Story Time:
Staying at Masia Paati resort in Suriname

Hello my dearest Story Time friends from around the world, how have you been? I am back with a new Story Time travel adventure in Sipaliwini. Today we are going to be talking about a small resort in one of the greenest districts of Suriname that is known as Masia Paati. This resort is located right across the village of Masia, and it's affordable compared to other resorts that neighbor the village of Masia. Sipaliwini is the biggest district in Suriname, just traveling through these parts of the Amazon rainforest feels like a vacation. You get to enjoy the beauty of nature in different ways. For our luck, we even got to see two rainbows at the same time. If you find yourself traveling in Suriname, don't hang around in the capital alone. There is so much to explore, especially if you are a fish lover. You could even take along your fishing rod and try to catch one of the many fish living in our rivers and creeks flowing through the Amazon rainforest. When visiting Masia Paati, keep in mind that it's not a luxury resort. The distances affect the development of the villages living in these parts of the Surinamese tropical rainforest. Tourism is an important income source for the district of Sipaliwini.
It's a 3-hour drive from the city to Atjonie, where we take the boat for another 2 and a half hours before we arrive at Masia Paati resort. If you happen to visit during the rainy season try to bring along a poncho or a raincoat for when you are in the boat. On my way to Masia Paati resort, I got to see many beautiful birds that inhabit the Amazon rainforest. I travel through Sipaliwini and other parts of Suriname a lot. What seems to be my biggest friend during these adventures is my waterproof bag. In it, I can safely store my phone, laptop, and other filming gadgets. I also pack my solar panel charger, but when there is no sun it basically becomes useless. Try to take along a good power bank. Sipaliwni is not provided with continuous electricity like other parts of Suriname. In most villages and resorts there is only electricity available between 7pm and 11pm. A generator is then used to power the resort. Because of inflation, and the bad economic situation in Suriname, you can understand why they try to save money by only using the generator for certain hours. The owner of Masia Paati is friendly and I liked the environment. We had a beautiful view of the river from our lodge.

The only down part is that there is no shower available at the resort. But if you don't mind going all natural and having a bath in the river, that doesn't have to be a deal breaker. It took us a while to find the bathing spot in the river, but eventually, we did find a good spot. You have a great view of the river from where you can shower and there are a lot of big rocks that can cover you up, or you can just find a rock to sit on and get to work with the soap. It's a different experience but certainly worth it if you are a nature lover that doesn't mind exploring the outdoors. There is a kitchen available that includes a separate fee to rent it on a daily basis. The lodges are made from wood but they are still cool on the inside. Right across the resort, there is the village of Masia, and if you want to explore what life is like in this maroon village they can bring you across the river with a canoe. We did that a couple of times and it was a fun experience. From this resort, you can also reach the famous Tap a watra falls. I made you guys a video about my travel adventure to Masia Paati resort in Suriname. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to subscribe to my blog when you see that Story Time U.F.O. pop up on your screen. Until next time, right here on Story Time!
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