Green Awareness Expo At Torarica

Hola mi amigos welcome back to a new Story Time adventure! There is a vibrant city in the beating heart of the Amazon rainforest! This city is rich with multi-ethnic culture and flavorful food. Of course, I am talking about Paramaribo. Living in the Amazon Rainforest, we're surrounded by greenery. But these parts of the Amazon Rainforest haven't been unaffected by global warming. The recent droughts where multiple rivers and creeks were empty is an example. The gold mining and wood exploitation that happens in our jungles is affecting the beauty of our land. Protecting the Amazon Rainforest means protecting the lungs of the world. Green awareness is a topic that's often mentioned in this part of the world. Hotel Torarica organized a Green Key fair and of course, I had to visit! Now I can finally share the Story with you guys! Creating these Story Time episodes takes a lot of work. So I'd appreciate it if you subscribe and join our tribe! During the fair Surinamese companies and organizations were present. Some organizations are familiar names, like the World Wild Life Federation. At the entrance of the fair, they displayed pictures of sea turtles. They even brought a sea turtle prop to the fair. Although our Oceans are not blue, our beaches are still home to sea turtles. These creatures travel thousands of miles to return to our beaches and lay eggs. Sea turtle egg is also a delicacy in Suriname. I don't eat sea turtle eggs, but some Surinamese people do. Despite the laws made to protect these animals, poachers are often caught smuggling large amounts of sea turtle eggs. They gamble and take the risk in hopes of making quick cash selling illegal smuggled turtle eggs. The Surinamese authorities and organizations like this work hard to prevent the sea turtles' nests from being robbed empty. I walked down the hall to go inside and came across different signs. Each of them had one SDG goal displayed on them. I've been working with SDGs for so long, that I could easily spot them from a distance. On the inside, they added some trees to implement the Surinamese tropical vibes into their venue. The Surinamese companies present during the fair had put out their own displays. I got to interview some of these companies for you guys.
The highlight of the fair was Snake Patrol Suriname. I say that because, from the moment I walked into Torarica, each friend I bumped into spoke about the snakes. I ended up going to the fair both days. On both days I had fun meeting old and new friends. But I also like that more activities like this are held in Suriname. Another thing that made me happy was seeing so many young people involved. It means that they actually care about our beautiful nature! You can see the passion in their eyes when they talk about the things that they love. I started doing social work at a young age, back then you didn't have a lot of active young people. But throughout time so much has changed. The new generation of young Surinamese people is sprouting their talent into the world, which makes me optimistic about the future! From entrepreneurship to environmental protection and peer education about nature, young people are starting to take on a role in these fields. Surinamese people have shifted into a new mindset. They want change, and the young people these days aren't waiting for someone to make that happen for them! That's such a beautiful thing to see. So excuse me for simping about that, for a moment.😂 During the fair I met Mirjam ( I hope I spelled her name right! If not let me know!😂). Her parents started the idea for a Surinamese soap company. Full of excitement she tells me the story behind this Surinamese company. Soap factory Joab recycles used oil from restaurants, bakeries, etc, and turns it into soap bars. The company has a diverse product line with soaps, body lotions, shower gels, and other bath and skin care products. Mirjam goes on to reveal that Torarica Group Hotels, is one of their customers. The bath products and soaps inside the Torarica hotels come from her company. I am guilty of taking one of her lotions home from the hotel room.😂😂 Because it's a small and easy-to-carry-along package, I use it as a body lotion for my on-the-road travels. Moving around during this tropical heat makes my skin dry. Their lotion has saved my dry skin from a fashion disaster multiple times! One of the shower gels I loved from their brand was ginger-scented. Soap factory Joab now also sells do-it-yourself soap kits. It's a nice touch for do-it-yourself crafters! If you want to create scented soap bars at home the kit has everything you'll need. Other companies like Greenheart Suriname were also well-represented during the Green Key Expo at Hotel Torarica. When I made my round and got to the stand of Snake Patrol Suriname, we met our friend chill guy Aman. I asked him to tell us more about the organization that he's a part of. That's when he decided to take out the snakes for my blog viewers. On the morning of the green fair, they found a boa constrictor in someone's yard. It was found in Kasabaholo, which is very close to the city. Having an organization like Snake Patrol in Suriname makes a lot of sense. Snakes are common to find in Suriname. In this tropical climate, they just slither right into your home. Snake Patrol Suriname is the organization you'll want to call if you encounter any South American snakes during your travels. Some people are scared of them and others see the beauty of our reptile friends. One of the young people who finds beauty in nature is Jean-Pierre Veira. As a nature photographer, he captures the exotic beauty of Surinamese wildlife. The beautiful moments he captured with his lens, were displayed on canvas during the fair. I hope you guys enjoy the vlog I made and I hope to see you soon! Are you planning on seeking out your own travel adventures? Visit Expedia for inspiration! Your next adventure is only one booking away. As an affiliate partner, I earn a commission when you book through the link. Lots of love from tropical Suriname!💓💓
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