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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

When purpose calls!

      Blogger notes: When purpose calls!

"Shachem Lieuw exploring the interior of Suriname"

Hello, my dearest Story Time readers from around the world. How have you been? I am doing and feeling great. Of course, it has been a while since I have written something on my blog or even worked on my content. But there is a good reason for that. So no need to worry, I am doing fine. My crown is shining brighter than ever despite facing some obstacles. I see them as practice. My leadership experience has taught me many things throughout the years. If I had never faced obstacles, I would not have become so good at guiding the people around me as much as they guide me. In life, we have found a way to direct each other towards a common purpose. The purpose I speak of is Quality of life. That is what I try to inspire in all the people around me. No matter what political party they come from or their ethnicity or background. Those things do not speak to my being. I am not even impressed by people or their positions or possessions. I am impressed by your energy, and by who you are as a being.  Maybe that is because I am used to being around all kinds of people throughout my life. Or maybe it is because the idealist in me knows that life is short, and if one dies I like many others will meet the moment where air flows through my lungs one last time. At that moment I will have no regrets knowing that my heart and intent have been lived walking in the steps of Dharma. I have given my love to people, some valued it, and some didn't realize what they had. Even those moments don't weigh heavy on my heart. Because I understand that they are a part of the journey. That's why I enjoy each moment of the good and the bad. Even when I have my cranky moments. In the bad moments, I get to realize who is there for me. I get to value and admire the people around me putting in the effort to help keep my boat sailing. One thing that my heart constantly shows gratefulness for is the people that love me. Life has given me my own family. We might not be related by blood, but what we have is a blessing. Even what I have with you as my readers is a blessing. The ability to share and create sets free the power of the energy living inside of me. The older I get the better I become at understanding this energy that drives, guides and fuels me.  And even those who bring pain on my path, teach me valuable lessons about the strength that I possess. It is such a beautiful process to watch myself grow. I am enjoying each moment because these are the moments that will count the most. In these moments I find out who is there for me, and who just wants to take advantage of me. Despite having this awareness, I neglect their toxic and negative vibes. My focus is on my purpose. I am guided by that voice inside of me that says tomorrow my being will make a difference.  To each their own, your purpose might be different. But what is important is that you learn to listen to that voice inside of you. The good one, that is the one that knows what you are capable of and motivates you with confidence. As long as we are at peace with ourselves, we can be aligned with the person we are meant to be. In other news, I performed a poem on mental health during the Caribbean Youth Fellowship certificate ceremony held in Spice Quest. I didn't even think I would get the opportunity to surprise you guys with a video. The USAID representative from Guyana Mr. Durwin Humphrey made my day by sharing this video with me. That way I get to share with you guys what kept me busy. I hope you find your own purpose in life. I can certainly share one thing with you from my experience. Just being yourself, helps guide you towards that purpose. Keep in mind to vibrate among the right people. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this small part of my poem. One of these days I will rerecord the entire poem and share it with you. So don't forget to jump onto the Story Time U.F.O., that way we can zap our new stories straight into your inbox. As you noticed I have been busy with a lot of things. I know it's something I say a lot on my blog. Somewhere in my hectic life where I wear many hats in society, I manage to find the time to share these intimate conversations about myself and my life with you. Not to boast about the superficial things that humanity deems essential. No, instead I want to inspire. I want you to know that no matter what you are going through in life, the warrior living inside of you won't let you down if you just have a little faith. We must water our own souls for it to flourish like a garden in early spring.  I want you to bloom into your own beauty. Surprise me with how colorful your creations can be. Feed your soil with positivity as your mind grows with curiosity. Color your gardens with the diversity of your petals. I want your cheeks to color as red as freshly picked peaches when you think about the future.  Take me on a picnic, as we teach each other about self-love and other lessons the adventures in this universe has in store for us.

" Sharona Lieuw On and USAID delegation"

Some things we don't see coming, and even that is a part of the hidden beauty of life. It has many surprises in store for us, little do some know that the shock can be meeting an eccentric mind like mine. 😜😜 I guess I am very confident in who I am and what I am capable of. Mostly because my life has been an ongoing adventure! I couldn't even begin to explain. Some know, but most don't! Either way, I do know that I meet people for a reason and that everywhere I go, I find people that become a part of my tribe. The amusing part is when they just got to know me, and don't know how intense that journey can be. It's not every day a Queen decides to show herself to the world. Can you blame me? I want to enjoy my youth and make the moments that I share with others count. At that moment it doesn't matter how you view me, I remain authentic to my highest being. That means I listen to what my heart and mind are saying at the same time! There are things that I still haven't figured out, but I am in no hurry to do so.  I want to breathe and understand the world around me before I touch it with my healing hands. Before I can even provide some form of positive comfort, I must understand where the pain is coming from. That's just the way this weird thinking mind of mine works.  Being an Introvert, I claim my power by knowing that in a gentle way, you can move the world. That's why my personal motto has always been Power does not speak, it acts. Apparently, my form of power likes to write too. 😹😹😹

"Shachem Lieuw traveling on the Suriname river in Sipaliwini"
Call me the "Straw Hat" of these Surinamese rivers 😜😝

I also have been to Sipaliwini a lot. Okay I know, I am frequently in a lot of parts of the country. I can't help the way my invisible crown decides to move. Pulls up my own shoulders on that one. Stretching out legs, I enjoy my adventures. They make me find out how much bravery and fire I have inside of me. But Sipaliwini has been getting extra attention from me lately.  It's the part of the country where I am least known. Thanks to how difficult to reach it is, electricity problems, distance and the people I do know there, let's say we meet outside of the villages. Somehow people always underestimate how many people I know, because I am always humble and down to earth. I invest in those around me, as I get to know them better than they get to know me.  That and I have a toxic trait of acting stupid, it is what it is! Sometimes I am actually being stupid, good luck figuring out which is which. The important thing is, when I set foot on soil, in or out of boats I know it's the orchestrated will of destiny. Call it that or pure luck and coincidence that out of the billions of people inhabiting this planet I get to be in my shoes. Remember how self-love teaches us to practice gratitude for our being. What recent things in your life are you grateful for today? Take the time to celebrate yourself, and that is what I am doing. Not because of my achievements or the things that I am doing. No, simply for being blessed to live and to experience this moment the way I do.  For meeting the right people, and just for simply getting to shine my light whenever I want to. I like to see myself as a free spirit in that way. Anyway, I had so much fun doing this project in Sipaliwini. It made me look at the district from a different prospect. I not only got to admire its nature this time but also its community, the rituals, and the needs of the villages. But that is for another Story Time. I want to leave you with another thought until the next time you get to enjoy my stories.  Even on days where you don't feel valuable, don't underestimate the value you can hold in other people their lives tomorrow.  We get to decide how we wear our superhero capes. Mine might often hide my impact, but I do feel content on the inside. Simply knowing that I at least got some good Karma I can count on. The moments I positively contribute to my surroundings are the moments that I can help keep the scales in balance. I guess what I am trying to share with you, is that when that voice on the inside tells you that purpose is calling, don't be afraid to answer. Until next time, right here on Story Time.

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