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Sink Installation At Celery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.

 Sink Installation At Cerlery By Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V. Hello friends, welcome to a new episode. Today I am excited to finally share this vlog with you guys. I thought I lost the videos of our sink installation at Celery on my mobile phone.  But later I found out that I had sent some of the videos to the working men in our company ( Thermo-Dynamic Solutions N.V.). I was thrilled to discover a copy of the content I recorded on my Ultra S23. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't miss my baby.😭 It is what it is. Maybe life has something better in store for me. Sometimes you must stay tuned to the journey and see how the story plays out. Speaking of stories, the topic for this Story Time episode is a sink Thermo Dynamic Solutions N.V. installed for our client. We're grateful to the people at Celery for giving us as young entrepreneurs the opportunity to do this project. Celery is a company that focuses on processing payrolls and providing customers with HRM tool...

If only you knew how much it hurt

        If only you knew how much it hurt! 💔

" Shachem Lieuw, straw hat of Surinamese rivers"

Authors note: I hope you guys enjoy this Story. I call it If only you knew how much it hurt! At least I let you sample some of my stories for free 😜 You got to dare to be different in this blogging game! That's why I enjoy experimenting with different forms of creativity and stories just to keep you guys entertained. Moving on to the Story now, I assume you already know that you have been abducted by the Story Time U.F.O.  Now enter your email address and you might not even want to come back to earth 🌎.
It's a joke before some serious Karens want to come at me. Enjoy my free love story and let me know if you want more on a certain topic.😉

                      If only you knew how much it hurt 💔😞

A storm brews in the night sky and the wind is having a feast. The cold air makes me shiver as it dances right past me. I am wearing a thin black dress as I stare out into the tropical storm before me. I am sitting on the balcony and too lazy to go inside to get a jacket. Maybe lazy isn't the right word. If I had to honestly describe what was going on inside of me, I would say that I felt numb. I don't enjoy the cold, but it couldn't compare to missing you. Why was I bothered? Why couldn't my heart let you go? I faded from your life, and maybe from your memories. I kept walking away, but that didn't mean that my heart didn't feel you calling me. You have ruined my appetite for flavor. No matter how many diversities my palette tried, my heart managed to find its way back to you. Maybe it's because I had fooled myself into believing that nobody could feed my cravings for love the way you do. And you barely fed me at all, that's how desperate I felt for a drop of your affection. Those days are now behind me. It took a lot out of me to cut you from my heart. It could be compared to the moment when the artist realizes that the wood carvings created were based on the illusion created in the mind. A story that kept being fed, just so she could create something beautiful. Behind that beauty was hidden the pain felt, especially when the splinters cut deep on some late nights.😌😓😤😣 In beauty it becomes difficult to see the tragedy behind the story. Just as difficult as it is to see the hard work that founded success. I believed in you, more than I believed in myself. I know that I never asked permission to love you or to treasure you in my heart.💕 But you said that it was safe, and I fell for the familiarity of your soul. I loved and fed you without expecting anything in return. I kept fooling myself to believe that this is what unconditional love meant!😓Not one day did I come knocking on your door like a beggar, seeking drops of your attention. You saw it as pride, but my heart knew that as long as you were content, I would be happy to know that you had one more smile even if I won't be able to see it. They say you shouldn't fall in love with potential, but you had so much of it that I slipped right into your arms. The people warned me not to be deceived by your charms. I didn't listen, because only hearts could understand our connection. What set it apart, was that I wasn't blind or ignorant. I saw the red flags, but I thought that just like how I had imperfections and was deserving of love, so were you. I fell in love with your mind and the way you looked at the world. If I was wearing my crown to portray my royalty, you were the musketeer that amused me. How I put you up on that pedestal, without you stepping up to meet me. And when despite my anxiety I appeared before you, it was silent. You didn't know what to do. And I wonder where the man who I almost spoke every day to went? All you could think about was her. That pushed me away further. You had forgotten that I was your lover. Like a friend, you set me down for coffee on a cold December night. The wind was howling, so you couldn't clearly hear the whispers of my heart. I could have screamed, and yelled it out! I came so far, only to become a falling star. You ignored me when I made our love immortal in poetry. I thought that because we understood each other, it would be alright for us to love each other. Then I remember when you said that you would never fall in love again, you meant you wouldn't fall in love with me. Or else, how could I keep you company at this grey table, while your eyes sparkle as you tell me more stories about her. You talk about how you met, and what happens when she decides to marry you in the future. My throat and heart get heavy. But still, I wish for you to be happy. I came close enough to give you a warm hug. When I gave you that hug, I said goodbye to a part of my heart. And here you were in all glory, came before me the illusion. The work of art, the masterpiece, takes away the sanity of the artist that manifests their greatness into this world. Walking away I could hear the violins playing in the background. All I could do was ask my angels to pick up the shattered pieces of my heart from the floor. It turned out that the one I liked, had brought me too far. I chased an obsession, and let go the moment I realized that it was never meant to be in my possession. A few months and a couple of thousand miles in distance had passed. When you called, our hearts had already clashed. That's when you told me, that she had thrown your love away. I tried to be there for you, but how could I do that without being angry at me? Should you punish me for being a decent human being? If only you knew how much it hurt, then you would understand why my heart needed the liberating. You wouldn't feel like you had a right to claim me after you threw me to the side. I know that it's a bad thing that I made it feel like a joyride. But what do you do when someone makes you feel like there is nowhere to hide? If only you knew how much it hurt, you would see me for what I am worth.😔

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