Story Time: Fried Chicken from Frango Assado in Tocumen International airport Panama

Hello my dearest Story Time fans from around the world, how are you doing today? I am trying to hold my head afloat in this chaotic world just like the rest of you. At least I am keeping it real, that way if you are having one of those days, know that you aren't alone. I am sending you warm hugs and lots of love while I pray that you gain the strength to deal with whatever you have to deal with today. Moving on to the Story guys, oh boy I want to tell you guys more about my adventures in Panama at the Tocumen international airport. I found the food court and it looks really lovely. It's also really busy through most hours of the day. You have to go up the escalator to find it. If you ever find yourself stranded at the Panama Tocumen airport because of a delayed flight or something else there is plenty to keep you busy. Especially if you like shopping like I do. It's a good thing for my own financial well-being that I can keep my inner shopaholic in control most of the time. Okay except when it comes to saying no to that one cute red Dior lipstick that I got, and maybe some perfumes and fragrances. I loved the souvenirs that they had at the airport. It's a really big airport compared to the one we have in Suriname. The Zanderij or also known as the Johan Adolf Pengel airport is a bit more down to earth. But that's for another Story Time, especially if you are curious about having a peek at Suriname. So make sure you subscribe by entering your email address when that Story Time U.F.O. pops up on your screen. Once you are in the food court at the Tocumen international airport in Panama you will find many options to satisfy your food cravings. We decided to go for some fast food. There is this place called Frango Assado that caught our attention. I passed this place multiple times during the day, and the line for this place can be ridiculous.

At Frango Assado they sell fried chicken, burgers, and any other kind of fast food. I was still tired from my flight, and to be honest with you guys I am a bad eater when I am tired or when I feel like my senses are overstimulated. I love food, I just know that I shouldn't fool myself most of the time by thinking that I am going to finish all of it. If there are any other bad eaters out in the world, you aren't alone and I am praying we will make it through it together. But I knew had to eat after spending so many hours at that airport, especially after having my flight delayed in Suriname before I even arrived in Panama. My fellow youth delegate with who I was traveling on this trip for the CAPP conference and I settled for some fried food. She wasn't really a fan of Frango Assado, since it didn't agree with her stomach. I noticed that Surinamese people can have a sensitive stomach to things that they aren't used to. I didn't have any problems with the food. But then again I didn't finish my entire meal. I did like how crispy the chicken was. But it wasn't really seasoned the way we Surinamese people like to season our chicken. Sometimes you just got to try different things, even if it's just for the experience. Frango Assado was my first try at fried chicken in Panama, but I am hoping to visit the country again and try some of their other dishes. This time I'll work on packing a better appetite. Once we got our order in, it didn't take us long to get our food. They do provide fast service, but if it's a busy day at the airport finding a seat at the food court can be another hassle. 😋🍲
The fries were crispy, I have to say that compared to the Dominican Republic and Suriname the prices at the Panama international airport can be quite expensive. But that's because they have a stronger currency and economy. $1,- equals 1 PAB, now that is stability. Takes notes while moving on with the story.If you have trouble reading or understanding the menus in Spanish whenever you are at a cafe, restaurant, or other dining establishments in Panama those translation applications are going to become your new travel bestie. I haven't explored Latin America a lot, but it's fascinating to see how people can live without having to learn a second language. Here in Suriname, you get multiple languages shoved down your throat. Well, I guess it does have its advantages depending on your perspective. I at least got the chance to brush up on my Spanish and most of the people that I met were friendly and helpful even if they couldn't speak English. They would at least try or pick up their phone and open those translation applications. Overall I had quite a couple of interesting adventures at Panama airport. Even sitting at the food court eating fried Chicken from Frango Assado inspired some interesting stories for an observing personality like mine. If you guys are in Panama and plan on going food hunting good luck and happy traveling. They have lots of options, I did want to go get a Starbucks but does lines were too ridiculous for my impatient mind. I would have been so overwhelmed and at that moment I was so tired. Tired from my trip, tired from not finding availability in the lounges, and tired from my week where I had to travel from the interior and finish all these projects. In 2023 I am making it my personal mission to not get drained and to fill my cup more so my energy won't feel so depleted most of the time.😪 I keep telling you guys that the self-love game is a work in progress. One that is worth it, for more on that check out my self-love articles. In case you aren't a big foodie, there is always shopping to look forward to. I am telling you smelling those fragrances while walking by was seducing for my mind and my wallet. I hope you guys enjoyed this Story Time article, sending lots of love to each and every one of you that is supporting my Story Time channels. 😘💕
As usual, I made a video for you guys about my experience at the Tocumen International airport in Panama. Enjoy the Story Time productions video and until next time right here on Story Time.
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