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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

Starting a new adventure

    Blogger notes: Starting a new adventure!

Hello my dearest Story Time friends from around the world, in this blogger notes I want to talk to you guys about a new adventure that I am starting. I have been avoiding talking about politics on my blog since I got rid of the old content. But I also realize that all I am really doing is sharing a part of me and my life. I am not here to try to convince anyone of anything. I just like standing in my truth and doing what I can to make a positive impact in the communities around me. A role I fulfill while wearing many hats in society. What can I say my royal crown makes it look like magic when I make my projects come together. As you guys know I have been busy in the Amazon rainforest. Normally I like to go around all parts of the country. But lately, I have been paying extra attention to Sipaliwini. A part of the country where I am the least known. At first, I thought it would be my relaxation paradise far from the other cities where I tried to blend in and fool myself that people have no idea who I am while I roam around with my glasses on and off. Sipaliwini was where I would come to find peace.  It still is a place where I try to find peace. But even when the people there don't really know who I am, I  managed to find myself surrounded by individuals who just like me have dreams for the future of this country. Their future, our future is after all that will help shape the world. Apparently now it's officially proven that you can throw me in a jungle and people would still find me.😁It is what it is, just like how I received a loving and warm welcome from friends in other parts of the country I also received the same love from Sipaliwini. I fell in love with the rivers, jungles, and villages. I know perfection is an illusion, but I do believe that these communities deserve quality of life. Quality of life has been my vision for this country for so long. I did mention in the media that in my opinion, each Surinamese citizen deserves to experience well-being and welfare. Of course, when I am talking about welfare, I mean prosperity. Surinamese people are innovative, creative, and visionary. But just like other countries over the world have experienced corruption, we aren't behind.😓 Sadly the damage it has left on our economy will affect future generations. But my inner philosopher and probably queen warrior refuses to surrender to negativity or a pessimistic future. It's something I don't tolerate for myself in life, and as a leader, it is something that I don't tolerate for my people. I have been a member of the National Party Suriname for 10 years now and in all those 10 years not one position interested me. I preferred being the background person or the girl who occasionally shows up to do projects or someone who knows how to magically gather people. I did this because I genuinely believe in the capabilities of the Chairman of the National Party Suriname Dr. Gregory Rusland. ( Not an ad, just telling the story, perceive it how you want). But also because I want a better future for the people that I care about. It might not look like it, but behind the scenes, it's a long list.😤😐When I unexpectedly participated in the last elections I made zero promotional effort for myself. But what did not go unnoticed was all the effort that people made for me. Seriously for the low effort my people pulled off a lot for me and worked hard. What better motivation could a youth leader need? Some people have been with me on my adventures for years now. I am in no hurry and enjoying the process. In these moments I get to experience love for the people around me. That's why I love giving back. Nothing new for my empathic heart. I like helping people when I can, even when I am struggling. Maybe it's because I know what it's like to have to fight different battles to protect your dreams. In the last couple of years, I have been focusing more on giving training and classes to the indigenous communities living in these parts of the Amazon rainforest. I have been exploring these parts, getting acquainted with the locals, and listening to their needs. The projects that I do in the interior of Suriname are based on what they need. I ask them what skills they want to learn during a krutu ( village meeting) and when they answer I go back to do my homework to see how I can make it possible with the help of my own network and occasionally when it's something I can't handle I'll go like a kid back to my political party and ask them what can we do to make equal opportunities possible? I am not from Sipaliwini but I got approached to become a main board member of the National Party Suriname in that district because of my good work in these communities. I want to point out that not one person in the communities protested against this so far.  We are after all a democratic party where we communicate about things like this with our people. Instead, I have been receiving phone calls from my friends in Sipaliwini who didn't know. They showed me so much love and support and are excited. Because what does this move mean? I am starting a new adventure, and I did it in the place where I am least known. That's because I love a good challenge, I like to build with people when I am not drained. I have been growing in my career and personal development. This next step was one that I made because I have faith in the future of these communities. Looking at the little children singing the national anthem while welcoming the NPS delegation in the village of Malobi warmed my heart. In the end, I do it for them. There are so many more projects that I want to do in these southern parts of the country. But for now, I am taking it one step at a time by doing what I can when I can with the awesome people around me. The installation of the mainboard and its party cores was held on the 28th of January 2023. The trip was tiring, because it was the first time I traveled from the city to the village and back to the city in one day. I didn't mind because  I know that it was going to be worth it. I am starting foundations for the future and while sowing these seeds maybe future I will tell you in another blogger notes how the adventure turned out to be. Wish me good luck on my new adventure guys and I hope you enjoyed the video I made. Wish me lots of luck and pray that my soul stays on the right path. Until next time, right here on Story Time.

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