10 Things to do when bored.
I get bored often, it is not like I have no tasks to do. But sometimes the heart wants a little bit of adventure. And some days you just can't sleep time off. Here are 10 things you can do when you feel bored.
1. Baking
I know this might not be for everyone. But is fun and you get to eat something sweet after the oven has cooled off. I didn't know how to bake anything. Until one day I got so bored I decided to learn how to bake. The first try was an epic failure. But once you get the hang of it making some amateur cupcakes is sweet. Besides, it's an opportunity to get chemistry lab creative.
Self made marshmallow cupcakes |
2. Go dancing
Dancing has a lot of benefits. It is one of the few exercises that are fun. Burn off those cupcakes and shake them! Even if you can't dance, it still is fun. You don't need to go to a club or a party. Turn up the stereo and crank it. What kind of music do you enjoy dancing to? Might as well start burning off those cupcakes.
Getting down on the dance floor in my heels |
3. Read a book
Reading is an easy way to acquire knowledge. The knowledge that can help you brush up your conversation skills. It is also fun to get lost in the story. I often imagine myself as the main character. There is a book for everyone out there, even if you prefer a magazine or a comic. The more your fantasy comes to life, the more your brain gets triggered to let out its creativity. It's also a good way to learn about different subjects of interest.
The more you read the more you know |
4. Join a class or seminar
This is a fun way to get to know new people and network. You can join a class that teaches a skill. Like sales, or something fun. Maybe dancing, drawing, there are a lot of options. You can even learn a new language. Some embassies provide free classes and courses as cultural exchange programs. Contact an embassy nearby to find out what programs they have to offer. It's never to late to develop a skill, make time for it. See it as an investment in yourself.
Innovation seminar the american embassy organized. |
5. Watch a movie
When my friends and I are bored we mostly decide to watch a movie. There are millions of movies in different genres. You can't tell me you have seen them all. You don't have to go to a theater, make some homemade popcorn, and lounge on the couch.
Being early at the theater means you get to have the best view. |
6. Get a drink
If you don't drink alcohol no need to worry. You can make virgin cocktails and even create your own smoothies. It is not that hard. Just get what you need, especially if you have a blender that makes it easier to get creative. If you do consume alcohol and you have the legal age in your country to do so well get a small buzz. Make sure you drink responsibly and don't have much planned for the day. Don't want to do all the work? There are a lot of hot spots you can go to that make delicious desserts. Have you read our Ice and candy article?
Because it's chocolate! |
7. Hang out with friends
Maybe your friends are bored as well, give them a call. Find out what they are doing and if it is code green, time to assemble the gang. Ask them for suggestions and advice on what you guys can do. Group activities develop social skills and train your mind to interact in a social environment. Another benefit is that it increases your teamwork skills. This is also the reason why I highly encourage group activities.
Hanging out with the gang |
8. Do some gardening
If nature is more your thing try to do some Gardening. Don't have a big yard? Have you heard of this system they call hydroponics? You can do hydroponics indoors and outdoors. You should check it out as an option. Growing plants gives you fresh oxygen and it will spare you the expense of doing grocery shopping. Or you could just grow some rose bushes and other pretty flowers in your garden. Gardening can give nature lovers a relaxing vibe in their living spaces. Modern houses have the benefit of growing flowers and other trees indoors. It keeps your living space cool, and you get to enjoy the free fresh and daily produced oxygen.
Hydroponic system outdoors floating raft
9. Listen to spoken words
I like the creative arts, if you want you can listen to my spoken words performances on Youtube under the name Shachem1992. Add me on Instagram shachemlieuw. But you don't have to listen to mine. There are lots of good artists out there who all have interesting things to say. If this isn't something for you, you could try to listen to motivational and inspirational videos. You might learn something new, no matter how old you are.
10. Go swimming
Yes, get healthy and have fun. Swimming certainly is one of my favorite activities. You could go to the beach or to a pool it doesn't matter. Take a dip in the water and blow of some steam. You deserve it. Don't know how to swim? It's never too late to learn. You never know when that might come in handy. If you don't like swimming try some other sport. The world health organization recommends exercising at least 3 times a week. What are some of the things that you do when you are bored? Since you have some free time on your hands, it would be a good opportunity to start today.
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