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5 reasons why it's important to self reflect

   5 reasons why it's important to self reflect

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Hello Storytime readers, I am back full of energy with a new story that I want to share with you guys. But this story is one we can learn from. Like all of our stories here on Storytime. Yes as you can tell, the lockdowns in my country are still going on. I mean why else would I be writing this often? haha. In the last 11 years that I had this blog, with the different domains, looks, and stories it has been going through, I didn't once get to post this often. Fun old memories, okay, maybe I regret deleting the old content a little bit without making a backup. But that's what we do here at storytime kids! We learn, take notes, readers, take notes. I am giving you free life lessons here so that you don't have to repeat my errors. After all, why do we have to invent the same thing twice?  I am feeling all philosophical, as usual. So I might as well leave something behind on the world wide web for the next generations. If they will even use the world wide web in the next 30 years. Because at the rate technology has been evolving it just proofs that anything you imagine can be possible. The past has proven that innovation has constantly replaced outdated methods. Just like how I believe that electric cars or biofuel will one day replace fossil ones, or maybe it will be batteries that never run out of power. Think that's crazy? Yeah, that's what they told Da Vinci when he drew designs for flying machines way before they were invented. Yaay for planet earth when that fossil fuel replacement happens, especially after everything we have put mother nature through. Maybe right now we are partly dealing with the consequences of our actions. But who knows what innovation can do to change the course that we are headed towards? Sometimes even I am slow in keeping up with the future. Yes, I wrote this long ranting story to also hint at the fact that I just recently joined Tiktok. Am I still everyone's cool aunt or am I starting to sound like the old people my generation would complain about? #thatmillenialproblem. Either way, technology has made us realize how fast time goes by. Facebook shows you your memories, google photos does that thing where you can see almost every picture you made on that exact date throughout the years. Remember how fast we went from floppy disks to wifi? If you don't know what a floppy disk is, google it, kid. I might be your mom's age haha. Sorry, I always wanted to make that joke! Yes, at least I am giving cool auntie vibes. How do I manage to keep a balance in life? I do a lot of self-reflection, and it helps me. Here are 5 reasons why it's important to self reflect:

                       1. It helps you keep track of progress

My first TikTok upload inspired me to write this post. I was just randomly trying to make my first TikTok out of curiosity. It made me think of all the ways we try to keep up with everything, so much so that we might already have forgotten what we have done. I feel like those grandma's that joined Facebook for the first time. Hey let me write about it, that's the point of creative writing! But really though, all the clever marketing aside, I do think it is important to self-reflect. One of the main reasons I think self-reflection is important is because it helps you keep track of progress. When you keep track of the progress you know how far along you have come in life. What you have achieved, what has made you happy. The accomplishments that matter to you, the moments that you value! Be sure to read my previous articles so you know what kind of self-love we are talking about here.  Looking back on the guest that we have had on this show, we can learn that a healthy mind and a healthy lifestyle is the first thing you need to realize your dreams. Take for example the first time we interviewed Donovan Dongo. He has now made it all the way to the W.W.E. alongside his brother Leandro Dongo. What about Farisha Tjin A Sjoe who overcame her depression and became Miss Tropical Beauties Suriname?  All these people graciously shared their stories with us, so that you and I know that no matter what you may be going through in life, you can still achieve happiness while following your dreams. And that my friends, is the secret recipe of every innovative action that we take in life. That is the way that we make creativity flow. Creativity helps us express who we are, and create what we want to leave behind in this world. It is the mark that inspires us to say, I was here and am not to be forgotten throughout time. Our ancestors have done it for centuries through the ruins, fossils, cultures, traditions, and artifacts they have left behind. Some could not even be replicated by the modern technology that we have now. But this would only make sense since we are a product of creation. It doesn't matter from which angle you look at it, you are a creation.  A living creation, that's made to express your own creative energy. For me, my blog is one of my many creations. For you, it can be many other things. That is what makes you unique! After all your creative energy is a part of your identity. One that you can express in diverse manners. Some people are good at art, others are good at singing. Some people are good with their hands, and some people are good with machines. Reflection helps you realize who you have become and who you are going to become throughout the years.  When you keep track of the progress you made, it becomes easier to be satisfied with life. Because each day is a growing opportunity or moment. What was something that you couldn't do 10 years ago, but can do now? What happy moments are you grateful for? What are the things you learned from? No day is completely the same. If you get lost in everyday life duties without reflecting once in a while, you might forget who you are and why you are really doing everything that you care for! Another benefit of keeping track of progress is that it makes you more confident in who you are. It helps you realize that there is a reason you have to go through everything you experience. That can be bad and good. Yes, the final benefit is that it helps keep you balanced when you track your own progress. It helps you to accept the good and the bad in life and the result of that is, that it enables you to appreciate life more. When you see your life as a gift, it works expressive on your creative gifts. Whatever talent it is that you may have, or whatever your good at will become an extensive tool for your expressive energy. Right now, it is my use of the keyboard but in another instance, your tool can be a sport, a hobby, or any other thing that brings you joy. Because I have come to realize that the things that give us joy, are the things that we become good at.

             2. It helps you appreciate who you are

I cannot stress out enough how important appreciation is. Of course, here I do mean the positive stress. Yes, that is a thing, look it up! Appreciation makes being happier easier. You can be appreciative of the people in your life, the things that you have, the air that you are breathing, the opportunities that you have received and this list can go on and on. That's the point, we should show infinitive appreciation for who we are, what we have, what made us, and the fact that we received today as a gift. Especially with the pandemic that is going on around us. Let's keep the less fortunate in mind as well, that will motivate you, even more, to be appreciative. Not that we needed this kind of motivation! The moment you realize that every day is a given to be grateful for, you start the appreciate the experiences life offered you. This helps you accept the negative as well. That is what we call healing in self-love language. In other words, it's a breakthrough, because you are breaking free from everything that is too heavy for you to carry into this new day. You are freeing yourself from the limitations that people set on you, or that you might have even placed onto yourself This will give you the confidence to always express yourself. It will give you the confidence that you need to have to develop your own skills. That confidence if used in the proper dosage can be the remedy to anxiety, self-doubt, and other self-sabotaging behaviors you consciously or unconsciously possess. That's right, during self-reflection you get to identify your own toxic traits and that of others. The impact it has had on your life, and the lives of others, but also the things that need to change in order for you to improve your quality of life. Now isn't that something to be appreciative of? You get to work on becoming a better version of who you were yesterday. Now you might be wondering, why does it matter? It matters because when you improve who you are, you improve your craft. Your craft is fuelled with passion, it defines your passion. The more you are satisfied with life, the better you are able to express your passion. This gives you room to invite abundance into your life. It can be an abundance of health, wealth, joy, and opportunities. When you appreciate who you are, you start giving value to your skills, time, and energy. It makes you become more generous in sharing your efforts with society. Just as many other guests at Storytime have done. What are some of the things that you appreciate about yourself? Write it down in your self-love journal, along with all the previous exercises that we have done on this blog.

3. It helps you remember the things that are important in life

" Shachem Lieuw in Sipaliwini"
Life has some good moments and some bad moments. Some dull moments and some beautiful moments. As a matter of fact, our entire life is made up of so many moments from the moment that we are born and before that, that it has become easy to forget the things that are important. We get busy chasing the things that probably won't even matter in our old age. Some people miss a lot of important things in their lives, simply because they do not know that those are the things that matter the most. Remember to breathe, relax and sit back from time to time. Enjoy nature, spend time with the people you love and care about. It is your life, you should enjoy the moments that it has to offer. What will it matter what people and society think tomorrow? You should live your own life for yourself. As long as you aren't doing any harm to anyone, it shouldn't matter. Because the day we die, you are the only one in your coffin. Now I am not saying that we should go through with ancient time practices. We have evolved past that point for a reason. Recently I have lost a lot of people who were close and dear to me. Trust me that is something that hurts. I cope with it by thinking back on all the memories we have had together. All the positive and all the funny moments and yes even the less pleasant and awkward moments. And when you start doing that, like I am sure most of us have done you realize what the things are that we should cherish and treasure even more. You miss the fun experiences and moments that you had with the people you love. Realize that, that is what matters. Even when you keep chasing your goals, remember what is important as well for your emotional and mental health. Do things that give you joy, because you don't know what tomorrow brings. Be sure to smile every once in a while, when you have more pleasure in life it will uplift your energy. I think we should also learn to accept that we cannot control everything, but we can value the things that we treasure in our hearts. For those are the things that matter in your life!

4. Self-reflection helps you improve the quality of your life

When you self-reflect you evaluate a lot of your experiences and actions in different areas of your life.  This gives you a clear image of the things that you want to improve in your life. When you know what it is, that you need to improve to ensure a better quality of life you can formulate a plan. Because now you have a goal, and you know what you need to work towards in order for you to improve your life. Our actions today can surely make tomorrow a better day. After all, we go through the rainstorms so we may bloom in our own way. No flower is the same, each grows in its own way. But give it enough water, good earth and the proper amount of sunlight and that flower will grow beautifully. It will have its own qualities that make it stand out from the other flowers in the garden. In the same, you must give yourself everything that you need to grow. For your happiness is your own responsibility as well. Put what is necessary for yourself in the foreground as well. Build a life that will give you satisfaction. Find peace in your journey and you will grow into the amazing unique individual that you were meant to be. We all know what happens when a flower does not get any water or does not have any earth to grow in. If no one wants to ground you, make sure that your own roots are firm. If no one wants to water you, those roots will find water. If you don't have enough light, move to a place where you have just enough shade and just enough light. Remember each plant needs them in different quantities. Self-reflections helps you keep track of the quantities of adjustments you need to make in order to improve the quality of your life.

5. Self-reflection helps you let go of toxic influences and habits

We have gotten to the icing of the cake. Yes, pun intended, that cake did taste as good as it looks. We all have bad habits. It might be eating habits, like me and these cakes. Or it could be a bad habit, a short temper for example. Whatever toxic traits you have, when you self-reflect you can identify your toxic habits. That way you can reflect on the negative effects and influences these habits have had on your lifestyle. It becomes easier to transform these habits when you are aware of them. Even when it comes to toxic influences self-reflection is a useful exercise. Who is not good for you and your mental health? When you know the answer to do that, you already know what to do. Put your own well-being as a priority. If you really want what is best for yourself, you will realize what you need to do to improve your lifestyle and habits. Let go of the things that aren't positively serving your energy, body, and mind. No matter how tempting it seems, although a slice of cake here and there won't hurt if done in moderation. But that's what makes the icing taste so sweet. Self-reflection helps you find the correct proportions of change that you need to make in your life. Overall you can grade yourself with a satisfaction score. Because the fact that you are even doing these exercises shows how much you are committed to your own growth. Replace the toxic with the positive, set your own recipe of life. Because you are a flavor of your own. I hope you guys learned something from this story, see you next time on storytime...


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