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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

What are self-love unicorns?

   Story Time: What are self-love unicorns? 

Hello, my fellow self-love unicorns from around the world. It feels so good to get in touch with you again.  What do you guys think of my natural glow? I thought it would be fitting with today's article, and I feel gorgeous either way! Just like all of you should. I want to talk about self-love unicorns in today's Story Time post.  In an attempt to let the world know that we aren't endangered. I know I am not alone, or else why would you be here reading this?  The fact that you're interested in self-love and growth just makes you as much of a beautiful unicorn as I am. We are all special in our own way, and the more we decide to glow, the less dark this world becomes.  I hope that all of you self-love unicorns are enjoying your journey.  This world is too big for us to be competing with each other.  Besides life is short, and as a self-love unicorn, you want to make the best out of it. You want to fulfill your own desires and needs so that your light can shine in its own authentic way.  Being a self-love unicorn is so much more than just a catchy title.  It's the ability to embrace your identity while shedding ego and limitations that keep you stuck. To be a self-love unicorn is to have faith in yourself because you know your heart and soul are worth a valuable lifestyle.  When you embrace this philosophy it becomes easier to hold on to your morals and values. Even when it seems like those aren't the values that are appreciated by humanity today.  But that's okay, the healing journey is also about learning that we are not responsible for the way that other people carry their pain.   That's why today I want to share with you the 5 traits that help you recognize a self-love unicorn: 

          1. Self-love unicorns aren't afraid to be different!

Drum roll please, yes the number one trait that we as gorgeous self-love unicorns have in common is that we aren't afraid to be different. We aren't afraid to stand apart from the crowd, because how boring would it be if we were all the same? We embrace our identity, and we love who we are on the inside. It doesn't matter if other people cannot understand us or look at the world from our perspective. What matters is that we should at least understand ourselves.  We don't try to change who we are just for the sake of others, even when we sometimes end up slightly adapting ourselves to our environment. Self-love unicorns remain true to their identity, because why shouldn't we love all the things that make us stand out? Now that is authentic love, that you can't get anywhere else!

                  2. Self-love unicorns embrace their gifts!

Take a seat at the table, and allow me to spill the tea on the subject. One way to know for sure that you are a self-love unicorn is when you start embracing your gifts.  If I am good at something and I love doing it, there is no way I am repressing that creative energy just because I am scared of how the world will judge me.  We self-love unicorns feed on things that make our heart happy, and when we embrace our gifts it helps feed our souls. We become better at the things we love because there is no fear to hold us back from picking up the things that we love. Now if that isn't a badass self-love unicorn trait then I don't know what is!

3. Self-love unicorns invest in themselves! 

I had to put on my thinking pose for this one, let me explain it to you this way. All Queens and self-love unicorns invest in themselves.  All the time that it takes to explore our own worlds, get to know ourselves, and the effort we put into maintaining ourselves needs to be based on a strong foundation.  The only way to create those strong foundations is by investing in ourselves. We can do this by investing in self-care, in our health, or just by doing the things we love. You deserve to be taken care of before you start taking care of anyone else. Invest in yourself the right way and that return of an investment will surely pay off.  If we want to enjoy the life that we created for ourselves, we need to invest in our health too.  Don't underestimate how important having proper mental health is.  A self-love unicorn knows how important it is to keep investing in ourselves! 

4. A self-love unicorn is confident in their skin 

It doesn't matter what we look like or in what size we come, one thing is for sure we self-love unicorns are confident in our skin. We know our story and we know our life, so we know that our bodies should be embraced as much as we embrace our gifts and our identity. That's the way to get started in the right direction. Now I have been in different shapes, but one thing that I always radiate no matter my size at the moment is confidence. Because I am confident with who I am and I love myself! Embracing my unique beauty is what makes me love my natural shine. I am enjoying life, and I am certainly going to enjoy how I look till the last day that I am breathing. Even if I become a grandma, don't be shocked if you see me show up as a fly grandma! 

5. Self-love unicorns don't have anything to prove to the world!

This is a major trait that self-love unicorns have in common, and that is they don't have anything to prove to the world. We know that we are enough, we know what we are capable of. We know what purpose we want to follow and we do it mainly for ourselves.  Secondly, it is because we have the courage to remain true to who we are that we act from a place that not only benefits our own higher good but also that of those around us.  Live for yourself and not for the things and people that can replace you the moment that you are gone. I hope you guys enjoyed this article on "What are self-love unicorns?" Don't forget to jump on board of the Story Time U.F.O. if you want to stay updated each time I post a new article.  Have fun being yourself to all the self-love unicorns out there!

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