Science Fair At UNASAT
Hello Story Time friends, you have no idea how relieved I am to write to you again! This is one of my stories that has been long overdue. But you know what they say, better late than never.😥I am glad to be connected to the internet again! We just recently got settled in at our new location. The good news is that I have a better internet connection now! That will make it a lot easier to share my content. Don't forget to subscribe if you don't want to miss any of my Story Time Productions Episodes. I'll tell you all about what I've been up to and the new chapter in my life that I've begun. But first I want to finish posting all the other adventures I've scratched from my checklist. The University Of Applied Sciences And Technology Suriname hosted a science fair a while ago. My friend Kara insisted I attend and create a blog episode for you guys. So this Story Time Episode is thanks to him. I took the opportunity to witness the skills that the students at UNASAT practice. They got creative and used their knowledge to build many different kinds of gadgets. Through their creations we can only begin to imagine what innovation can mean for the future of Suriname. I managed to interview some of the students about the creations that they were presenting at their table during the fair. One of my favorite inventions on display was the automatic recycling bin. If recycling bins like this were placed all over Suriname, it can help make a positive impact in reducing and managing environmental waste. Of course there were many other amazing gadgets on display. Each of them focuses on solving a different problem. In my opinion I think that a fair like this, is a good way to display what innovation truly means. I made a vlog of my visit to the fair. Have a look and see for yourself what these brilliant young minds have come up with.
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