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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

5 powerful affirmations for the year 2022

  5 Powerful affirmations for the year 2022

Hello my dearest Story Time readers from around the world, as a lot of you already know today is filled with a lot of 2's.  The 22-2-2022 is indeed a unique and beautiful number that has a lot of people practicing manifestations, affirmations, and even self-love.  That's why I just couldn't help myself and had to write another affirmations article. You can find more articles like this under the Self-love tag off my blog. These powerful affirmations are inspired by today's date and also the mindset that I certainly chose to uphold for the rest of this year.  Let's manifest a lot of positive energy and healing this year. I present to you " 5 Powerful affirmations for the year 2022":

   1.  I attract the right people, at the right time on my path!

Think about attracting the right people onto your path and opening up to positive people and positive experiences is very important if we want to maintain a certain quality of life. My entire political, philosophical and humanitarian philosophy is based on the principle of attaining quality of life. You can't say I am the only one doing it, pulls up shoulders.  How many times has giving the wrong person your heart and your love shattered you?  Sometimes we get so invested in providing for the relationships and people around us that we always seem to forget that not everyone will want to see you grow and shine. And that's okay, you have to allow them to go on their own healing or life journey. Because I believe that the Karma that you create in life, is what ultimately gets served. I believe that this counts for the good and for the bad deeds in life. But don't let other people their insecurities, games, and pain holds you back from living a fulfilled life.  I have come to learn the hard way that being understanding, doesn't always mean that we should tolerate it to become a part of our lives. After all, you have to stay from the rotten apple if you don't want the entire basket to go to waste. We forget how much of a domino effect the people we chose to hang around can have on our lives.  If you decide to allow the right people around you, and if you embrace those that want to see you flourish I am certain that you will end up blossoming in a garden that's known for its beauty and diversity! The right people will help you grow and evolve. They will have a positive effect on you and understand just what they need to do to make your life easier. That is why it is important that we value these people as much as they value us. The more we allow the right people around us, the better we become at practicing our boundaries against the wrong ones!

2. I am open to receiving wisdom from the universe 

I believe that this affirmation is an important one.  The universe sometimes leaves messages laying around for us. But we need to be open to receiving wisdom first. Sometimes wisdom can come in the form of advice that we receive from the people around us. But if we aren't open to at least receiving their feedback, we will never learn anything. A man or woman who thinks that he or she knows it all is a fool. I am not saying to blindly believe everything you are told. You have the right to be a skeptic in your own way. All I am saying is be open to receiving new information and you just might be surprised with how much wisdom and insight we can gain from our environment, especially when we have the right people around us. People will not be perfect, but how to maintain the relationships that we have with them despite their imperfections, says everything about our leadership skills. That's why the number 2 affirmation on this list is that we are open to receiving wisdom from the universe.  The proper wisdom can only help us grow more as an individual and heads up kids if you ever want to grow your leadership skills you are going to need a lot of it. Being open to wisdom, allows you to be open to the experiences that allow them to enter your life. Learn the lesson, practice self-love, and move on. 

  3. I am grateful for the life that I have and I accept my past as I enter my future with grace, love, and confidence!

I am very grateful for the life that I have, I would not have it any other way. Because at this moment I decide to be fulfilled, and to choose for my happiness.  I accept my past because I realize that those were experiences and lessons that I had to go through to grow into the beautiful person that I am today.  I like to believe that the universe knows what its intentions for me are.  Had I done one thing slightly different, I wouldn't be able to write to you guys right now.  And as I enter my future filled with grace, love, self-respect, and confidence I can show nothing but appreciation for the opportunity to be able to walk through my own footsteps. I wouldn't trade this life with that of any celebrity or royalty. Because the love that I have been feeding into myself has only been growing and shall only keep growing. That is why I want to keep inspiring you guys to feed the flame that is living on the inside of your heart. It is what makes our light shine so bright into the world. The more we feed it, the more the world can benefit from us. I realize and know that prioritizing myself, means that my cup can stay full enough to keep sharing with those that deserve my energy.  I encourage all of you wonderful beautiful people out there, no matter how dark it may seem keep going. Light cannot be broken by darkness. But by the time you figure that out, you will have learned a lot of amazing life lessons.

4. I will allow myself to shine to my full potential as I embrace my journey and evolve into the person that brings my dreams to life! 

If you have goals that you want to achieve or dreams that you want to bring to life you need to believe in yourself. Even when other people don't. Trust me on this one, if I had to listen to every so-called successful person their judgment I would give in to the ego of superiority that they have gained throughout time. But our journeys can never be the same. If Arthur, wouldn't even try to remove Excalibur from the stone, how would he ever find out that he was the rightful King? Everyone judged him for how he looked and what they taught him that he was capable of. These stories are prime examples of what can happen when you allow yourself to shine to your full potential. Don't limit yourself because of fear or the judgment of the world. I am pretty sure that if the world had an accurate judgment on everything we wouldn't have any global crisis going on at all. But that is just not what it is, so why should I conform to who and what I am capable of being based on the perspectives of people that aren't happy in their own lives? Their battles have nothing to do with me. The sooner you start to embrace your own unique and special journey the easier it becomes to let your authentic self show and grow into the person that brings your dreams to life. Don't do it to prove the world wrong, do it because you want to prove to yourself that you can!

5.  I am focused on getting the right tasks finished at the right time! I know what to prioritize because I listen to my desires.

Sometimes when we have a lot going on at the same time life can get overwhelming. And the last thing you want to do is to prioritize the wrong things at the wrong time because that would just be a waste of your time. If you listen to your desires and your needs they will help your instincts kick in on what to prioritize first, at the time that it is necessary! Have faith in yourself and in your abilities as you keep building your skills and trust that voice inside of you that keeps screaming that you can do it! Unless that voice starts to sound evil, in that case, give it a little bump in the head say some prayers and you will be fine haha. I know my sense of humor, never mind moving on.  Listening to your desires also makes you aware of the things that you want in life. I know, keep in mind that the things that we want and the things that we need aren't the same things. But that's because they aren't meant to be the same thing. Still, it doesn't mean that we shouldn't go after the things that we want.  Doing that is just called chasing your dreams, so remember to prioritize who you are and what you want! If they want to see it as selfish, then how come they are doing the same? Don't be afraid to chase your dreams. bravery and courage are needed if you want to stand strong in your own shoes. This is where practicing boundaries come in, but that is for another Story Time.  Feel free to share this Story with your loved ones until we meet again! 💋💋😍

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