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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

3 self love tips for the holidays

                 Blogger notes: "It is the season of self-love"

Hello guys, I know it has been a long time since I posted a blogger note. I wanted to make use of this occasion to wish all of you my dear and wonderful readers, friends, and family a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I hope that this season brings you much joy, happiness, and peace. I know that the holidays aren't easy for everyone.  Some of you might be going through hard times or even relationship problems. Other people are crumbling under the pressure of having a perfect Christmas. Some can't even do much during this pandemic, especially if you have a financial crisis going on in your country or in your wallet. That's why I decided to name this article the season of self-love.  Let's make use of this opportunity to turn things around and focus a little bit on ourselves as well. It's like you are giving yourself peace, and the choice to be happy. Here are three tips that I love to share with you during this season of self-love:

1. You have the power to turn the day around  

The holidays are always a busy season for everyone. Sometimes while we are out there trying to get so much done in a short span of time we forget that we have the power to turn the day around. We are the ones who get to decide to enjoy the day.  People are often afraid to talk about power, yet they crave some form of it.  At the same time, they end up ignoring the things that they can control.  You have no control over other people their expectations and experiences, but you do have control over your own. And as a free adventure-loving soul I am giving you this important tip for when you start to feel as if you are losing control over yourself during these holidays. You have the power to turn the day around. You know yourself better, do things that give you joy as well. Don't harm yourself by ignoring your own needs for the approval of others.  If we all do this, the people around us will learn to love themselves as well. When they start loving the light within, they won't take action from a place of pain. By healing ourselves, we can influence the environment we live and breathe in. I have to come to learn that it's always important to love myself first and to enjoy my life as well.  A harsh truth is that not everyone is meant to be in our lives forever and some moments won't return. They are experienced to aid you on your short journey on this planet.  The lessons that they bring on your path guide you in the right direction.  What's on the inside, reflects in our lives. I have noticed that the more I have evolved the more I have come to attract the right people on my path. Although there are still some crazy ones in between, I think that that comes along with my charm.  The moment I realized that I had the power to control how my day is experienced my life changed. You get to say no a lot easier and you get to choose to engage with the things that matter to you.  Even when you can't control everything around you, You can control how you feel and what you do next.  In my case I feel my emotions, accept them, process them and then I take action. I take action to let go of the negativity and the bad experiences as I start to create my own positive experiences. Because if I want to enjoy the quality of my life I need to create and attract more positive experiences in my life. So by processing and letting go of the negative emotions, I am creating more room inside of me for positive emotions and experiences.

2. You can decide to enjoy the little things around you 

You can decide to enjoy the little things around you. That can be the decorations that you see around you, the smell of freshly baked desserts, the company of your loved ones. Don't forget that the holidays are meant to be fun.  I had a lot of work to finish on Christmas while at the same time I was extending my hand to others. That didn't stop me from having fun. I had a great time, I got spoiled by the people who care for me. It is because I am a thankful person that even the small things feel like getting spoiled to me.  I ate what I had, I felt content. My Christmas wasn't perfect, but I was content and that made me happy.  It's also fun to find out what the small things are that give you joy. These things will be different for everyone. Take joy in exploring all of these things as they become a part of your story.  Make notes of them or document them in your own way. You never know, who will enjoy looking back on your story.  I took a long nap the last Christmas eve, but I have no regrets. Because man did I need that nap. I know I was boring this year, but it didn't matter. Because I took pleasure out of resting after I finished doing the things that I needed to do. Now take note of these moments in your own personal life and write them down as we head into 2022.  What kind of self-love quotes will you be placing in your 2022 self-love diary? 

3. The more beautiful memories you create, the more fun it becomes to look back on your life

" Shachem Lieuw in Westfield Centro Oberhausen Germany"

I always try to make my experiences as positive as possible. I try to enjoy the life that is gifted to me, by creating positive experiences on my adventures. As you start to document your adventures you will notice that the more beautiful memories you create, the more enjoyable it becomes to look back on your life as you share your stories.  You could say that I took the journey of discovering myself very seriously. My future husband has to appreciate all the effort I am putting into shaping myself. If not, I am not putting a ring on that! I know I took the time to blossom into a beautiful individual. Because the more I take pleasure in being me and doing the things I like the more enjoyable I become as a person when I am around other people.  I think some introverts might understand this better than extroverts. But that's okay because that's the entire point. We enjoy different things, and we are good at different things. It's up to you to feed your own light, I can only give you advice on how to prevent that special kind of creativity that you have growing inside of you from dimming.  Make use of it as you enjoy the process. If we all start working on ourselves our entire planet can benefit from it. I know there my idealistic self goes on again. But some things will never change.  During these holidays and any other holidays, you will experience, try to create as many beautiful memories as you can.  If technology gives us one advantage, it's that it stores our memories long after we are gone. It's like we are making our kind of hieroglyphs. You never know how our stories can influence the generations after us. As many of our ancestors have done in their own way.  I might not live forever, but my story can.  And as long as I am living I am going to have many more amazing adventures.  The universe keeps blessing me with the opportunity to discover new opportunities on each new day, so I use those gifts to their fullest potential.  As I am becoming older I am becoming more aware of how beautiful my life is.  When you try to hold on to positive intentions and are willing to learn, you will be abundant in many different ways.  
These are the 3 self-love tips that I wanted to share with you guys for the holidays. Stay strong, and safe during the pandemic.  Take care of yourself, and I hope you get to practice self-love to keep yourself balanced.  Enjoy your holidays, and until the next time right here on Storytime. 


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