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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

How Self Love Can Ease Your Pain

            How self-love can ease your pain

" Shachem Lieuw along side the Suriname river at Courtyard by Marriott Paramaribo"

How have you been?  On my side, I could have been doing better. I had already planned to write this article for the year. But I guess life, wanted to give me the right motivation to write this article in the most authentic way possible. After I went swimming I felt great and rejuvenated. I felt like nothing could keep me from achieving all the things that I wanted to achieve. I am a high-pressure functioning person and that is just not always healthy.  But with self-love, we are throwing all the toxic traits away one at a time. Anyway, I had no idea fate had other plans for me, or you can call it a little bit of bad luck.  A simple sneeze knocked my back out and I fell right onto my bed.  As a matter of fact, my crazy mind is writing this article with fresh motivation. I just got to the phase where I can barely stand and sit up. Whatever you want to call it, moments like this are all a part of our experiences. We all face setbacks in life, it can be with your health, your finances, or even your love life.  Whatever poison is on your table at the moment, if it's one cold reality we must deal with, it is that pain is a part of life.  We might be afraid of it, and try to do everything we can to avoid it. But at some point in our life, we must experience a form of pain.  Even when that is in the form of losing the people we love.  Often times we search for ways to ease our pain. I like to think that self-love helps with that. That's why I decided to write this article on How self-love can ease your pain? :

          1. Self-love helps you accept pain

It's been 3 days since my Back injury occurred. I am doing a lot better right now. I am able to walk and stand again, even when my body still feels a bit stiff in some parts.  I am on a good road to recovery. If you want to be effective in life and strive to make as much of a positive impact as I do, you have to practice what you preach. That's why I decided to write this article in pieces, as I am completely healing and resetting the button.  One of the ways self-love helps me to deal with pain is, it helps me accept it. But it also shows me what caused it. Pain is not the enemy, pain is only there to attract our attention to threats that can form problem areas in our life. Some people experience this in love, in finances, in their career, or when it comes to their physical health. By accepting the pain we acknowledge the problem instead of throwing it under the rug.  Once you have reached the step where you acknowledged the problem and accepted its presence, take the time to analyze what caused the problem with a clear mind. Because I have to be honest, some lifestyle changes are going to have to be made if we want to enjoy a long prosperous life. I am glad I actually realize that, or maybe I am living with that fear because so many people I know have died due to health issues.  I am sure most of the time we aren't aware of the problem until we feel the pain.  Therefore pain has instead become my friend, it tells me when something is wrong. It communicates with my body, mind, heart, and soul to show me what needs to be healed. Pain forces you to crave healing.  Don't let it become your enemy, because you are not here to fight it. Pain wants you to embrace the fact that something inside of you or a part of you needs healing.  When you are open to that, you look for a solution early on. I have known a lot of people that played of their pain not knowing that it was the cause of an underlying health issue.  Pain is a reminder that you need to take care of yourself. So on the self-love journey, you will face as many painful moments as life throws on your path! But here we learn to embrace it, so we can find healing!

2. Intense pain forces you to practice boundaries 

Intense pain forces you to practice boundaries. I have come to learn that when you are in pain, picking up self-love as a weapon is not for the weak. Practicing self-love in your worst moments is to constantly remind yourself of how strong you are and how it's okay for strong people to have weak moments. That even Achilles had heel problems! But that doesn't mean that just like Achilles, you should make the mistake of making your weakness define you. How would that even make sense? To value yourself any less because you have imperfections? That only shows that you can have many victories, but still the few failures are the heavy burdens that you chose to carry along weight heavier for you. Read my previous articles on self-love if this sounds familiar to you. Sometimes you might have to convince yourself that this isn't your worst rodeo, or that after all the bad things you have been through beautiful things were waiting around the corner.  When I inspect that in my personal life, I find truth in it. That truth gives me the motivation to keep pushing on.  Ultimately we have to accept, that no matter what we are feeling or going through there must be a love for ourselves that is seeded within. Take a deep breath when you accept this and embrace this as a part of your reality. If we want to escape the pain we must prioritize ourselves. Congratulations if you have reached this step. You just upgraded your self-worth. Having self-worth and valuing who you are and what you are worth will make you realize how meaningful your life is.  Sometimes life pushes us into intense painful situations because we weren't prioritizing our own well-being and needs.  Pain helps you to recognize what isn't serving your highest good and well-being. And at that moment you will have no choice but to either give up and surrender or to start practicing boundaries. When the pain becomes intense, it means that we have been ignoring it for too long and now something is terribly wrong. The situation is no longer healthy for you. That's where you have to identify, who or what is causing the pain and why?  Only when you answer that, will you be able to know what boundaries to practice depending on the situation.  It might take a while before you decide to use these boundaries, but do you know what helps? Realizing that boundaries aren't the bad guys, they are the good guys that help communicate your values, self-worth, your needs and prioritize your own well-being.  Life is short, don't accept any unnecessary stress in your life.  Cortisol is a hormone that you do not want in large quantities in your body.  Practicing healthy boundaries and taking action toward prioritizing your own well-being will help you make the right lifestyle decisions that can ease your pain.

3. Self-love helps you understand pain!

The good news is, that I am doing a lot better today. I got a lot of rest, and my bones made that crack noise in a lot of different places. Ah well, I guess it is a part of becoming older. But it's 2022, and we aren't playing around anymore, this year we should lead by example. So we are going to be making a lot of changes to make sure that we are living a happy, fulfilled, content, and healthy life! I practiced a lot of self-love these days by prioritizing my mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Now that is a huge step to make, but a very necessary one. I encourage everyone to always do this. That is the best way to protect your energy. And if you value yourself, because that is what it is really about in this niche, you will keep growing and elevating your energy like it was a plant. We forget, that this life is ours to treasure. You can't control everything, but that doesn't mean that you should make your own life even more difficult.  Another way that self-love can ease your pain is that self-love helps you understand your pain. Pain communicates with you when there are unhealthy events or things going on in your life. For example work pressure,  relationship problems etcetera.  When you pick up self-love as a weapon for warriors instead of seeing pain as suffering you will come to understand your pain and the things that cause it. When you have a better understanding of your pain, it becomes easier to remove toxic elements in your life that do not serve your highest good.  To understand pain is to discover who we are, what we are made of, and what our weaknesses are.  One of the important things that we discover when we start to understand our pain, is the needs that aren't met. Have you been prioritizing other people their needs over your own? In what way have you been doing this and how does it make you feel? Understanding pain can be done through self-reflection.  Self-reflection requires you to be honest with yourself and to stay true to your authentic light.

  4. Self-love helps heal childhood wounds and other traumas

Self-love helps you to heal childhood wounds and traumas. Most people have childhood wounds or have faced some kind of trauma.  These things can be rooted in our subconscious and interfere with our daily lives without us noticing them. Some people develop insecurities or complex issues. Childhood wounds and traumas can be a toxic burden on who we are as an individual. The way self-love helps you heal childhood wounds and traumas is by letting go of the pain. When you pick love, you cannot hold on to emotional pain.  You decide to let go of the emotions that do not serve your highest good. You accept them, understand them, forgive yourself and others and you move on. Because the wrong things should not control your life.  You have to make the choice to live for yourself and to make your life meaningful in a way that makes you content.  Look at it this way, when the trashcan gets full you empty it because you don't want the trash to stink and spread its reek into the environment.  So why are you holding on to all that baggage? Get rid of all the trash in your life, and prioritize your wellbeing.  This can include the insecurities that others project onto you or the false beliefs that limit us.  These are the things that feed our anxiety, and when that happens you lower your value. You don't believe in your skills and your own abilities.  Now tell me, when you didn't cause your childhood issues and traumas why should you hold on to it? I know it is easier said than done, but self-love is not a short journey. It is a lifelong practice that makes life easier for you. If you feel like other people are already trying to make life difficult for you, why should you add to that burden? The point of self-love is to take action in a way that benefits your personal development, growth, and happiness.  That's what I like to call building quality of life. Shh don't tell them yet, that I plan to use that in a political campaign!

5. Self-love gives you the strength to face pain and the courage to prioritize yourself!

Listen up, this is the part where you pay attention!  When you have gone through all these points you will reach a point where self-love gives you the strength to face pain. To live free of anxiety, stress, and fear of the unknown. Sometimes you just got to sit back, relax and float in the pool of life! That is the entire point, we accept what has happened and we understand that what must happen shall happen.  But most importantly, we uphold faith in ourselves that we will get through this, in the same way, that we have been through so many other things before. Have faith in who you are, remind yourself of your strength, and stop doubting your own abilities.  When you realize how strong you are, you become extremely brave. That bravery will be the courage that you need to prioritize yourself.  Have faith in your own abilities, and life just might surprise you.  The more you prioritize yourself, the easier it becomes to live an authentic life. These are the 5 main points that I share with you on how self-love can ease your pain. I hope this is as helpful for you as it is for me. The good news is, I am already doing a lot better. Until the next time, right here on Storytime. Don't forget to hop onto our U.F.O.


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