Story Time:
The black forest cake from Torarica blew my mind away!

Hello my Story Time friends, I am back with another episode. As long as I am living I got stories to share. Some I share with the world through my blog and other social channels. Most I keep to myself, but that doesn't mean that I lack adventures to share with you. Reminds me of my Story Time merchandise that comes in different colors. I love the one that says Loving life while living in the Stories. I wear that one almost everywhere I go now. But you can check that out for yourself in the Story Time Merchandise store. I know I recently posted that I went to Torarica for a pool day. But since those incidents ( Sometimes I get the feeling like some members of their staff judges people based on appearances) I haven't been to Torarica in a couple of months. Keep in mind, I have so many stories that I am posting these in no particular order. I just start writing and if it's a Story I am excited about finishing I post it. Some I add to the list of Stories I want to post first, like this one. That means I am skipping a lot of great stories just to dish you some interesting content. You can help show your support by subscribing to my blog when you see that Story Time U.F.O. pop up on your screen. Or you could enter your e-mail address on the follow option in the sidebar. Torarica's pool wasn't going to be on my bucket list anymore for a long time. But as fate had it I had a meeting with the USAID delegation that was in Suriname. I wanted to introduce them to some friends of mine who farm in different parts of the country. Some of them came all the way from the village of Futu Na Kba and traveled for 7 hours just to meet the USAID delegation. Futu Na Kba is a village in Sipaliwini that is very interesting. They have a paved road and are the only village out of all the 63 villages on that river that has street names. A village with idealists that work hard to make their ancestor's vision for the future come true. Of course, I'd feel comfortable in that village 😛The first time I came to the village of Futu Na Kba I was 15 years old and it was the first village in Sipaliwini that I stayed in. Funny how life works, after that I got reintroduced to Sipaliwini many more times. I have been in and out of different villages but it took me 15 years to go back to Futu Na Kba and I have no regrets. Reuniting with old friends made me realize how much of a nomad I am in this country.😆 My other friends were representing farmers from other parts of the country like Saramaca and the indigenous farmers of Suriname etcetera. I kind of went overboard with the invite list, so I couldn't add any more representation from other parts of the country. But the important thing is they got a feel of what it's like for farmers in Suriname. And that's pretty much how I ended up in Torarica again. The place has changed, apparently, they are busy carrying out renovations. While waiting for my friends and the meeting to start I couldn't resist ordering something from the menu. It's ridiculous how predictable I am when it comes to my cocktail choice. But yes, I have made it my mission to taste Pina Coladas in different places. Pina Colada brings me back to the delicious memories that I have with my grandfather. He was an entrepreneur that ran a successful pig farm. Each time I drink a Pina Colada I am reminded of him. The Pina Colada from Torarica wasn't bad. It had more pineapple to it than coconut milk.😊
They served the pina colada with a cherry and lime. I would have preferred a pineapple instead of a lime. But it is what it is, apparently, you can't always have things your way.😄😅 I had fun drinking my drink while enjoying the view of the pool. They got rid of the Buddha statues and replaced them with potted plants. This time the pool was empty. I must have a bad sense of timing. Because whenever I come over for a swim it's always crowded. This was the first time I encountered that the property was almost empty. But maybe the sound of the drilling machines in the background wasn't alluring for the guests or other visitors. I have a guilty pleasure and that's my sweet tooth. Don't worry I am introducing some healthy habits to keep it balanced. Because my people need me to live long. Lowkey, I might be playing Superhero behind the scenes in this tropical South American country. My sweet tooth itched when I saw that they had a new dessert menu. I repressed my "death by chocolate cake" in the sun incident.😂😂😓 I couldn't make up my mind between the Creme Brulee and the Black Forest chocolate cake. To nobody's surprise, my inner chocoholic won. I ordered the black forest chocolate cake with strawberry ice cream and strawberry jam. I did like the presentation but it was the taste that blew my mind away.

It took a while before my dessert arrived but when it did you could tell that it was freshly baked. the cake was still warm and that Strawberry Ice cream was scooped on top of the Strawberry jam. That way if the Strawberry Ice cream melts, it would just mix with the Strawberry jelly. My spoon cut smoothly through the cake. The chocolate was warm. Combining the strawberry jelly with the strawberry ice cream on top of the cake makes it all the better. But I waited before I took that step. Because I wanted to see the warm chocolate flow from my cake as I kept scooping bites into my mouth. It was a heavenly delight, I didn't expect it to taste this good. If I come back to Torarica it might be just for the Black forest cake. Keep in mind that Torarica charges $. Here at Torarica, you pay for the luxury experience. Ordering a Pina Colada and a black forest cake will cost $11,-. I do think they should work on training their staff to have better interactions with customers. Or at least for their local customers, that don't look like tourists. Sometimes I do get the impression that the staff treats you a bit differently as a local until they are convinced that you can pull out the $. Although this might not be their intention, it sometimes tends to come across like this.👩 But when it comes to my experience I'll rate it a 10 out of 10 just because of that Black forest cake. I made you a video of my mini food adventure at Torarica resort in Paramaribo. Enjoy it, don't forget to subscribe and until next time right here on Story Time.
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