize that not everyone can be good at everything. But the things that you are good at are the things that the universe has gifted you with. Keep developing yourself, that is how you will get to know who you are, what you are made off and the best part is, it gives you every opportunity to shape yourself into the person that you want to be. There is a reason why you were made to stand out in the things that you are good at, and it's not only in our genetics. What would the world look like if your favorite artist, didn't make that one song that you adore so much because they weren't confident enough with who they are and their abilities? I think you get my point, you could be the next best piano player in the world, but you wouldn't know because you didn't want to give it a chance. Loving your gifts also means that you take the effort to feed them with inspiration. At the base of every masterwork, there was a wonderful moment of inspiration. Evolve your gifts, and use them well.
4. Having a purpose
Having a purpose in life is very important as well. When you have a purpose in life, you have found what it is that you want to keep doing for the rest of your life. You are aware of what drives you, and most of all you are motivated to manifest the desires that you are passionate about. To find your purpose, you have to be brave enough to dig into the deepest layers of your own being. At the center of that layer is the person that you truly are. That person knows what you want, and what you are good at. That person knows you better than anyone else in your life. That person is the only one that has heard all of your secrets. To find purpose is to find yourself. When you have found yourself, you become more grounded in life. Stability is a foundation that everyone needs to be mentally, physically, and emotionally in a better place.
5. Your memories
In my young life, I have made a lot of amazing memories. I know that memories aren't permanent, but I do believe that the memories that we make matter. Memories are like a collection of my life story. The good, and the bad it doesn't matter much. Because either way, it is my story. And my story matters, as does yours! Making a memory is like writing our own stories. I have beautiful memories of people who have broken my heart, I have wonderful memories of the people who spoiled me with their love and I also have a lot of memories that are filled with adventure. Whenever I think back about all the memories that I have made in my life, they remind me that even the good people that I lost, were no longer meant to stay in my life. My journey is one of growth, as most people go through the cycle of life we are all shaped by our own experiences. Whatever your story is, whatever makes it special for you, the one thing that you have that can truly tell your story, from your side, is the memories that you have. So be grateful for the ones that aren't erased. I like to think that it's the brain's special way of saying, here are some of your favorites in all categories that I stored for you amongst the millions and millions of memories that you make.
6. The people that support you

After all that I have been through on my journey, I never forget the people that have supported me and stood by my side. Without them, a lot of things that I have done in my life would never be possible. I am grateful for the people that encourage me, believe me, and teach me lessons about myself as well. They give me hope that not all of humanity is lost. I do believe that we meet certain people in our lives for a reason. If I did not meet a lot of great people on my path, we would never have been able to create such an impact. And I am not talking about one thing here, I am talking about everyone that supports, motivates, and loves you in every way possible. Sometimes a total stranger can show you more love, than your own blood. But that's because it is all about where the heart is, and how we connect with each other. I show appreciation to those I value by ginging them my time. And believe me, my biggest pet peeve is time wasted. So when I give you my time and attention that is the best gift that I am capable of giving you. Recognize who the people are that actually support you in life. Find out who is real with you, and open and who is willing to be there for you when no one else thinks that you are capable. Those people are your tribe, and I am grateful to have found a large part of my tribe. And those that are not meant for you, have at least brought wisdom along with them.
7. Going on adventures
Going on adventures, traveling, exploring, or whatever you want to call it feeds your soul with life, and inspiration. It helps you gain a different perspective of life and how diverse the world is. When I travel and move around and see places it reminds me of how the world is as diverse as I am. We are all made to be unique in our own ways, but that does not mean that we are any less special. No country is the same, no area is the same and no day is the same for every person. Admiring nature from different parts of the world shows you how different things can be beautiful from different angles. Where that diversity comes together to create bliss, depends on the kind of adventure that you are experiencing. So be sure to make it a special one, because they will be a great part of the moments that mattered and the many things that you learned.
8. Being happy with yourself
The secret ingredient to being happy is to be happy with yourself. When you are happy with yourself, you have completely accepted who you are, you love the person that is capable of doing all the amazing things that you do. If you aren't happy with yourself, it becomes difficult to gather joy from external things. You have to be stable on the inside, to keep on going on the outside. Being happy with yourself means that you accept the things that aren't in your control, but you also use things that are in your control for your own well-being and personal development. You enjoy the moments around you, and you realize that you have the power to direct your own emotions.
9. Self-discovery
I cannot keep stressing out, how important self-discovery is. Of course, in this case, I am talking about positive stress. When you know who you are, you are more aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Every day should be a new opportunity to get to know yourself better. Healing from whatever traumatic life experiences we collectively must go through, is only possible if you are willing to inspect and treat the wound. If you truly want to keep improving yourself, and the quality of your life, you have to dive deep within to discover what it is that you are made of. I know, I know most of my self-love articles direct towards introspection. "To make peace with the world, we must first make peace within"- My inner monk
10. Being able to let go

I decided to add this one to the list, even though it may seem strange to some people. But I do believe that being able to let go is an important skill to have in life. Some people can't let go of past events, toxic situations, toxic exes, toxic work environments etcetera because they are unable to make a choice for their own well-being. They don't love themselves enough to prioritize their needs. But besides that, if you can't let go of your mistakes or the people that you used to love you are not giving yourself the opportunity to start all over. You are not giving yourself the power to move on and create better. You are limiting yourself to something that felt like a certain comfort zone. Because you are more afraid of the unknown and that is a sad place to be in. It's something I wouldn't wish on anyone, and if you are in a place where you feel like you have no other choice but to submit to the things that drain you, remember that your thoughts have power. Don't down-talk yourself, but instead start thinking about the things that you can do differently to make each tomorrow a little bit better. These were 10 things that matter in life, right here on Storytime. Hit that follows button so that you know what is next. I hope you guys learned something, what are the 10 things in life that matter for you?
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